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Credits-per-hour limitations - Printable Version

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Credits-per-hour limitations - jxie93 - 03-26-2010

At the moment I only trade to contribute towards my life savings. None of my ships are cash sponges since they rarely blow up.

Besides, I can dip into that bank whenever I'm in trouble, or whenever I want a new ship.

Credits-per-hour limitations - Enojado - 03-26-2010

It seems to me that active codename dealing caps you at some 200 per hour if things go well.... It's not as grindtastic either.

Credits-per-hour limitations - stardust47 - 03-26-2010

I can haz 60mil/hour route?

Credits-per-hour limitations - Camtheman Of Freelancer4Ever - 03-26-2010

If this was a tried-and true RP server, All ships would be 0$ and so would weapons.

You'd simply fill the role you made your character to do.

Unfortunately, even this server hasnt come that far yet.

Credits-per-hour limitations - silverleaf - 03-27-2010

' Wrote:It seems to me, after calculating, testing, and various other things, that the current economy has capped most people at about 40.000.000 credits an hour.


More like 30mil amirite?
And if everything was indeed $0 no one would fly caps and your cap problem will be solved. People only fly them cos theyre hard to get:P

If there was a ship called 'flying garbage' with 1hp and no guns but costs 100 trillion, I'm sure lots of folks will go for it.
I probably won't but if I did have 100 tril lying around sure!!

Credits-per-hour limitations - Blaze - 03-27-2010

' Wrote:If there was a ship called 'flying garbage' with 1hp and no guns but costs 100 trillion, I'm sure lots of folks will go for it.
I probably won't but if I did have 100 tril lying around sure!!

lol you are right. But is it even possible to earn 40 mil by trading?

Credits-per-hour limitations - Eppy - 03-27-2010

Back when I stopped playing I had almost entirely given up on combat ships. I flew one thing, which was my extensively modified Royal Liner. I flew that ship like no other, and you know what? I never made a profit. Why? Because (A) It had no combat capability versus bombers, Ptrans or Gunships whatsoever, and (B) I had no way to make a profit moving human cargo. The pirates ate me alive, so I made about ten million an hour if I was lucky, either by paying the SOBs or avoiding the tradelanes, or I could hire escorts - and LOSE money. LOSE money buying escorts, which were rarely good enough to save me from the pirates, who, for some reason, are all much better pilots than the local mercenaries (when there were any). RPing traders, much less a liner, is a chore if you want to make a profit. Maybe it's a little better now, but I doubt it. More monah. The lolcaps will never go away. Might as well make life easier for the rest of us.


EDIT: Also, cargo pirates have no soul. They exist to ruin your day. My RP is not satisfies by losing ten million credits an hour and taking a crapload of hull damage while my character and his ship (of which we are both very proud) are publicly humiliated. If you cargo pirate more than somebody needs to break even you are a horrible person, however sound your RP, and deserve to be banned, and possibly castrated as well.

Credits-per-hour limitations - jxie93 - 03-27-2010

' Wrote:lol you are right. But is it even possible to earn 40 mil by trading?

Yes. It's indeed possible, trading is supposed to be the safer and solo alternative to mining.

In fact, I estimate a profit of 40 million per hour for my current trade route, but I never get around to calculate the exact figures.

Credits-per-hour limitations - Capt. Henry Morgan - 03-27-2010

' Wrote:If this was a tried-and true RP server, All ships would be 0$ and so would weapons.

You'd simply fill the role you made your character to do.

Unfortunately, even this server hasnt come that far yet.
Cam, that's not an altogether bad suggestion. Not perfect, either, but not bad. Reducing prices by quite a bit and/or increasing profits a fair bit is probably better, though. I mean, if hardly anybody traded due to a lack of need, there'd be nothing for pirates to do. No pirates means less for the law to do. From what I understand, this food-chain concept is one reason they nerfed profits and raised prices, and it's more annoying than helpful. In 4.84, when I had less trouble making money, there were still enough traders to give the pirates something to rob, and therefore enough pirates for the law to hunt.

Given that lolwuts are still going to get caps regardless of the price or difficulty, I see no good reason to put hours of grind between me and my chosen RP.

Hell, double the average profit per second, and remove the Battleship Licence (it's mostly an artificial price increaser anyway, just rename it to Battleship Scanner, and reduce it's price), and I'd say that would be about perfect.

Credits-per-hour limitations - n00bl3t - 03-27-2010

' Wrote:Cam, that's not an altogether bad suggestion. Not perfect, either, but not bad. Reducing prices by quite a bit and/or increasing profits a fair bit is probably better, though. I mean, if hardly anybody traded due to a lack of need, there'd be nothing for pirates to do. No pirates means less for the law to do. From what I understand, this food-chain concept is one reason they nerfed profits and raised prices, and it's more annoying than helpful. In 4.84, when I had less trouble making money, there were still enough traders to give the pirates something to rob, and therefore enough pirates for the law to hunt.

Given that lolwuts are still going to get caps regardless of the price or difficulty, I see no good reason to put hours of grind between me and my chosen RP.

Giving them nothing to do out of "need" increases the need to do something out of "want".

Admittedly, in a true full-RP environmental utopia, this would be possible, as all there would want to role-play. (However, that is not possible here.)

In case my last sarcastic post in this thread has been misinterpreted, an increase in profits is what I was suggesting.