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Admin Notice: How to create your own infocard - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: How to create your own infocard - CzeReptile - 05-27-2010

Would it be possible to use a speed version of the command?
like just

and the stuff would be written in the green small letters in the screen, much like when you type /help.
Info is cool, but its like sitting dead.

Admin Notice: How to create your own infocard - MarvinCZ - 05-27-2010

GREAT! I'm glad you made it so fast, you're the best:)

I expect that this will be covered by some of the server rules, at least 3.1 (swearing and the likes), even if it doesn't specifically mention this infocard in its text. Same would probably go for writing "Pirate me and get banned, I'm friends with the admins!" in your message.

It was said that it can be used for inRP or OOC text, so OOC should be fine there, but please, try not to break my immersion anyway.

Quote:Would it be possible to use a speed version of the command?
like just
Second page already says that "/si" can be used.

Admin Notice: How to create your own infocard - SeaFalcon - 05-27-2010

Woops over read it.
ty ppl.

Admin Notice: How to create your own infocard - CzeReptile - 05-27-2010

' Wrote:GREAT! I'm glad you made it so fast, you're the best:)

I expect that this will be covered by some of the server rules, at least 3.1 (swearing and the likes), even if it doesn't specifically mention this infocard in its text. Same would probably go for writing "Pirate me and get banned, I'm friends with the admins!" in your message.

It was said that it can be used for inRP or OOC text, so OOC should be fine there, but please, try not to break my immersion anyway.


Second page already says that "/si" can be used.

does that include the nowindow part where I can read the stuff and still fly around?

Admin Notice: How to create your own infocard - Horon - 05-27-2010

' Wrote:Second page already says that "/si" can be used.

He means a way to read the infocard without needing to bring up that window. You can't fight if your screen is taken up by an infocard window. /si is just a shortened form of /showinfo.

Admin Notice: How to create your own infocard - Birdtalon - 05-27-2010

' Wrote:read post #11 ;)

Sorry, posting from iPhone, didn't read.

Admin Notice: How to create your own infocard - MarvinCZ - 05-27-2010

SED Wrote:He means a way to read the infocard without needing to bring up that window. You can't fight if your screen is taken up by an infocard window.
Sorry, definitely lousy reading on my part...

I see what you mean now. Yes, that would be a good addition.

Admin Notice: How to create your own infocard - CzeReptile - 05-27-2010

' Wrote:Sorry, definitely lousy reading on my part...

I see what you mean now. Yes, that would be a good addition.

Speedy version to check infocards when flying around. Not that I want to load up Cannon or anybody with extra work. Just an idea. The system itself even now is just HUGE addition to promote roleplay on Discovery and I say BIG THANK YOU to those who made it possible.

Admin Notice: How to create your own infocard - Prysin - 05-27-2010


sounds like a epic addon.

Admin Notice: How to create your own infocard - Lancelot9 - 05-27-2010

You deserve the Nobel Coolness Prize.