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The Bear's Cave - Sedona Station, Baffin (Formerly Freeport 14, Yukon) - Printable Version

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The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Aphil - 02-25-2011

Rhade looked at the waitress and smiled.

"It'd be appreciated."

The Waitress nodded and walked away, no doubt going to fetch some Vodka.

"Alissa, here's how Nerve Stapling works. It's basically an implant which can electrocute you at the whim of a Commissar. It guarantee's loyaly, and it can kill you, my dear. I would know, considering I helped invent it for the SCUD Wing." Rhade sighed.

"There's no easy way out of this, however... it may be possible to deactivate the staples somehow. That would give those still loyal to Katz a chance to fight back. As for those who remain loyal to Volkhan... I see no other alternative, I'm afraid."

The waitress returned, putting a bottle of Vodka on the table. Rhade slid it towards Alissa.

"There's hope, Alissa. There's always hope, but we have to take things one step at a time. I give you my word, if it's even remotely possible, then we'll try to fight back without harming the innocents."

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - fencore - 02-25-2011

Gheis glanced at the card and sobered up quick. Next time OSI hired a team of Hunters, he probably ought to read the personnel files more closely. Did they even send him the personnel files? Did they even have files? It was doubtful. "Pleasure to make your acqua-"

Gheis was cut short as a woman burst into the room, about as well as someone can burst when there's no doors on the doorway. Victor trailed behind shortly thereafter and had a seat to Gheis' left after moving his coat.

"Whose your friend?"

At the question, Gheis could see a look in the eyes of the man who called himself Copper. The look was odd, but regardless of what sort of nonsense was rattling around behind those eyes, he realized it wasn't a good idea to spout off Reaver callsigns while in public. "He's a friend Vic, don't worry about it."

From there, the social situation went to hell in a flowery handbasket. More people walked in and darted over to the back corner. Gheis glanced wearily in the direction of Lev, who'd recently come out of his office and grabbed a seat at a booth nearby. He couldn't hear the conversation taking place in the corner, but the participants didn't look entirely happy.

And then there was a commotion at the door, a woman was making a ruckus over the weapons policy, and then looked right at Copper, yelling his call for everyone to hear on station, and probably a few Rogues over in Cassini too. "Oh Fierfek," Gheis muttered. He'd sobered up completely by now. While local attention was diverted, he continued to Cross, "Ready on Evac-Iota for my buddy here. I'm sure he can handle himself, but I want to be able to get outta dodge if we need to."

The scotch was forgotten at this point. The two bottles of spirits she presented to Copper, though, that was a surprise. Gheis, still muttering, held his hand to his forehead. "What in the name of the almighty Mom is going on here tonight..."

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dusty Lens - 02-25-2011

David maintained a level eye over Silver's shoulder at the other patrons, troublesome as that was with Silver's bubbly self jumping around in front of him with a bottle of liquid gold.

Well, love of my heart, I was just wondering if you brought enough to share with our friends here... You might not recognize them this side of the cockpit. But I'm sure if you take a bit of a look it'll come to you.

Though, who knows, mayhap they really wouldn't care.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Blighter - 02-25-2011

After hearing the words of Colonel Aloysius Rhade she closed her eyes. Hope. Hope for the innocent. Hope for less of the inevitable, in her eye unnecessary, bloodshed. Opening her eyes again she stared at the bottle of Vodka, her words merely a whisper at first.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FF9944]"And what about those like me, Rhade."

Focused on the man and ignoring everything else around her, her eyes met his as she asked the question, knowing well that where she was about to go might end up with the final destination being a firing squad in the far future. If she lived that long.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FF9944]"What with those who haven't been... "nerve-stapled", those who don't know what to do like me and just follow the orders they are given, uncertain of the future, uncertain of the outcome of this... whatever this is."

Each word took her one step closer to that future.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FF9944]"There ain't a way everyone will have undergone that treatment you speak of, and I know there will be some who just won't know better. There will be some who won't really know what to do, won't know what happened, bloody hell Rhade, I don't even know everything about what happened!"

One step closer, at running pace.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FF9944]"What about those who just don't know a damn thing and try to act according to their ideals, OUR ideals, the things we've been taught ever since grade school, the things, beliefs and guide-lines we live by. If they won't know better, if they can't know better, does that justify us doing the same to them like what you said Volkhan's true loyalists will do to US?"

If the cold, infinite blackness of space had been her possible destination and she had been a little bird on Earth aiming to get out there, then she'd be approaching escape velocity by now.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FF9944]"What of those, Rhade? What of those who just don't and can't and won't know better and don't suffer from some damn control, trying to act to the best of their damn little knowledge?"

