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illuminati symbol? - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-05-2011

The Illuminati you see isn't the real Illuminati.

The real illuminati sits in the background, guiding our society towards true enlightenment. They've been at this since their earliest days in Atlantis, but with so few neophiles alive at any one time and so many neophobes, their effect has been limited. Only in the last century or two have they begun to finally achieve their goals. Time will tell if they finally succeed.

illuminati symbol? - Zukeenee - 02-05-2011

Well, you're kind of right, Mr. Morgan-man.

The Illuminati that people usually see is not the "real" Illuminati. There's a deeper Illuminati that laughs at people for believing in the "surface" Illuminati.

And then there's a group deeper than that, which looks down upon this supposedly deeper Illuminati for thinking that they're so important.

And then there's another smaller circle of people in the even deeper level of the Illuminati that look at all of these layers of deception and believe themselves better than the others, because they're the "real" Illuminati movement.

And then there's the next one after that... and the next one after that... and the next... and the next...

I'm somewhere in the 23rd layer of all of this, obviously. And I like to think that I'm a part of the True (capital T) Illuminati. But hey, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a level "deeper" than mine.

Also, a lot of the things y'all are talking about aren't really the Illuminati's doing. Sure, we're involved in a lot of "conspiracies," but you guys are blaming the wrong group for most of 'em.

illuminati symbol? - r3vange - 02-05-2011

[color=#FFFFFF]I just believe what I see, and believe me looking through the glass is 2 dimensional you have to be on the other side as well. The only real conspiracy I know of is religion and I am not going to dwell how in the Middle Ages it halted the development of Earth for at least 500 years. But that's dead and gone, because quite frankly I am ok with people being believers and even even if there is God maybe we have earned our right to question him, I don't believe that anyone can watch a space shuttle launch and honestly say that god made us do it.

illuminati symbol? - Hancock - 02-06-2011

While a lot of this stuff is just silly paranoia, it strikes me how narrow minded some people are.

illuminati symbol? - Rapur - 02-06-2011

illuminati symbol? - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 02-09-2011

*Sighs* When you propagate something in such an over glorifying manner it become more of a threat for the simple fact that it's likely not to be taken seriously as time goes on it drives people up the wall with paranoia. I won't doubt there may be a sub level of government for the US or even the entire planet. But damn sure ain't no Illuminati. At least nowhere near the way it's depicted. Not some bull**** secret society with a bunch or numerical patterns or ancient mystical mumbo jumbo.

People just love it when **** has a rhythmic beat, numerical consistency, or poetic construct. Somehow that informs them of a grand conspiracy that's older than dirt. People watch to many movies and have an overinflated ego, it then becomes hardwired into their thought process. So they begin saying stuff just like their favorite movie characters would say. Common sense is based on experience and the imagination. Ain't much left for it if the majority of your experiences are third person perceptions of the world you live in.

illuminati symbol? - r3vange - 02-09-2011


They are watching!

illuminati symbol? - FGDireito - 02-20-2011

' Wrote:


They are watching!

who? Ganondorf and his minions? :laugh:

illuminati symbol? - Wolfs Ghost - 02-20-2011

No one pointed this out.

The Free Masons Guild:

[Image: familycraft.gif]

Is -not- the Illuminati. They're two different organizations.

illuminati symbol? - Capt. Henry Morgan - 02-20-2011

While that is true, in some sense, it is also false, in some sense. Meaningless in some sense, too, but that's neither here nor there.

Yes, most Masons are not a part of the Illuminati, yet many Illuminati are a part of the masons. It confuses the crap out of people who are trying to figure out what's really going on.