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Corsairs and Civi Tech - Carlos_Benitez - 01-04-2010

Quote:Despite their partial dependence on other organizations for food and resources, the Corsairs are known for their ship-building industry, and their advanced ship designs are feared across Sirius. Because of this, Corsairs are rarely if ever seen utilizing ships or equipment developed by anyone other than their own engineers; Corsair battle technology is part of the Corsairs' national identity, and most would be loathed to use anything else, viewing foreign ships and weaponry as inferior and unreliable.

Wait...wuh? Did I write this? Maybe...

Come to think of it, I think I said this to give an RP justification, in-game, for the stance of the Admins on Corsair technology use.
We have a chicken-and-egg scinario. I think that phrase in the wiki was written because of the way the rules have developed, not vice versa.

Corsairs and Civi Tech - Tenacity - 01-04-2010

Y'know, one of the biggest problems with discovery is that nobody wants to use what they SHOULD be using.

If your faction has it's own light fighter, dont ask to use someone else's light fighter.

If your faction has it's own shieldbusters, dont ask to use someone else's shieldbusters.

I'm sorry, but there are entirely too many people going "out of the norm" for their factions. Look at your fricking npc's, do they use civilian equipment? No, they use what their own faction provides.

Some factions have ships that suck, it's true, but that isnt an excuse to piss and moan about using something just because it's got better pvp potential. Stop focusing on how easily you can blow up everyone else, and start focusing on what this server was made for - roleplay.

In any case where one faction has equipment or ships of the same type as whatever they're wanting to use, zip it and use what your faction provides.

The corsairs have an entire shipline available to them, as well as both shieldbusters and hullbusters, the former being more powerful than anything anyone else gets in that field. You should be grateful you can use those guns, not go crying that you want to use something else just because it's restricted. The grass isnt any greener on the other side of that fence, open your eyes and see it.

Corsairs and Civi Tech - Shryke - 01-04-2010

If this new restriction cuts down on the lolwutters flying around Crete with their Eagles and Corsair guns then I'm very much for it. I'm tired of the non-English speakers cruising around Gamma and generally making life miserable for the people that actually want to RP as Corsairs.

Corsairs and Civi Tech - Zelot - 01-04-2010

' Wrote:If this new restriction cuts down on the lolwutters flying around Crete with their Eagles and Corsair guns then I'm very much for it. I'm tired of the non-English speakers cruising around Gamma and generally making life miserable for the people that actually want to RP as Corsairs.

It does not do that in any way shape or form.

Corsairs and Civi Tech - Dusty Lens - 01-04-2010

' Wrote:If this new restriction cuts down on the lolwutters flying around Crete with their Eagles and Corsair guns then I'm very much for it. I'm tired of the non-English speakers cruising around Gamma and generally making life miserable for the people that actually want to RP as Corsairs.


Corsairs and Civi Tech - McNeo - 01-04-2010

' Wrote:I've come up with several.

The answer no one has supplied yet is why Corsairs -should- use them.

There is a reason for this.
By the way, are we going by 'Innocent until proven guilty' or 'Guilty until proven innocent'? The first is 'why shouldn't the corsairs have it?' and the second is 'why should the corsairs have it?'.

The reason the Outcasts 'needs' the deb is this:

"We need a gun mounted shield buster because not all of us want to use a torp mounted one"

The Corsair version of this is:

"We need a 650/750ms shield busting gun because not all of us want to use a 600ms version"

You know, if I wanted to use civvie shield busters on my Corsair, I would.
It was even majkp who started the trend, though it was Zelot who took the sanction.
To be honest, the restriction was born out of bad blood in the RoS-TBH battles when the Corsairs started winning. To claim that there's an actually credible reason for this restriction? Bollocks, I'm afraid. I was there when it was made, and I know what caused its inception. Any resistance to it was also shouted down at the time, by the way.

And yes, with these things, I have a long memory and a penchant for holding grudges.

Quote:I'm sorry, but there are entirely too many people going "out of the norm" for their factions. Look at your fricking npc's, do they use civilian equipment? No, they use what their own faction provides.

Don't bungle on about NPC loadouts when you know that Order NPCs do not use Nomad blasters and cannons.

Quote:The grass isnt any greener on the other side of that fence, open your eyes and see it.

This is not the point of the complaint. The point is 'why does everyone else have access to them except the Corsairs?' - especially when you consider that this particular rule was born out of spite rather than a real neccessity.
And trust me, in certain cases? Oh yes it is. You try effectively employing a light fighter guns only (eliminating the risk of insta-ing yourself) without 750ms guns, I guarantee you its easier than with 600ms guns. Shots need to count in LFs, damage isn't an issue as long as you can drop the shields.

Corsairs and Civi Tech - Dusty Lens - 01-04-2010

To be honest I think this conversation has exhausted itself.

One way or the other you'll have your answer in a few days.