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Experiment Successful - Printable Version

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Experiment Successful - Boss - 12-31-2010

' Wrote:Hahahaha. You are so full of crap. Bragging? Seriously, do I really need to refer to that wikipage about your "review" of the barghest? Or how about the hundred times you enter a thread, with no relevancy to the subject, and speak of how good you are at this or that. Or maybe should we just settle for all the times you simply have to mention to everyone, that you are in the airforce.

Hmm, what's your pickings for today?

And I find it funny how you suddenly got quiet about the whole adminCONSPIRACY crap you were screaming at the first post. What happened to that? Lost it's credibility now?

Do I really need to remind people that that was written almost a year ago?

Or the fact that everything you mention is similarly old.

Experiment Successful - arvg - 12-31-2010

People enjoy arguing far too much to be healthy

Experiment Successful - Not Espi - 12-31-2010

internet forum alvin ... internet forum.

no faces, no bitchslapping, no pain - just text. easy to do, isn't it, community?

edit: happy new year, people. i like many bastards of you. hope it stays that way next year.

Experiment Successful - Shotgun - 12-31-2010

' Wrote:Do I really need to remind people that that was written almost a year ago?

Or the fact that everything you mention is similarly old.

No, it just keeps popping up. Now however, you have changed from bragging into making a post full of lies, then cry for justice of something that doesn't exist. There is no special club for people who can do whatever they want. You label me as the number one problem child? Why? Because I kill people and don't feel like writing a text of wall everytime I do it? Oh and you do? Oh really is that the case? Everytime you are about to kill a character you write a wall of text? First of all you don't but even if you did, how in the hell does that makes you a better player?

Oh that is not the problem? Ok what is the problem then? I get help from moderators and admins? Conspiracy? Yeah right, the last time I crossed the line I was faced with 14 days ban and a warning that if I screw up again it's going to be thirty. So that can't be it either. No conspiracy?

Ok, so what is left. Let's see.. hmm.. oh right I make groups to grief others. Yeah see here is the peak of your ignorance. The Hale's Angels was a cool idea, it got shot down because my co-leaders had to step down, I couldn't lead it myself. Yakuza? Kusari is dead, after 3 months of attempting to do something with anybody I decided, it's not worth playing a game where I can't interact with anybody. So which group is left? Oh I know, the Anarchists, and I'm not even going to start about that one. But the matter of fact is, in the end, all I did was shooting Zoners, with Corsairs. I don't see how that is any more wrong(?) than Outcasts shooting Corsairs. Did I break any server rules? No. So shut your mouth.

Experiment Successful - Boss - 12-31-2010

Troll more.

Experiment Successful - NixOlympica - 12-31-2010

Oh god, here it starts...

Experiment Successful - Shotgun - 12-31-2010

' Wrote:Troll more.

Yeah see, you got absolutely nothing to counter your effin lies with, once I expose them. So you retort to scream it's trolling.

You are pathetic. Go make some other lies instead, ones that you have any chance to prove.

Experiment Successful - Boss - 12-31-2010

Joe, please purge and lock.

Experiment Successful - NixOlympica - 12-31-2010

' Wrote:Yakuza? Kusari is dead, after 3 months of attempting to do something with anybody I decided, it's not worth playing a game where I can't interact with anybody.

From what you said I would like to pick this up. It's not truth there was no-one to interact with. I say that as a member of BDS.


Experiment Successful - The Joker - 12-31-2010

As much as I had pleasure to get to know him by now (certainly not enough), Boss has always been a regular guy with regular way of thinking, way of thinking now partially reflected in this thread.

Not that I don't agree but I find all of this pointless. It's pointless because things do change from bad to worse a lot more often than vice versa. This thread will change nothing. I've been here for 2 years, give or take, rather give. Doesn't matter. Don't see anything getting better around here. Use to spend over four hours a day on my free-time. Now I don't spend 4 hours... sometimes in two weeks.

This is just one guy talking... Yes, people are stupid. Generally 95% of population on this planet have something wrong with them in their heads. Expecting anything different here is irrational. Why it use to be better around here? There were less people I guess. Idiots, troublemakers and fun-spoilers were easier to isolate and manage in some way. So now that we're overpopulated, it's harder to control the behavior of certain individuals simply because they're not individuals anymore. They're a part of a group(s) of Trolls. Put me in one of these group, I don't give a ****. But the fact that I don't give a damn should tell you something about others as well, those others who rapidly lose enthusiasm for this game just as I do. And when you try to re-invent something, to make things more interesting for yourself and a few good people around you, there's always gonna be some frustrated jerk who'll (in)directly demoralize one's effort with his idiocy.

Call me a drama maker but all that I'm really saying here is that fun stopped being fun.