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Nomad healing - Blighter - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:Mister Hotshot believes he shouldn't waste bots on something that doesn't require an entire bot to repair.

So Mister Hotshot doesn't want this feature because of the Nomad Lore at all, he just wants it to have an advantage noone else has?


Nomad healing - Guest - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:So Mister Hotshot doesn't want this feature because of the Nomad Lore at all, he just wants it to have an advantage noone else has?


You mean the advantage of not having a base to resupply at?

Nomad healing - Blighter - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:You mean the advantage of not having a base to resupply at?

No, the advantage you proposed.

Hey, you know, someone else said it. You can only resupply at sooo few bases as a Nomad and only at one as a BabyNomad because oh wait.

The RP you can do noone else really can do.

The ZoI.

And once you're a full Nomad, that awesome gear and the awesome ships and stuff.


Nomad healing - Guest - 03-20-2010

The advantage of being able to repair damage? There's an equipment dealer for that if you're not a nomad.

EDIT: and Sirius-wide ZOI isn't solely the advantage of nomads, Hunters and all generic IDs get this too, with less RP-restrictions.

Nomad healing - Blighter - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:The advantage of being able to repair damage? There's an equipment dealer for that if you're not a nomad.

The advantage of being able to have damage repaired with a game mechanic that requires no Nanobots or an Equipment Dealer to function, and to top it off, happens in space?

Yes that one.

Nomad healing - Guest - 03-20-2010

The result is the same, you have to leave combat in order to repair, the only difference is the credit cost that comes with repairing at a base.

Nomad healing - Blighter - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:The result is the same, you have to leave combat in order to repair, the only difference is the credit cost that comes with repairing at a base.

Or that you can do it outside in space without wasting Nanos while I can't and have to waste Nanos and then farm NPCs which are as you stated not always present whereas you yourself don't have to do so.

Nomad healing - Guest - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:Or that you can do it outside in space without wasting Nanos while I can't and have to waste Nanos and then farm NPCs which are as you stated not always present whereas you yourself don't have to do so.

Yeah, or you can go back to your base 25k away tops if you're a house lawful, bit more as a pirate, but yeah.

Nomad healing - Bobthemanofsteel - 03-20-2010

This is some fine constructive discussion here.:)

Nomad healing - Blighter - 03-20-2010

' Wrote:Yeah, or you can go back to your base 25k away tops if you're a house lawful, bit more as a pirate, but yeah.

So I have to fly while you don't?

What makes you so special that you don't and I do?

Oh wait, you're a Nomad, that's what you base your entire argument on. Q_Q