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Constitution class Liberty Carrier - Printable Version

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Constitution class Liberty Carrier - McNeo - 05-02-2010

You realise that freeworlds engine has been optimised for huge highly detailed models and their system sizes are thousands of k, as opposed to the 800k barrier we have here.


Constitution class Liberty Carrier - JIVA - 05-02-2010

saronsen is right though...

we shouldn t be afraid or a few thousand polygons more or less. - we re not playing homeworld with hundreds of units on the screen.

i believe the bretonian battleship has ~9500 polygons or something - and even a 10 years old notebook won t have trouble displaying 4 bret battleships firing every gun - while dogfighting 10 fighters all around them.

most computers today can easily handle ships up to like 20k - 25k polygons. - and no ship has that many anyway.

Constitution class Liberty Carrier - Turkish - 05-02-2010

' Wrote:saronsen is right though...

we shouldn t be afraid or a few thousand polygons more or less. - we re not playing homeworld with hundreds of units on the screen.

i believe the bretonian battleship has ~9500 polygons or something - and even a 10 years old notebook won t have trouble displaying 4 bret battleships firing every gun - while dogfighting 10 fighters all around them.

most computers today can easily handle ships up to like 20k - 25k polygons. - and no ship has that many anyway.

It isn't just about computer hardware, it's about the engine. The FL designers shot for a specific range for a reason, and we should take cues from them wherever possible. A few thousand polygons is fine, but making sure you're using them intelligently is the key.

Most of our 'high' polygon content models have loads of errors and faces that could be deleted saving in many cases thousands of polys. Polys that could be used on better details.

Constitution class Liberty Carrier - DartStriker - 05-02-2010

' Wrote:You guys realize that the poly count for the Imperial Star Destroyer on the Freeworlds mod is 130k?

12k is still hardly anything here. It's smaller than the current lib carrier. Quit whining.

In fact, it could be 50k and it'd still be less laggy than the 4.8MB carrier we have now. Did you know its texture is custom and the only reason it lags your PC, not the size?

Really? Who are you to talk. Do you know anything about the difference between our mod and freeworlds?

Stop whining, why don't you get your facts straight, before you go shouting off about something you have no clue about. The Carrier doesn't have a 4.8mb mat file. It's 1.4mb. The model was poorly done, and is has a larger texture. The reason it lags is because of the huge poly count and texture combined.

Second, the reason I'm complaining about it, is as Turkish said (fyi someone else you knows a thing or two about creating models) having one or two large poly models isn't going to kill the game. But that ship doesn't need 12 or 11k polys. That ship isn't detailed enough for that kind of poly count. Just accepting that because it looks pretty is no reason to ignore it's problems.

Really I applaud Korolia for taking in the advice giving and trying to fix the problems. I have a big problem with taking criticisms, I'll be the first to admit it. It's hard to hear all the bad things you've done on a model you're very proud of. But Korolia has taken it like a champ, and will only get better with more practice. Those are steps in the right direction Korolia, and once you learn from them you will understand the problems better and be able to fix them while you develop the model.

Constitution class Liberty Carrier - Saronsen - 05-02-2010

' Wrote:Stop whining, why don't you get your facts straight, before you go shouting off about something you have no clue about. The Carrier doesn't have a 4.8mb mat file. It's 1.4mb. The model was poorly done, and is has a larger texture. The reason it lags is because of the huge poly count and texture combined.

(fyi someone else you knows a thing or two about creating models)

Oh hey, disregard that I've spent the fair amount of the last year and a half modeling. Course I don't put my stuff on the forums because "Baaaw polygons".

Would me giving you a gunboat with 5000 polygons make you cry? It seems so.

Also disregard the fact that I was asked personally to make the new Phantom station.

In this case, assuming only made an ass out of you.

EDIT: And yes, many models do have errors in them, and internal faces, and all of that lovely stuff. If someone actually went back and cleaned them up, a lot of models would be better.

Why would we go and do more work though? S'not like we're being paid.

Constitution class Liberty Carrier - frozen - 05-02-2010

' Wrote:Oh hey, disregard that I've spent the fair amount of the last year and a half modeling. Course I don't put my stuff on the forums because "Baaaw polygons".

Would me giving you a gunboat with 5000 polygons make you cry? It seems so.

Also disregard the fact that I was asked personally to make the new Phantom station.

In this case, assuming only made an ass out of you.

Why would we go and do more work though? S'not like we're being paid.

As DS has said, Korolia has taken all the comments/advice/criticism on the chin and tried to implement/use whatever he could whereever he could, and thats how people SHOULD be acting/responding here in this section, after all they post here asking for criticism, whats the point in asking so if you get even mildly offended at something that has a negative tone to it?

So thats it? Just because we're not being paid for the modding work is reason enough to produce sub par pathetic quality problem ridden models?:dry:

Why do we even bother making models? considering we're not getting paid, why not just produce a box with wings, cockpit and engine, submit that as a new sabre, and be done with it? after all, who gives a **** about detail or mesh quality right?

Also about the phantom station, when you produce results, THEN talk and boast about it. till then, you're in no place to talk, unless you actually want to offer some criticism that'll benefit the model Korolia's made.

EDIT: There is a difference in high poly and high quality models that actually USE the polys properly, from a model of sub par quality but with ****ing tonnes of polys. We're trying to make sure this is the former, not the latter.

Constitution class Liberty Carrier - Saronsen - 05-02-2010

I feel like that was a challenge, Frozen.

Stick around, I'll give you a peek.

Constitution class Liberty Carrier - frozen - 05-02-2010

' Wrote:I feel like that was a challenge, Frozen.

Stick around, I'll give you a peek.

Consider what you want, my point is dont talk **** if you cant produce results yourself. only makes you look like the idiot out of the lot, and that just because we're not being paid is not reason enough to produce sub par work of horrific quality.

infact, if you decide to "give me a peek", make a thread about it. dont see any reason to hi jack Korolia's thread.

EDIT: @ Korolia- im not as much bothered by the poly count, as the "dispersion of polys" so to speak, if you get what i mean. there seems to be random concentrations of polys, then certain sections left with considerably lower poly count and therefore, detail.

Also, could you post a perspective view of the model against the current liberty carrier as well when you get a chance?

Constitution class Liberty Carrier - Jeremy Hunter - 05-02-2010


ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Constitution class Liberty Carrier - Saronsen - 05-02-2010

Cause frozen is a derp: New thread.