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Krüger Mineralien Recruitment Office - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Rheinland (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=73) +----- Forum: Kruger| (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=177) +----- Thread: Krüger Mineralien Recruitment Office (/showthread.php?tid=46856) |
Kruger Minerals Recruitment Office - cosmos_wanderer - 07-10-2011 Full Name:Berta Von Wurstel Birthdate and Age:40 years old, september the 9th, 778 a.s Place Of Birth:planet hamburg Sex: female Eye color: you don't remember? shame on you! it depend on what colour are the contact lens i have that day (don't worry, my sight is good). but they're blue, as usual. Hair color: well, they're blonde! that's sure... Height: 1,81 metres Weight: tch! tch! Sie wirklich neugierig wenig!!! you little curious!! that'z a sekret! Oh? you wanna know it anyway? well...it's about...81 kg...but don't tell anyone Photo (Optional): Personality Traits:i like to eat, drink, laugh, tell dirty stories, und give slaps to schweine who can't keep their hands where they should be. und smoke a zigarette after duty. guess you my personality from this, if it isn't clear enough . Tell us more about you (short bio): my mother died when i was only six. she told me always to listen to my father. the youth passed in wretchy suburbs, running everywhere, quarreling with all the kids around, fleeing from stupid policemen, robbering a few food for our survival in a life of misery. my father was a miner. he worked hard, of course. but he didn't believed to school. mining was all his life. then it became mine. mining is funny, when you know how to set apart with young boys. Ho ho ho! but then, when i was 27, my father fell ill with silicosis, and died a few years after. his last words were:'' Berta...your life doesn't belong to here. Go to space!! There you will find more and more fantastic mining caves!!''. and died. and so, now i keep my eyes firmly beyond the sky, not looking for stars, but for big chunks of rocks floating in the void, awaiting for their pure soul to be released by expert miners. Education and/or Previous Occupations: ya, i went to skool for 4 years long, then my daddy told me:'' Berta, you gotta know how a woman really feels like a woman.'' ''oh really, daddie?'' ''ya, my little schlampe'' ''and how?'' ''here's a mining axe. now go mining''. so this it, 4 years in primary school, then a whole life of mining. oh, i already did enough space flight training. but tell me if you think i need more. and, of course, i can read and write, otherwise i could not compile this module. i keep studying, now and then. Desired Branch (mark with X): [ ] - Security Fleet [ ] - Transportation Fleet [ x ] - Mining Fleet _____________________________________________________________________ OORP form: What is your local timezone? gmt+1 What is your skype (required)? frying.dutchman Are you currently in any official faction in discovery, if yes which one(s)? ageira, bounty hunters guild Have you read the server rules, and if so do you agree to follow the server rules? yes; yes of course How do you rate your (1-10): English: 9 Fighting skills: somewhere between 4 and 7, due to lag that prevents me to fight well in most crowded situations. so i have no sure idea Roleplaying skills: 8-9 Kruger Minerals Recruitment Office - Kruger - 07-10-2011 * * * Incoming Transmission * * *
![]() To: Berta Von Wurstel Subject: Recruitment Application Guten tag, I am pleased to inform you that you have been [color=#33CC00]accepted into the mining division of Kruger Minerals. The sooner you start work, the larger your first pay check will be. Please send me your vessels name and specifications via secure Kruger channels. Kruger has a specific naming scheme which can be found [color=#FFCC00]here. Once you are settled in, I suggest you take a look at our Requisition Office. It is there you will find how to advance your position in Kruger, as well as gain access to some of Kruger's assets and request personal loans. And lastly, when you submit a report on Essen Station don't forget to stop off at our bar, have a drink, and introduce yourself. I look forward to seeing you in the mining fields of Omega 7. Neil Klane * * * Transmission Lost * * *
Kruger Minerals Recruitment Office - Geeky - 07-31-2011 Name: Mika Koenig recognized
