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What is a pvpwhore? - Printable Version

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What is a pvpwhore? - Jihadjoe - 05-13-2011

I generally prefer the term pugilistic lady of the night.

What is a pvpwhore? - Pancakes - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:I generally prefer the term pugilistic lady of the night.
I think south park defined what a prostitute is quite well. :(

What is a pvpwhore? - Ceoran - 05-13-2011

While the term "PvPwhore" surely can be used in a jokingly manner among friends, this shouldn't lead to a glorification of the term. Don't get me wrong, I've been called different kinds of whores by friends on skype: PvPwhore, RPwhore, Capwhore, Missionwhore, Moneywhore, whatever you can think off. However, if not used as a jest by a friend of mine, most of those terms are meant to be offending and have been for years now.

For me a PvPwhore has always been a destructive element in the game. And by that I'm not only talking about destroying ships.
- a PvPwhore uses RP as an excuse for combat (if they have come far enough not read and understand the rules at all).
- a PvPwhore will apply any means possible to secure his/her blue message. This includes ganking to avoid being on the losing end of the fight as well as telling others not to interfere to increase your own chances to get the kill. Sometimes both in one person depending on the situation they are in.

As an example I'd go with certain elements of the outcast playerbase who have ruined a rather nicely agreement of warning each other before raids with their constant (cap-)raids on Gamma.
It is your choice if you want to put yourself into one category with them Joe, but only because you happen to write a new definition for the term doesn't mean we have to accept it.

As for the entire "PvP=RP"-movement:
No, it's not. While PvP may be a part of RP, it cannot substitute it, nor is it necessary for RP to take place at all.

What is a pvpwhore? - Primitive - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:Phone number/website address please?
EDIT: How I got to that conclusion, that you are a whore.
Whore=Money lose
Therefore if you are WhoreWhore you must be a whore
P.S I have nothing against you, I simply find this funny, if you are offended I'll remove it. you or any one else.


Its np man, you gave me a good laugh.

What is a pvpwhore? - Jihadjoe - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:As for the entire "PvP=RP"-movement:
No, it's not. While PvP may be a part of RP, it cannot substitute it, nor is it necessary for RP to take place at all.

Talking is not RP either, by the same token.

Sirius is set up in a state of conflict. There are lots of major wars going on. That kinda causes conflict. To not fight the various wars would be ignoring a large part of the environment.

What is a pvpwhore? - Not Espi - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:I'm a scummy PvP-whore. [Image: emoticon-0126-nerd.gif]

how could i forget mark and kapi?

i'm a bad person. *goes sit in a corner to cut himself out of sight*

What is a pvpwhore? - Not Espi - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:PvP is nice. Just did it. Quite addicting.:cool:

[Image: tumblr_lg3s66cuOc1qaqvvdo1_500.gif]

What is a pvpwhore? - Primitive - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:[Image: tumblr_lg3s66cuOc1qaqvvdo1_500.gif]

[Image: Goldengirls460.jpg]

What is a pvpwhore? - Pancakes - 05-13-2011

' Wrote:[Image: Goldengirls460.jpg]
Rawr. Care to hook me up with the sexy one?

What is a pvpwhore? - Lucas_Fernandez - 05-13-2011

[Image: emoticon-00126-nerd.gif] Me Not.
[Image: emoticon-00133-wait.gif] But Danny.....