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Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Zavier - 01-04-2008

' Wrote:Message to: All Corsair Elders
Priority: TOP
Comm ID: Teresa Maniaco, Council Chamber Mainframe

Elders and Dons!

It's time to calm down the emotions and start looking for ways how to co-exist peacefully and cooperate as Corsairs!

STOP your pointless squabbles and mutual incriminations and start thinking reasonable. Is a civil war among Corsairs really your primary objective? Is your personal pride and the name of your family/brotherhood/organisation really more important than the Unity of our nation? Are you really prepared to be blamed for breaking it by future generations?

Corsairs are only strong when united. Look at the Brotherhood's lonely and failed attempt to invade Frankfurt! Do you really think it would end that way if Corsairs attacked with full strength counting united forces of several brotherhoods and families? No! And the consequences may be far more critical this time. Right now we are showing the rest of Sirius that we are weak...

I urge you, let alone your grudge and send your leaders to the Corsair Council Chamber.

I feel you all need to talk face to face.

Message ends.

Incoming Transmisson
Comm ID: Praetor Zavier Benitez

Is this a Corsair council meeting or a Brotherhood Council meeting which we have been invited to?

Praetor Zavier Benitez Out.

Transmission End

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Jinx - 01-05-2008

from: Battleship Persephone II
to: Benitez secure com channel

transmitting over a civilian broadband channel

"This is Jinx, cpt of the guardship persephone II. this is an official announcement about gaining [zoner guard] merits. during that process the ships IFF will most certainly show funny affiliations. This is unavoidable to initiate that process.

So just so the council knows - the ship is to be considered out of order while i exercise for the guards of the zoners. during these exercises, the station will sometimes use remote drones that show corsair IFFs, simply for the fact that the IFFs are different from our zoner IFFs. Order technicians have set up msot of those drones and they are used to improve the combat ability of the guards without messing with "real" opponents.

So you may see the Persephone II battle corsair IFFed ships in delta sometimes, but at closer look, you will see that those are remote drone if you want to make sure about it. We zoners prefer rather peaceful practice against the AI instead of duel practice like it is sometimes exercised by the corsairs. unfortunately those exercises are a necessary evil on gaining the zoner guards trust.

so that message is to make you aware that the ship is still in zoner service, even if its IFF is messed up right now - and that the ship is not fighting any corsair ships or anything but drones ( except when keeper ships show up ) - Jinx out"

*the same message has been sent do the brotherhood aswell to inform every corsair.*

end of the transmission

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Jinx - 01-06-2008

from: Battleship Persephone II
to: those involved, affected

"After extensive practical trials, i entered the bureucracy phase. there will be no more drones deployed in omicron-delta and i hope i haven t left too much debris floating around. the ships transponder will now be fixed and i want to thank everyone for their understanding.

most grateful, E. Tate "Jinx"

ps.: the ship will most probably seen within the inner sphere for the transponderfix - just ignore it"

** this is a copy of the original message sent to the council of zoners **

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - RingoW - 01-22-2008

Message to: Benitez Family
Comm ID: Benito Huarez

Buenos diaz senores e senoritas

Today i had launched my transport for another Artifact transportation. In orbit i met senor Zavier Benitez, so we had a small conversation. After a while he left the system. Not long after he left, an LSF Raven Claw, callsign "Subtl" showed up and blamed Corsairs for attacking Liberty. I was sending a distress call to all friendly ships, but got no response. So i ordered to prepare my fighter. I moved my transport back to crete and jumped in my fighter.
I'm primary a transport pilot with average fighter skills. Though been aware to be chanceless with my Centurion against a Raven Claw i engaged this enemy. I was able to cram one of his own torpedos in its mouth by launching a CD right in time. Nevertheless he destroyed my ship with another torpedo, when my shield was down.
He was not interested in captatives, so i used my capsule emergency thrusters to get closer to crete.
He was so kind to send me some datas to my small capsule data recorder about this raid by Corsairs in NY. One Osiris accompanied by an TBH Gunboat. He said his attack was the revenge for. Later Tripoli reported some damages on the yard this ship had caused by dropping mines.

