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Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - RockCrystal - 06-06-2011

' Wrote:The Xenos are.

Shenanigans. I have <strike>more</strike> as much fun on my indie Xeno as on all my other characters combined.
Guide to what I consider fun: RP without PVP is fun. PVP without RP is not.
Also, I try to fly with the XA whenever I can. So... Really not sure how you came to this conclusion, tbh.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Pinko - 06-06-2011

' Wrote:Shenanigans. I have <strike>more</strike> as much fun on my indie Xeno as on all my other characters combined.
Guide to what I consider fun: RP without PVP is fun. PVP without RP is not.
Also, I try to fly with the XA whenever I can. So... Really not sure how you came to this conclusion, tbh.

Unioner lore.

EDIT: In particular, rumors that states Pacifica's floor is wiped with Xeno blood or something like. It's how I remember the rumors, probably actually far from the actual content of the rumor. Mostly ebcause wipping floors with blood would just mess up the thing more and be really nasty.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - tansytansey - 06-06-2011

This isn't Xeno or Unioner Feedback.

As I have stated, this is our diplomacy on the current situation. You do not have to agree with it, you do not have to follow our example.

But this is our position.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Pinko - 06-06-2011

' Wrote:This isn't Xeno or Unioner Feedback.

As I have stated, this is our diplomacy on the current situation. You do not have to agree with it, you do not have to follow our example.

But this is our position.

Yes, but I feel like your position is potentially stopping two factions from advancing deeper into some of their supposed lore that was developped in Vanilla, it's all I was saying. From discussions I've had with our members, several members of the AGS have agreed to this as well and we believe we should work together to fix this.

EDIT: And should we go with disco lore: We've shared techs in the past. I still own two Barghests from the time Del was leading the LR and wanted a close cooperation with the Alster Union. Among other things, there are Unioner NPCs on Dawson and Rogue NPCs on Pacifica, yet there are no Junker NPCs on any Rogue station. It details like these we're talking about. We wish there'd be more cooperation, like in the old times.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - tansytansey - 06-06-2011

I'm not stopping anyone, you're stopping yourself. Why don't you contact the Xenos instead of whinging at me about a problem that we have nothing to do with.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Pinko - 06-06-2011

Quote:EDIT: And should we go with disco lore: We always been on friendly terms. We've shared techs in the past. I still own two Barghests from the time Del was leading the LR and wanted a close cooperation with the Alster Union. Among other things, there are Unioner NPCs on Dawson and Rogue NPCs on Pacifica, yet there are no Junker NPCs on any Rogue station. It details like these we're talking about. We wish there'd be more cooperation, like in the old times.

Since I edited too late.

It doesn't have to be about the Xenos, but we'd still like to improve our relationship. Xenos were but an example I stressed on, since they're the most blatant example Discovery gives us.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - tansytansey - 06-06-2011

Again, that's on you, not on us. Our diplomacy evolves to suit the world around us. It is dynamic and events in-game and on the forums effect how we feel about people.

If you wanted relations to be friendlier you shouldn't have been making threats or demands from us. We're not going to respect you or be friendly with you because "vanilla says so"

You have to earn it.

I won't let my faction stagnate just because the rest of Discovery is, we're going to keep adapting and evolving.

I couldn't care less what you do with your faction. But don't tell me what I should be doing with mine.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Pinko - 06-06-2011

Uh, I'm sorry, it seems my English failed me. I think I know why you reacted so negatively.
Quote:Refusing to cooperate will possibly result in sanctions unless justified otherwise due to the disruption caused by this organisation.

Around the parts I live, in French-Canada, the french word for Sanction isn't always used to design punishments, but rather consequences, which are not always negative. A better way to word this would've been something like "Unless actions are taken, our shipments to you will suffer as a consequence of the larger patrols in the area" or something like that. Threats weren't meant, but rather, I just suck in English. I had to look it up in a dictionary to notice this when someone told me that this part was the threath. Eh. I thought Sanction was a more formal word for consequence.

EDIT: "unless justified otherwise" part meant that we'd be ready to leave them alone if you had an arrangement with them and we just weren't informed about it, which would've been fine.

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Echo 7-7 - 10-17-2011

I had an encounter with one of your gents in Cortez today. Usually Rogues in Cortez is just part of a day's work, so np, np. However, said Rogue was camping at the Planet Curacao Docking Ring. From my previous experience, I didn't think this was LR-'s style. What concerned me more was that his ship was not rephacked hostile OSC, evident by the fact the docking ring guns were not shooting at him, and that he accidentally managed to dock with the planet.

I think that's all I really have to say. My only other suggestion for that pilot is to flesh out your demands a little bit, so that it's more than just "1 million". (In fact, that's not even a demand, just a statement.)

Liberty Rogue Faction Information Feedback - Snak5 - 10-18-2011

:ylove:ya all.