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Any lawful's left in Disco? - Exsiled_one - 12-01-2009

Actually, pissing off pirates when they're on top of their prey seems fun to me

Any lawful's left in Disco? - ryoken - 12-01-2009

' Wrote:There is so high of pirates in some houses because trade routes/mining locations are imbalanced. I havent seen one pirate in Kusari, and yet in liberty EVERY LANE gets interupted by a player pirate.

I have not seen ANY BPA or RFP.

REALLY! Look harder. I was killed 5 time's in Kusari just last night. True they did not have proper "PIRATE" ID, byt they were still pirating,and they all had a big transport with them for ore,after they kill you.

On another point. I been thinking hard on this,and reading a little bit, and have come up with this.
Certain "lawful" faction's beat the hell out of any indies that try to join up,or buy "thier" ship's. This is another reason for more pirate's. No fun if a faction keep's jumping on you because you want to stay indie,and not join them,or follow all the order's they think they have a right to give out. Pirate's? no problem. Do what you want,and the faction's actually accept you.

Any lawful's left in Disco? - msgerbs - 12-01-2009

There are ways to avoid being pirated. There are certain routes through certain quiet systems near penn that that don't involve ore and can make reasonable money quickly with little risk.

Any lawful's left in Disco? - ryoken - 12-01-2009

' Wrote:There are ways to avoid being pirated. There are certain routes through certain quiet systems near penn that that don't involve ore and can make reasonable money quickly with little risk.

yup doing 1 now. making 30 mil an hour,and no rock shooting

Any lawful's left in Disco? - msgerbs - 12-01-2009

' Wrote:yup doing 1 now. making 30 mil an hour,and no rock shooting
Oooh, canhas in PM? The one I know is only like... A few mil an hour, with an Armored Transport.

Any lawful's left in Disco? - Lump Lorry - 12-01-2009

' Wrote:yup doing 1 now. making 30 mil an hour,and no rock shooting

30 mil? My routes are much less worthy.

Any lawful's left in Disco? - ryoken - 12-01-2009

' Wrote:Oooh, canhas in PM? The one I know is only like... A few mil an hour, with an Armored Transport.

Well in an armoured transport it will still not make you all that much. Sorry need bigger cargo. i got 3600.

Any lawful's left in Disco? - sean24 - 12-01-2009

if that was only in 3600 cargo ship...amagine what it could do with a 5000 cargo ship!

Please reveal the route to the community please :)

Any lawful's left in Disco? - waimser - 12-01-2009

' Wrote:REALLY! Look harder. I was killed 5 time's in Kusari just last night. True they did not have proper "PIRATE" ID, byt they were still pirating,and they all had a big transport with them for ore,after they kill you.
On another point. I been thinking hard on this,and reading a little bit, and have come up with this.
Certain "lawful" faction's beat the hell out of any indies that try to join up,or buy "thier" ship's. This is another reason for more pirate's. No fun if a faction keep's jumping on you because you want to stay indie,and not join them,or follow all the order's they think they have a right to give out. Pirate's? no problem. Do what you want,and the faction's actually accept you.

This is exactly what I wanted to say on this topic.
When you join a pirate faction(except hackers, if i remember right) they shower you with money and show you with cash and show you instantly where to get the best ships and weapons. So within 30 minutes of joining you are geared up and ready for some lolwut pirate action.

To try be a decent lawfull. Not only are you gonna be out numbered and out gunned right from the start. Your not gonna get money thrown at you, so you have to trade or mine. This means your gonna get pirated 10000 times on your way to making enough cash to even start to equip your ship..And most likely thooe pirates are the guys that joined the server an hour before and got told"go forth and plunder" with almost no restrictions on what they can do.
So once you eventually get some money you need the equipment. No one will tell you where it is because its "classified" and is probably in the "restricted areas" which lawfulls are not allowed to enter(although pirates freely travel these routes too). So you must risk sanction just in the quest for a competative ship.

You starting to understand where this is going?

You may be about to say that im thinking entirely of pvp and not roleplay...not the case.

A lawfull NEEDS a powerfull ship for good roleplay. No point turning up to help a trader saying "back off pirate" if you dont have the goods to back up your demand. You need the pirate to have at least some fear of you or they will just kill the trader anyway and completely ignore you.

Now ppl talk of getting ganked by 10 fighters and caps while pirating in liberty. Those ppl need to stfu. What do you think would happen if a couple BH or LPI showed up in corsair territory. I remember trying to take a bounty once and ended up running with no fewer than 12 capships chasing me, with fighters on the way for backup.
And what do you think happens in the real world. Some dude robs a bank. You thing the police say..."hang on...we gotta only send in one guy to make it a fair fight.the winner walks away free.."
No thats not how it works.

We need more lawfulls and we need them to actually help each other out. And we deffinately dont need those that name themselves "cpt.this" and "Admiral.that" and think they have the right to go around giving stupid orders for no flippin reason and then make threats when someone wants to do thier own thing.

Hmmm now I was gonna start playing again with a single char with deep rp. Ive nearly convinced myself I need to get back into the armed forces:rolleyes:

Any lawful's left in Disco? - ryoken - 12-01-2009

I agree with everything you said mate. That is why now that my trader,junker/gallia char is up and running,i am making a couple lawful's,as i do know from trading where to get good equipment. See the way to get top line stuff is get it before you get tagged/id'd. IE use a civi fighter, with neutral rep,and then go lawful when outfitted. Alot of gear is for anyone to use,but located where a lawful cannot fly. That or pick it up and store it on a "bank ship", and tranfer to your lawful. Mind this is for thruster's/sheild's/scanner's and such, but not gun's,as they need to be whatever faction you choose.