What the hell is going on? Some of TBH members making a nice day while leaving our home defenseless.
They don't care what does happen to our home, rather going for a trip to NY. Not enough, the only defense, senor Zavier Benitez left. Me as a primary trader and some training wings (NPC's) were the only defense, while other independent corsairs were running around with their heads in their hand as soon as this LSF vessel showed up.
Fortunatly for me, i was not harmed, but my fighter is gone. The fighter of my father and his father.
Tripoli has reported, the only available replacement for the next time will be an dusty Arwing they stored in Leon. I'm angry, no, i'm furious.

Oh, btw, 5000 tourists are crawling around on crete, demanding only the best service and food, while searching for artifacts.
Why? A trader, callsign "TSpitfire-ExpreSST" has brought them, when no defenses were positioned in orbit of crete once more.

I will not imagine what may happened, if a OC or SCRA strike force had entered the system.

Benito Huarez

End of message / Copy will be sent to TBH too.

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Zavier - 01-22-2008

Incoming transmission
Comm ID: Praetor Zavier Benitez
WHAT?! Oh those slimey little...He knows better then to bring tourists to Crete...Oh well, dispatching Benitez guards to hunt them all down.

NEW KILL ON SIGHT: [T]Spitfire-ExpreSS[T]. If he enters Gamma again, annihilate him.

As for Subtle...I will be moving the Prometheus into orbit soon, so Crete won't be undefended again..He is now also KoS.

Zavier out.

Transmission end.

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Laowai - 01-22-2008

Incoming transmission...

Comm ID - Corsairs, Ben Laowai, Pilot Titan
Captain, Corsair Cruiser Xibanya Nuren.

Read and acknowledged on both accounts. My Apologies to Benito Huarez, i was in a transport enroute to Cadiz at the time to retrieve my titan and hear about the raid until long after the event.


message ends.

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Carlos_Benitez - 01-26-2008

-------Incoming Transmission-----------
Source: Corsair Cruiser (CC) Cronus. Omecron Kappa. En route to Planet Crete.
Comm ID: Commandante, Don Carlos Benitez
To: Mi familia and amigos.

Hermanos, I am back.
I must admit, the past few hours have been overwhelming, learning about myself and my family, and trying to return to the life I am told I used to lead.
I suppose I ought to begin by thanking Zavier, who, I am told, has been running the family excellently, on my behalf, since the accident.

Many of you may want to know who did this...but the truth is, the memory of what started all that is amongst the ones that where robbed from me. In time, I hope my memory will return. In the meantime I will try to return to my old life, with your help, and I look forward to meeting you all, for what seems (to me) to be the first time.

It's good to be back. Viva los Corsairs.

-------Transmission Ends----------------

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - chavez - 01-27-2008

Message to: Don Carlos Benitez
Comm ID: Teresa Chavez

Don Carlos,

Rumors spread fast and we heard you finally woke up from coma after that terrible accident in Kappa. I hope your condition gets better every day now and that your memories return quickly. Although I think some of them, especially those regarding certain needless conflicts with the Brotherhood, could stay forgotten.

Anyway, good to have you back!

Teresa out.

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - chavez - 01-29-2008

Message to: The Brotherhood
CC: Benitez, OPG


I just accidentally found out, that those independants, as well as other smaller groups of Corsairs (namely [TT]) are blocking the Artefact trade. I was in my secret smuggling pirate train and had a little argument about the importance of Artifact trade for the Corsairs and it ended almost in the destruction of my ship by Corsair bomber [TT]_RapidFire.

I recorded everything and I am attaching it to this message.

Make your own opinion, I just hope we all agree that this must stop now, it endangers the Corsair good name among the smugglers which we have been trying to build for a long time!

Please send us your response!

...incoming data stream...

[Image: th_artifacts.jpg]

Teresa out.

Benitez Secure Comm Channel - Ximen_Benitez - 01-30-2008

This indeed MUST stop now. If these people who call themselves corsairs do this again, try to talk them out of it- if they continue like they did with Teresa, use force.