Location: Omega-7 Subject: Application Full Name: Mika Koenig Birthdate and Age: 798 A.S., 21. Place Of Birth: Sigma-19 Sex: Female Eye color: Green Hair color: Blonde Height: 170 cm's Weight: 45 kg Photo (Optional): ![]() Personality Traits: I'd say I'm a rather good fighter pilot. I usually have some rather decent skills at human resource management. I hope to gain more skills and attributes if I end up working with you. Tell us more about you (short bio): Not much to say really. I was born in sigma-19, and I grew up among the gas miners there as a local fighter pilot, as my father was one of the people there with access to a little more stuff then other people, so we could afford the flight school training. Until now I've just been looking for a place to live and work, then I saw the poster on the billboard on Elbich. Education and/or Previous Occupations: Fighter escort/pilot training, gunboat pilot training. Desired Branch (mark with X): [X] - Security Fleet [ ] - Transportation Fleet [ ] - Mining Fleet _____________________________________________________________________ OORP form: What is your local timezone? GMT +2 What is your skype (required)? geeeky1 Are you currently in any official faction in discovery, if yes which one(s)? Colonial Remnant, Omicroners, Liberty Security Force, Keepers. Have you read the server rules, and if so do you agree to follow the server rules? Yep. How do you rate your (1-10): English: 9 Fighting skills: 8 Roleplaying skills: 8 ____________________________________________________________________ Signal Lost. Kruger Minerals Recruitment Office - Kruger - 07-31-2011 * * * Incoming Transmission * * *
![]() To: Mika Koenig Subject: Recruitment Application Guten tag, I am pleased to inform you that you have been [color=#33CC00]accepted into the security division of Kruger Minerals. The sooner you start your patrols, the larger your first pay check will be. Please send me your vessels name and specifications via secure Kruger channels. Kruger has a specific naming scheme which can be found [color=#FFCC00]here. Once you are settled in, I suggest you take a look at our Requisition Office. It is there you will find how to advance your position in Kruger, as well as gain access to some of Kruger's assets and request personal loans. And lastly, when you submit a report on Essen Station don't forget to stop off at our bar, have a drink, and introduce yourself. I look forward to seeing you patrol Kruger space and protecting our assets. Neil Klane * * * Transmission Lost * * *
Kruger Minerals Recruitment Office - Michelandjelo - 08-03-2011 Full Name:Hans Wesritter Birthdate and Age:794 a.s I'm 25 years old Place Of Birth:Planet Stutgart Sex:Male Eye color:Green Hair color:Black Height:170cm Weight:75kg i'm on a litle diet now *smiles* Photo (Optional): No photos i'm to ugly for that *smiles* Personality Traits:Well i'm here to serve and to defend what is ours i'm personaly touched by the fact that many corporations actualy stealing from us. Someehow that dosen't fit right and it pisses me off every time i think about it. So yeah i'm here to kick their arses and to help our proud nation. Tell us more about you (short bio):I'm born in planet stutgart in patriotic kind of familie. My parents were hard workers i didn't fit in that style of life so i decided to go to flight school. In my life it's all about the flying and those skills will be more than usefull to defend and protect our kruger workers Education and/or Previous Occupations:4 Years of flight training in the civilian flight academy in stutgart and 3 years of flight expirience in one of the private space security agencies. Desired Branch (mark with X): [ X ] - Security Fleet [ ] - Transportation Fleet [ X ] - Mining Fleet _____________________________________________________________________ OORP form: What is your local timezone? (GMT)+01:00 What is your skype (required)? ikarus_777 Are you currently in any official faction in discovery, if yes which one(s)? Kusari Naval Forces Have you read the server rules, and if so do you agree to follow the server rules? Yes i agree How do you rate your (1-10): English: 8 Fighting skills: 7 Roleplaying skills: 8 Kruger Minerals Recruitment Office - Kruger - 08-03-2011 * * * Incoming Transmission * * *
![]() To: Hans Wesritter Subject: Recruitment Application Guten tag, I am pleased to inform you that you have been [color=#33CC00]accepted into the security, and mining division of Kruger Minerals. The sooner you start your patrols, the larger your first pay check will be. Please send me your vessels name and specifications via secure Kruger channels. Kruger has a specific naming scheme which can be found [color=#FFCC00]here. Once you are settled in, I suggest you take a look at our Requisition Office. It is there you will find how to advance your position in Kruger, as well as gain access to some of Kruger's assets and request personal loans. And lastly, when you submit a report on Essen Station don't forget to stop off at our bar, have a drink, and introduce yourself. I look forward to seeing you patrol Kruger space and protecting our assets. Aufsicht Mika Koenig * * * Transmission Lost * * *
