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1 Faction per ID rule - Printable Version

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1 Faction per ID rule - SnakThree - 06-08-2011

' Wrote:It's the equivalent of having two Liberty Police groups in a price war for security services. How inRP is that?
Liberty Police Incorporated tells you anything? How it's private company hired to to police job? It would be very inRP for other group to try and take over that spot!

1 Faction per ID rule - Daedric - 06-08-2011

' Wrote:In my opinion, a price war is hostile, just as a "guns war" or a "tech war" is hostile. Junkers should be protecting and cooperating with each other, not undercutting prices and stealing business from each other.

In any case, a conflict shouldn't be created between two groups sharing such an ID by one of the groups in order to boost that group's activity, that's such an OORP reason that it'd just be ridiculous if anyone tried to argue that it was actually ok . . .

It's the equivalent of having two Liberty Police groups compete in a price war for security services. How inRP is that?

Then your opinion is rather idiotic. Many many companies in the real work have price wars and no one is afraid of them pulling out guns and killing each other.

You say Junkers shouldn't be stealing business from each other, yet your group did just that to the Congress. Hypocrite much?

You're entitle to your opinion, they have a very solid in role play reason for engaging in a price war with you and all you are doing is whining about it here. Go role play it out instead of whining.

Having two Liberty Police groups compete in role play would be fine, if the Liberty government ever brought in another company to compete. Currently, the government hasn't so there is no way it can happen. The difference is the LPI is one company, one group. Junkers are not one big family.

1 Faction per ID rule - Ingenious - 06-08-2011


1 Faction per ID rule - Varok - 06-08-2011

' Wrote:Having two Liberty Police groups compete in role play would be fine, if the Liberty government ever brought in another company to compete. Currently, the government hasn't so there is no way it can happen. The difference is the LPI is one company, one group. Junkers are not one big family.

My dear, the police force is an agency that is owned by the government. You won't have 2 police forces.
What you may be reffering to is a contracted force, like the Blackwater Mercenaries (or like the BHG in Discovery.)

And yes, Junkers are not a family. They are spread all over sirius, that is why there should NOT be only one group of junkers.

EDIT: We ran off-topic. This thread is not about junkers. Imo this rule should be removed.

1 Faction per ID rule - Mao - 06-08-2011

' Wrote:My dear, the police force is an agency that is owned by the government. You won't have 2 police forces.
What you may be reffering to is a contracted force, like the Blackwater Mercenaries (or like the BHG in Discovery.)

wiki Wrote:Liberty Police, Inc. (LPI) is a private company that handles the policing of Liberty space to interdict the importation of contraband and to prevent attacks on civilian and commercial traffic.

Read before you say anything... my dear.

1 Faction per ID rule - Daedric - 06-08-2011

' Wrote:My dear, the police force is an agency that is owned by the government. You won't have 2 police forces.
What you may be reffering to is a contracted force, like the Blackwater Mercenaries (or like the BHG in Discovery.)

And yes, Junkers are not a family. They are spread all over sirius, that is why there should NOT be only one group of junkers.

EDIT: We ran off-topic. This thread is not about junkers. Imo this rule should be removed.

My dear, Liberty Police Incorporated is not owned by the government. Perhaps you should understand the topic at hand before commenting no?

@ Ingenious

So it is okay for you to steal their business but it isn't okay for them to return the favor? How bias. The role play is you are stealing their business, they are merely responding as any sensible business venture would. They don't need to come out and say it on the forums for it to be legit.

As for your comment about the LPI, you're right they don't have any competition because the LPI ID belongs to the LPI. If another policing faction was formed, they'd not be able to use the LPI ID as they aren't the Liberty Police Incorporated.

Junkers aren't one group, they are not one people. Quoting an out of date info card is pointless. Notice that we have Gallic Junkers now? Not all Junkers are protective of each other, hasn't been that way in a long long time.

Again, you are whining about legit role play. How about you go role play it out instead of whining about it? It is a price war, there are two sides in it. Stick it to them. If they shoot you without your consent; well that would be against the rules now wouldn't it?

Edit: As has been pointed out. Your QQ about a price war has no relevance to this topic. I'll cease discussing it with you here.

1 Faction per ID rule - dodike - 06-08-2011

' Wrote:My dear, the police force is an agency that is owned by the government.
This is only true if the government is the IND.
Oh wait..

I still fail to see what has price war to do with 1 faction per ID rule. Even two official factions can do the same.

1 Faction per ID rule - Ingenious - 06-08-2011


1 Faction per ID rule - Varok - 06-08-2011

Heh... I forgot Liberty is a 'special' house, with 'special' laws.
It's the only house with a contracted police force. :mellow:

But my argument still applies for the others houses, so.... Yea... You won't see two police forces in Rheinland or Kusari, not to speak about Gallia.

1 Faction per ID rule - dodike - 06-08-2011

' Wrote:OK, I think my original point has gotten a bit blurry. Let me clear that up. A price war is perfectly RP. However, my point is that the fact that a price war has started for purely OORP reasons is not alright and demonstrates potential issues with the 1 faction per ID rule. If there had been any sort of RP around this price war, I would be more than okay with it, but as it stands the group has created such an OORP conflict to increase faction activity. I am not okay with it. Telling me to stop whining does not make any sense, my complaint is legitimate, and it's a perfect example against the 1 faction per ID rule.
I'm sorry how would this situation be any different with the rule removed?
What are the "potential issues"?