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posible limit in Conn - Printable Version

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posible limit in Conn - SeaFalcon - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Get rid of Conn.. its a happy breeding ground for lolwutitis.

Let them go to Disco of Disco.

My 2 cents.

lolno, I don't want my bomber to 1vs1 a BS and that the bomber wins.

edit: to those who don't know, snac's instand BS shields there.

posible limit in Conn - Veyron - 12-08-2010

I voted no limit.
Without Connie I'd have less opportunity to get my Agama converted into an open-top on a regular basis by a variety of ships and players.

Perhaps the next time I'm on my Council cruiser in an empty Languedoc I should be teleported/booted as my RP contribution to the server would be too low to justify me taking up a valuable slot? What's next by the way? Will you start removing guard systems/booting players when factions are training on a high server load? I'm not even saying that either the above suggestions would be a bad idea, I'm just interested to know how far protecting the RP integrity of the server goes.

I did get evicted last night from connie, I'm just thankful it was only as far as Manhatten!

posible limit in Conn - Marburg - 12-08-2010

The reason there is no rule against loitering in conn is because it's never been a problem before.

Now apparently, it is.

The way I see it: If you have 100 people in conn sitting around with their thumbs up their asses as if it were the front of a 7-11, while a much lesser number is spread out across the rest of the server, then that harms server gameplay.

When people come here, they expect to RP...odds are, they will get increasingly frustrated when they can't find it & eventually give up & sign out...further harming server gameplay.

It's clear to me that Bear did what he thought was right & simply got an earfull of epeen from a guy or few that can't see past their self-centeredness.

But hey, if y'all want another rule added, just keep on keepin' on with the bitching & you just might get it.

posible limit in Conn - Mao - 12-08-2010

Remove Conn.

posible limit in Conn - SeaFalcon - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:The reason there is no rule against loitering in conn is because it's never been a problem before.

Now apparently, it still isn't.

The way I see it: If you have 10<strike>0</strike> people in conn sitting around with their thumbs up their asses...

Fixed it a little.

I'm find it odd having the same amount of people loitering in alpha, gamma, new york, tau 23 etc.
They are just sitting there waiting for things to happen.

Also you encounter a lot of "wanna do a little combat sim?" stuff there.
Really by removing conn is just moving those '100' people in the RP regions and they'll do the same as in conn just less emoticons spam and skypelike spam in the chat.

By removing conn you just move the so called pvpwhores into the RP envoirment and you'll be happy to RP with them.

Although of course it's not always an issue to train outside conn,
but by removing conn you'll see it happen a lot more often.

Good luck

posible limit in Conn - AeternusDoleo - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:I'm find it odd having the same amount of people loitering in alpha, gamma, new york, tau 23 etc.
They are just sitting there waiting for things to happen.
Y'been in Tau space? Things tend to happen there on a daily/hourly basis. People don't loiter much, they mine. Or fight. Mining takes a while which is why people are static there.

posible limit in Conn - SeaFalcon - 12-08-2010

' Wrote:Y'been in Tau space? Things tend to happen there on a daily/hourly basis. People don't loiter much, they mine. Or fight. Mining takes a while which is why people are static there.

k maybe tau-23 is just the escort all waiting for a transport to complete but...

Y'been in alpha space?


Conn is where people all over Sirius can meet, have some lol and test their layouts/skill and do traing without annoying anyone else.
Sometimes the "This is an RP server so everything has to be in RP' attitude annoys me a little.

Current state:
5-6 [ 6 ] [11.54%]
7-10 [ 5 ] [9.62%]
11-16 [ 3 ] [5.77%]
no limit [ 38 ] [73.08%]

15 for limits.
38 for unlimited.

posible limit in Conn - podgie_bear - 12-08-2010

I hardly ever use conn, but if you want to close it or kick people out of there go ahead. Just don't be surprised when you get a load of PvPers having training fights all over New York. It will happen, then you make a rule and kick them out of there and they all go to California, or wherever, and you make a rule........

Or you admit that they are doing what they want and leave them alone in Conn where they are not harming the RPers who don't want them in their way!

Oh and before someone says they have been here since ...... I have been playing it since 4.84, but never bothered with this forum until recently.

posible limit in Conn - Kaze Dagon - 12-08-2010

*reads the thread*

Make an RP system!!! So the rp can gather and talk till they ships blew up-


*Chuckles and leaves thread*

posible limit in Conn - Curios - 12-08-2010

[color=#FF0000]More restrictions?!

[Image: 2233eb.jpg]

[color=#FF0000]Ye [Image: emoticon-0176-smoke.gif]