Kruger Minerals Recruitment Office - Nick.Walker - 08-05-2011 Full Name: Hans Wilhelm Geisler Age: 19 Place Of Birth: Planet Stuttgart Sex: Male Eye color: Blue Hair color: Blond Height: 6' Weight: 185 lbs Personality Traits: Young and impetuous. Strong sense of self and personal honor. Tell us more about you (short bio): Hans is the son of an RM bomber pilot, born on planet Stuttgart. His father was killed in action and his mother was killed when the transport she was on was destroyed by Hessian pirates. With no other relatives on record, Hans was raised in an orphanage from the age of ten. Now an adult, finished with his schooling, Hans is ready to make a career for himself. Education and/or Previous Occupations: General High School level of education through age 18, and one year of reserve military service as both a fighter and transport pilot. Desired Branch (mark with X): [X ] - Security Fleet [ ] - Transportation Fleet [ X] - Mining Fleet _____________________________________________________________________ OORP form: What is your local timezone? Arizona, US (GMT -7 What is your skype (required)? Nick.WalkerSF Are you currently in any official faction in discovery, if yes which one(s)? IMG, QCP, a few others Have you read the server rules, and if so do you agree to follow the server rules? Yes How do you rate your (1-10): English: 9 (native speaker, but I'm not a professor) Fighting skills: 5+ (depends on connection & which computer) Roleplaying skills: 8 Kruger Minerals Recruitment Office - Kruger - 08-05-2011 * * * Incoming Transmission * * *
![]() To: Hans Wilhelm Geisler Subject: Recruitment Application Guten tag, I am pleased to inform you that you have been [color=#33CC00]accepted into the security, and mining division of Kruger Minerals. The sooner you start your patrols, the larger your first pay check will be. Please send me your vessels name and specifications via secure Kruger channels. Kruger has a specific naming scheme which can be found [color=#FFCC00]here. Once you are settled in, I suggest you take a look at our Requisition Office. It is there you will find how to advance your position in Kruger, as well as gain access to some of Kruger's assets and request personal loans. And lastly, when you submit a report on Essen Station don't forget to stop off at our bar, have a drink, and introduce yourself. I look forward to seeing you patrol Kruger space and protecting our assets. Aufsicht Mika Koenig * * * Transmission Lost * * *
Kruger Minerals Recruitment Office - Unlimited-II - 08-26-2011 Full Name: Wolfgang von Schneider Age: 23 Place Of Birth: Rochester Base, NY Sex: Male Eye color: Brown Hair color: Dark brown Height: 6,3' Weight: 191 lbs Personality Traits: I'm sometimes called Von Sponge because of my excellent learning abilities. But that's not a nickname i prefer. Tell us more about you (short bio): I was born at Rochester Base in a Junker family that has been of their community since the whole faction started. But despite that we were a simple family. We barely had food on our table every evening and everything in our apartment was made of scrap metal. I had a older sister, but tragically she was killed by a bunch of Rogue pirates when see refused to drop her scrap metal. That happened five years ago but it still hurts a bit. So when i got my flying license i had not a single thought on continue as a scraper. I went mining with several companies but now i think ive found the one that i want to make a career in and settle down. Education and/or Previous Occupations: I studied at a simple mining school at Rochester so i know the basics of mining. Desired Branch (mark with X): [ ] - Security Fleet [ ] - Transportation Fleet [X] - Mining Fleet _____________________________________________________________________ OORP form: What is your local timezone? GMT+1 with winter time. GMT+2 with summer time. Ask for futher describtion... What is your skype (required)? robban.unlimited-ii Are you currently in any official faction in discovery, if yes which one(s)? No, one unofficial (The [M]ollys) Have you read the server rules, and if so do you agree to follow the server rules? Yes to both How do you rate your (1-10): English: 6 I dont have english as prime laguage and im still in school but im quite good, its mostly the grams that fails. Judge your self. Fighting skills: 4 Im kind of new to the game and a part of the fighting skills is that i dont have a really good fighting ship. Roleplaying skills: 8 ____________________________________________________________________ Kruger Minerals Recruitment Office - Kruger - 08-31-2011 * * * Incoming Transmission * * *
![]() To: Wolfgang von Schneider Subject: Recruitment Application Guten tag, I am pleased to inform you that you have been [color=#33CC00]accepted into the mining division of Kruger Minerals. The sooner you start work, the larger your first pay check will be. Please send me your vessels name and specifications via secure Kruger channels. Kruger has a specific naming scheme which can be found [color=#FFCC00]here. Once you are settled in, I suggest you take a look at our Requisition Office. It is there you will find how to advance your position in Kruger, as well as gain access to some of Kruger's assets and request personal loans. And lastly, when you submit a report on Essen Station don't forget to stop off at our bar, have a drink, and introduce yourself. I look forward to seeing you in the mining fields of Omega 7. Neil Klane * * * Transmission Lost * * *