The bottle of Vodka before her had lost all meaning at this point, her eyes now filled with fire burning brighter than a dying star as she stared into those of her superior officer.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Daedric - 02-25-2011

"Ready on Evac-Iota for my buddy here. I'm sure he can handle himself, but I want to be able to get outta dodge if we need to." Looking at the back corner of the bar, he touched his comm link and quietly muttered, "Kandice, have a few security squads make their way down to the promenade and stand by."

Finishing off his sour he stood and leaned towards Gheis, "We have some muscle outside if its needed, don't try to be a hero, if I have to interview people to replace you I won't be happy." Smiling as he walked off he approached the young girl, "You said something bout a dance, miss?"

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Silver - 02-25-2011

Silver's eyes darted around the nearest people and noticed one woman's flightsuit. The red letterings sealed the deal in her mind.

"Ohhhhhh......... them.
Speaking of which.. Err.. The Black Dragon is in shambles again.
But's that's the least of our concerns, i guess."

She twirled her ring, and opened one of the bottles.

"Hey barkeep! A couple of glasses here, please." She said to the bartender. Soon, about 6 old scholl whisky glasses were in front of her and she poured the gold-like liquid into four of them.

She spread them out and handed one to Copper and winked.

"If trouble comes, let it. Just say the word, and i'll open an exit." She mumbled while starting to drink the whisky.

Daniel grabbed the glass and inhaled the sweet aroma. His eyes closed and for half a second everything seemed to be alright.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Aphil - 02-25-2011

Rhade sighed.

"Truthfully, Alissa, I don't know. Everyone expects me to have the answer for everything. What to do, how to do it, when to do it. I'm in the exact same position you are. It's not easy for me to have to fight those I've fought campaign after campaign with. Those I've served under, and those who I've commanded."

He looked at the Bottle of Vodka, since Alissa wasn't interested, he took it and took several gulps from it.

"I can say this, you and I, we're not alone. That's for damn sure. Those lads that flew with us to Ontario? They're with us. There may still be people left in Omega-52, waiting for Katz's return."

He looked Alissa in the eyes.

"We're all in this together. As it stands, we have to take everything step by step, making the best decisions possible at each moment when required. Take heart, however, there's no way our little resistance will be able to do a large scale invasion of Omega-52. We'll have to be precise, sneaky, and that lowers the chances of an innocent, one who is just doing his duty, to get in our way."

Rhade was about to continue, when he looked towards the bar, seeing a man staring at him before lowering his gaze. Rhade whispered to Allissa.

"We've got company. See those two?" He subtly nodded at the table. "The girl's the one you shot down in Magellan. They're Reavers by the looks of it."

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Dusty Lens - 02-25-2011

That is a true statement. Cheers!

The shot burned its way down his throat, the fire loosening life's grip around his throat for just the moment, kicking in a sense of the familiar, an association of security and level ground. That the shot would smooth the edges that fast, or that the edges were so rough without it should have been a cause for concern. But when your life was as such that your comfort had to come from what you could pull from a bottle, well, don't fight what comfort you can find.

Kall, I've less than no idea what you're doing here, but here's to the best newjoin to crawl out of Liberty.

And then the scrawer said something amusing. Which almost, darn near, just about, send the next shot flying out of his nose.

You hear that Kall? Guess we're doing too good of a job polishing the windows on our ships, the gits can see us right through them.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Blighter - 02-25-2011

She eyed the man, her comrade, her superior officer, and she ignored the last bit he said for now.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FF9944]"I'll take your word for it, comrade Rhade. I'll take your word for it. But so god help me I'm going to avoid any unnecessary bloodshed by all means necessary."

The rage in her ebbed down, as if the dying stars that were her eyes were no longer burning, but just dimly sparkling in the distance. She sneaked a look out of the corner of her eye for a second, watching as the one fellow at the bar spoke, but unable to make out the words through the veil of all the other noise to an extent, and because she wasn't exactly paying attention to the Reavers that much. And then she looked at her comrade, again.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FF9944]"I know who they are. The woman was silly enough to shout out the fellow's callsign when she walked in here. And I remember that goddamn voice from Leeds and Magellan."

Vodka regained its importance once more as she took the bottle out of Rhade's hands, filling up her glass and taking a sip before lighting the next cigarette as she leant back in the comfortable chair.

[font=Palatino Linotype][color=#FF9944]"We both know the Mercenary type comrade. Wha'd you suggest we do?"

She asked it in a neutral tone. Not because the two Mercenaries wouldn't pose a problem if there were a confrontation, but because somewhere, in the back of her head, something clicked. She just didn't know what yet, but it was there.

The Bear's Cave - Freeport 14, Yukon - Charo - 02-25-2011

A man with shoulder length brown hair steps into the bar. Quickly noticing the barkeep, he walks up to him. " 'Tag mein herr, give me a Rheinland brew" After a few moments of waiting, he picks up the glass set infront of him, and walks over to Rhade's table. "Comrade Rhade, when you're free, I vould like to speak to you about something important, ja?"