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Admin Notice: Mining is off - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Mining is off - SeaFalcon - 03-02-2011

To come to a fact:

Thats history...

Admin Notice: Mining is off - Anonymous User - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:Everyone needs to calm down and keep it civil.

can we blame you now for server wents poof?

/edit: nvm... its baaack

Admin Notice: Mining is off - dodike - 03-02-2011

' least all those F1 silent non English speaking miners will have to find forum and read the rules right now, right ? :)

The Barge era has come!

Admin Notice: Mining is off - Dart - 03-02-2011

', I must say this is a bit problematic.

Being the leader of the GMS, I must say that having the mining off presents an issue. Most of our in-game roleplay is centered around mining, of all things. The mining, the transporting, collection, the pirates coming and stopping by to take said ore. Kinda drives things. And on top of that, piracy begets lawful activity, begets...things.

The future of my faction is incredibly affected by this, so it's a little troubling. Especially since trading in Gallia is nonexistant, so it's not like we have something else to do with our time now.

I don't usually Q_Q, I'm usually good at rolling with the punches. But, uh, I kind of have an invested stake in this, and I can assure you that the behavior issues aren't a result of my faction. I suppose this is the Zoner in me being upset for having to deal with the consequences of other people's misbehavior.

Welp, guess there's nothing to do now but go to my corner and brainstorm a bit.
as co-leader of BMM i share a lot of sentiment with gheis mace.

BMM is currently focused on mining. Mining is all that BMM does. It mines and manufactures, but it cant manufacture in RP. Its not a shipping company, because Bowex does shipping. both Bowex and BMM are owned by the crown, and with IMG in all the boarders worlds, hostile to BMM, BMM has no actual purpose shipping,

Cannon you say you want to get rid of the lolwuttery.

Do you want BMM- to start getting in Rocs and eagles and start doing "Hey IMG! Engage!" again?

Ill repeat this, With no mining ability, factions such as BMM and kruger minerals (im guessing about kruger) are going to be severely hampered by this. As of the moment BMM has no RP base. We are restricted by the RP of our ancestors not to persue attacks in the tau region. We have nothing to do as a faction anymore except be PvP lolwuts which we have been trying very hard to avoid. [color=#FF9900]Can you explain to me how BMM is any better than Planetform with mining turned off?

Cannon I have always been saying this amongst a lot of people, and have been frequently shot down. How about you make a special mod where the following happens?
  • Mining is turned back on. This time official factions with mining capability have a normal base mining rate
  • Official factions must adhere to a high standard of RP and rule adherence. Official factions are responsible for keeping a good image and removing "bad players" if needed.
  • Unofficial miners and mining factions get 1/2 the mining rate of official factions. This encourages people to join official factions. This also hampers the likely hood of Power-miners emerging due to bullet 2
  • specific rules be made about mining. There are plenty of miners that drop ore in space, f1, then come back in, uncloaking with their trader char, which is completely OORP. This should somehow be made impossible, or with some serious penalty.
  • edit- If needed, Players that want to make a new mining faction should apply for a new tag. this includes faction tags that already exist. These should share the mining bonus, but keep their RP integrity. the official main faction however will stay in charge of politics and the such. if the official faction is dying, granted the Newer mining approved faction is good enough for the job, will consume the official tag and make it their own.
In an unrelated note, I've spend more than 300 million trying to get BMM- back on its feet. This new development makes all of my effort go to waste. I've been trying to get a dead faction, overrun by indie lolwuts to a prominent position that at least looks respectable. I hope this mining lock gets reconsidered. A system change would be nice, as it would be a good way for official mining factions to gain real respect.

-Signed Acting Leader of BMM
co-leader officially

Admin Notice: Mining is off - Zukeenee - 03-02-2011

Well. This may be one way to solve the problem.

I don't think it's the right way, however.

We'll always have our less-desirable players on the server. Some of them like to make money. Fastest way to do that? Mine. Mostly in Dublin, I guess. And so we get rid of mining? The undesirables won't stop being undesirable. Some may get fed up and leave over this issue, but it's likely that we'll still have the same idiots around, just more spread out now.

The sheer profit of the mining mod attracted all sorts of people to places like Dublin. And seeing as people tend to go where there are other people, several non-miners ended up in places like Dublin. And it's a big snowball effect that brings everyone together, "lolwuts" and otherwise, into one small place. And when everything's smushed together like that into one big pile, it's a lot easier to notice.

We've always had problems with certain individuals on the server. The mining mod just makes it more apparent.

Mining's not the problem. The problem is still the same one that it has been for several years now, and we're not going to have much success in changing it.

This just seems... unnecessary. And on top of that, harmful to too many good people.

Admin Notice: Mining is off - LONGBOW - 03-02-2011

I agree with Dart. I just joined the BMM because I was pleased to see that they were bringing a good deal of RP back into places like Dublin and now the decision has been made (without consulting much of anyone I might add) to kill several factions and render the work of those members as vain and fruitless. Shutting down mining will, at best, merely move the problem elsewhere. Honestly, some of the best RP interactions on the server occur between the miners and traders buying and selling ore.

Admin Notice: Mining is off - r3vange - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:This just seems... unnecessary. And on top of that, harmful to too many good people.

[color=#FFFFFF]That's what I mean

Admin Notice: Mining is off - Lobster - 03-02-2011

' Wrote:This just seems... unnecessary. And on top of that, harmful to too many good people.


Admin Notice: Mining is off - Akura - 03-02-2011

Discovery was fine before the Mining Mod, and all it's seemed to have given us is a few happy miners and the other 90% acting like complete morons, along with the stupid pirates and lawful ganks showing up.


And to lighten up the thread a little:

[Image: Myreaction.jpg]

Chillax people.

Admin Notice: Mining is off - Anonymous User - 03-02-2011

Well guys i recommend you to cool down.

it wont take long and mining is back:D

*bets 10 mills that is wont take longer than a month*