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Zoner ID Reformation Idea - Printable Version

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Zoner ID Reformation Idea - Gemini893 - 07-13-2011

what is your RP justification for making any Zoner based character hostile to anyone? Have your version of the Zoners lost their ability to negotiate neutrality?

Would these other factions also be hostile toward Zoners and Zoner bases, in effect not allowing them to use Freeports?

How would this effect "Freeports" in general? should we rename them to "Zoner Ports" since the diplomacy in post #1 makes Zoners hostile to certain factions?

No I did not read the entire thread, only the first post. And I don't care to either. It's bad enough that Zoners suddenly lose all their trade contacts when they earn a ship bigger than the BWT, you people just won't be happy until you drive the final nail into the coffin of the Zoner faction.

Don't bother flaming, I won't revisit this thread. That being said, I'm sure some idiot will flame anyway.

Zoner ID Reformation Idea - Chico - 07-16-2011

I for one am against the splitting of the Zoner ID.
If party's don't feel their RP suits that ID, change ID. Don't create a new one.
Disco is getting the poorer for more ID's in my opinion anyway.

The Zoner RP originally was neutrality. Some could stick that, others couldn't.
If you can't be neutral, don't be a Zoner.
Neutrality doesn't mean you can't defend yourself by the way.

I'm not going to bring up the business of Freeport 9 suffice to say that Darths views do not necesarily reflect that of the Council.

I believe that all Zoners should maintain their neutrality as best as possible under their current situation.
Their current situation may reflect for example diplomatic relations with certain nearby groups. It may also reflect certain nearby military situations, possibly physical threats or even that pirate ship just over there but they should strive to maintain their position within a reasonable context.
The thing with that is that it should be realistic and some people here have a slanted view of what is and what isn't realistic. This reflects on them here in the forum and with groups operating in game. This for me also makes Disco poorer but enough of that.
Try to remember that neutrailty is not what you think you are but what everyone else percieves you as and yes, everyone else should be realistic as well.

A confederation of Zoners probably reflects better the ID and Freeports and how they are administrated. Factions should realise this pretty quickly and this would allow area specific laws to come into force and be supported by factions that use those bases.
FR5'ing a corsair who constantly uses Freeport 10 to raid Alpha probably wouldn't raise an eyebrow in the Council for example, assuming fair warning is given.
Omega 3 Freeport isn't much different. Cadiz is only one jump away.
Please note I said constantly.

I have tried to explain my view of what Zoners should be in my totally biased (corsair) way. I don't see room for more 'Zoner' type ID's. Just better positioned ones.
In summary, don't split the ID. Get a new one if that one doesn't suit you and the same applies for everyone else.