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Nomad Trial Privileges - Printable Version

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Nomad Trial Privileges - Treewyrm - 07-11-2010

Now that's rather interesting. Normally people just re-post what others did before, albeit slightly changed.

Quote:Except that maybe people just want others to use ugly human tech, so that someone could feel more special about themselves.
Except it's not the case here.

Quote:Its so easy.
Easier said than being done. Breaking the fifth wall has never been a simple task.

Quote:WHY does it take so much time and so much effort for people to open there eyes and unclog their brains?
Rhetorical question. People generally prefer not to think for themselves but follow those who feed them with perception results.

Also, Nomad Torpedo weapon is equivalent for Mini-Razor, not Inferno. There is no Inferno equivalent in Nomad world, yet.

Nomad Trial Privileges - squidofsymphony - 07-11-2010

Looks like this thread needed someone to drag it out to get the point across. I'm not worried about the damage potential of the Morph, it's about the beauty.

Thanks Paul.