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BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Printable Version

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BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Jeremy Hunter - 05-25-2011

Just thought of tgis.

Deja vu.

Kudos to whoever guesses what I am refering to.


Both are awesome :cool:

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Swallow - 05-25-2011

call Frozen, n ask to submit those all models (also finish that basalt)

OT EDIT: why i still have 10 posts?

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Dart - 05-25-2011

' Wrote:call Frozen, n ask to submit those all models (also finish that basalt)
OT EDIT: why i still have 10 posts?
frozen isnt part of the dev team anymore

and post count only counts to the RP section of the forum now.

edit: d.holt if you want that basalt luis made earlier, encourage him to submit it with credits :3

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Govedo13 - 05-25-2011

Both bretonian ships are cool you can use one as freghter/heavy miner the other as light miner.

About the Luis mafic- I love it too. If there is somehow to ask someone to add it for 4.86 you can have one Battleship that I dont use from me.

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Luis - 05-25-2011

@Dart - The model will be known as a CMP in Freelancer.

Also, is true what the others say about not putting the emblem since is more of a civil bretonian design. Pushing the limit on a 'fighter' is a bit out of reach. Limit for a fighter is 1-2k, afaik or at least. However, it is best to keep low as much as possible. Respect that from the Dev's if you want this submitted by the next release (.87).

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Dart - 05-26-2011

' Wrote:@Dart - The model will be known as a CMP in Freelancer.

Also, is true what the others say about not putting the emblem since is more of a civil bretonian design. Pushing the limit on a 'fighter' is a bit out of reach. Limit for a fighter is 1-2k, afaik or at least. However, it is best to keep low as much as possible. Respect that from the Dev's if you want this submitted by the next release (.87).
k.... its just freighters have their emblem (rhino, cydesdale etc.)

ill stop nagging about it *cries*

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Luis - 05-26-2011

Is not something to put you down. But with freelancer pathetic issues, we have to meet the requirements that the Dev's ask for.

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Azan27 - 05-31-2011

The Bretonian emblem could possibly be placed on the miner as part of the texture, not nessiceraly the construct itself, (Similar to how the emblem is painted on the front of the Cavalier.)

On another note, the work done on all the submitted designs is excellent. Good job everyone.

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Dart - 06-01-2011

luis: how is the texturing going?

@Luis and Darthbindo

can you show me screenie size comparisons with your model, a dacite and mafic? (luis, can you add a basalt in that as well?)

BMM Wants a new Super Heavy Miner Design! - Johnny_Walker - 06-01-2011

Luiz: You'r model is Epic.Very good indeed.

You kept the Fighter Design of the ship , not just the Miner. For that i thank you.
However i have an idea to keep the mafic's current guns emplacements.
Here it is :

Put the Mining arms in the back of the ship , and add a very Tiny Mining Operator cockpit in the back.( Just a Small window)
(Keep 2 mining turrets in the rear, like the current mafic )Very discreet.
For mining ( in rp ) the ship would attach it self to a asteroid and extract its resources , using the back of the ship.
And in the front of the ship leave space for a Gun emplacements and if possible a small tube for the SNAC/ANC-2

Thanks , Keep up the great work
( And yes i'am a BMM member , and i live in a mafic )


darthbidos: I think your model ran from the Fighter/Miner design .

However i think it would be successfully a Combat transport/medium miner.
And it would be a good replacement for the Mafic or the Dacite :/ Sorry.

My opinion though

P.S: Still a Very Good Model.