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Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Printable Version

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Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - McNeo - 02-23-2008

At least you didnt see the 8 TBH deaths in 5 minutes...

and then Teresa and I die back to back within 5 seconds.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Dab - 02-23-2008

' Wrote:At least you didnt see the 8 TBH deaths in 5 minutes...

and then Teresa and I die back to back within 5 seconds.

This is why I wanted to record it..

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - McNeo - 02-23-2008


I feel like dancing.

Even though I got my ass kicked.

I guess it was lucky that this fight ended early then, eh? Otherwise I'd have footage of TBH getting owned in every thread... or just one well publicised one... heh.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Dieter Schprokets - 02-23-2008

I'm very glad to see this slot getting awesome use.:)

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Dopamino - 02-23-2008

Aw, I was eating dinner...

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Eppy - 02-23-2008

I'd just like to congratulate Dieter on his excellent Battle Slot idea. I think it's a real step to getting the Outcasts and Corsairs where they need to be-namely, happily at war with each other, instead of sick and tired of it because of all the OOC snots...I've only gotten to fly on one of these, sadly, (I work weekends) but it sure looks like it's working, in conjunction with the Friday Night Fights we're having.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Jwnantze - 02-23-2008

That was a blast guys, too bad the corsairs keep getting owned:(

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Dopamino - 02-23-2008

Um, yeah, too bad...:unsure:

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Eppy - 02-23-2008

I'm weeping tears of sorrow over here, guys. Somebody give me a hankie.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Dab - 02-23-2008

*Hands Wheppy a hankie.*

"Oh crap, wait, thats Lohingren's." *Whispers* "I drenched it in pesticide.. Its gonna itch.."