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Christy's - Fine Tea and Delicious Pastries - Printable Version

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Christy's - Fine Tea and Delicious Pastries - pbrione - 06-09-2009

A middle aged, balding man in an unremarkable grey suit sat, silently by himself in the front room of Christy's, sipping a cup of black tea. He appeared to pay no attention at all to the 5 men who had walked past him into the back room, his eyes fixed firmly on that morning's edition of the Daily Tribune. He glanced briefly at his watch, appeared to hesitate for a moment with the briefest of glances up at the front door and then settled back down to his paper, apparantly content to sit and wait a little longer, as yet another figure entered and walked past him into the back.

Christy's - Fine Tea and Delicious Pastries - ioha - 06-09-2009

Joshua had received M'guires second call in the middle of a patrol in Edinburgh and had just managed to get back to New London. After leaving his Hussar on the landing pad, he rushed towards Christy's.

Pulling back the hood of his soaked trenchoat, Joshua nodded to Christy as he entered. As he looked around the front room, he was surprised to find it almost empty - no constable was to be seen, just some civilian.

Joshua walked past the man, calmly smiling at Christy, telling her to get him the usual and entered the back room, where he was awaited by the others.

"Evening gentlemen, I'm afraid I couldn't make it any sooner" he said while hanging his trenchcoat over one of the chairs "also, I think those MI5 lads are nearly impossible to be found. Even my contacts on the Shetland weren't able to give me precise information but..."

He was interrupted just as he wanted to continue. Someone else had entered the small room.

Christy's - Fine Tea and Delicious Pastries - fpsdoug - 06-09-2009

A furious figure burst through the revolving door causing it to make several revolutions. Bruce stormed over to the others in the small room, "Right, the bloody Hacker had nothing to tell me. Flew from Newcastle to Cambridge and back to Leeds before I found him and what do I get when I do find him? NOTHING!"

Bruce sat down and calmed down with a bit of tea.

Christy's - Fine Tea and Delicious Pastries - JovialKnight - 06-10-2009

His eyebrows raised with Bruce's entrance.
"I couldnae git ahold o' that 'acker I mentioned either Bruce."
"Alright, we've no need fur the hacker anyway, wis just a backup incase Bob here didnae get the files. Which as it 'appened 'e did."
Duncan slotted the data stick into his readied reader.
Please wait: Reading data 5%
After a minute, it's managed to read a whole 17% of the file.
Embarresed, M'guire explained "Sorry boys, but it's'an old machine... Only one I kid git ma hands own at short notice... Anyway, I've only 'ad a quick look at the data, but it's whit we're after. Th' investigation files own Abigail, an' a dump 'o Greene's messages an' files."
He motioned at Robert to continue.
After a deep breath, a minute collect his thoughts, Robert started his tale.
"Well, sirs, the reason that the investigation is goin' so slowly is because Commisioner Greene is throwing up as much red tape as he can. Also seems that the lead invesitagtor ain't pullin' 'is weight, in that 'e's not following up on leads, and on a few cases a piece o' evidence 'as disappeared. If the officers bring it up, they're booted from th' investigation, with an order ta keep quiet about the investigation. Since I managed to get into Greene's trust, I 'ad a word with the lead investigator, a Quentin Garside. After a few drinks, I managed to get something of interest outta him. Seems Greene's running the whole case, but in Garside's name, he'd not go inta detail, but apparently, he was asked to play leader, and he'd get the glory, but none of the work, but he had to keep mum 'bout it. After that, 'e tried to buy me off, had ta accept, an' now break ma word... But had ta do it.
Also, foun' something odd when I wis watching Greene. 'E never seemed to be tired, or even hungry. An' I was with 'im a fair amount, an' over half a week too. Ain't natural... Same 'as his manners, something's off.
And that's as much as I can remember to say..."

Duncan's shock at what his nephew had done, changed to pride when Robert sat down.
Looking round at Robert, Duncan could only ask "When'd ye git so giid...?"
Robert only replied with a sheepish smile.
Looking around the table, the M'guires waited for the next report.

Christy's - Fine Tea and Delicious Pastries - pbrione - 06-10-2009

About a minute after the last of the men had passed him, the man in the grey suit sitting in the front of the cafe neatly folded his newspaper, stood up, picking up a black briefcase, and carried his empty teacup over to where Christy herself stood, nervously, behind the counter. He handed her the cup and saucer and thanked her politely before making to leave. He opened the front door, but as Christy dissappeared briefly into the kitchen to wash out the cup, he allowed the door to slam closed again in front of him. He turned, and walked purposefully through into the backroom where the assembled constables sat. He opened the door, walked straight in amid startled faces and placed his briefcase firmly on the table.

"Good evening gentlemen."

Before M'guire could utter the threat or demand he was clearly preparing, the man drew a datacard from his inside pocket and threw it to the table before them.

"Agent Tebbit. MI5."

eyebrows raised around the room. Joshua Cooper leaned forwards, "How did you -"

He was cut off "I have been sent by Sir Christopher Wren to meet with you. We have been investigating the death of Commissioner Thorn and the Home Secretary's meddling in the BAF. We beleive these incidents to be linked. You are right to suspect Greene. We have reasons to beleive he may be a traitor. Grenville perhaps too. Gentlemen, this is extremely serious. We are in perhaps more danger than you think. We are facing a subversive group, an enemy to which even the most loyal of us can be turned. You need to act carefully."

Brian McNabb spoke up, "are you suggesting that Greene had a hand in Abigail's death?"

Tebbit pasued for a moment, "...perhaps. Dr Blunt, we read your autopsy files. And we managed to gain some additional data of our own. Our beleif is that Commissioner Thorn was poisoned with minute traces of a deadly hemotoxin from a rare Gaian viper snake."

"It is possible," replied the Doctor, "death over several hours, I did notice severe damage to the red blood cells. But how was it aministered? And by who?"

"There is cirumstantial evidence that points to Gaian involvement. No doubt Greene will eventually attempt to pin the blame on the gaian movement. But we have uncovered further evidence, since destroyed or covered up, suggesting that this is a deliberate setup. The gaians are being framed for a political murder. One way or the other, Greene is implicated. However, do not think you can simply act to have him removed or arrested. The situation is, I as said, more delicate than you may think. The Queen is ill, we do not know whether by design or coincidence, and the Prime Minister's position is in jeapordy. As for the BPA, there is a danger you may not even have full control over them. Our intelligence suggests Greene is planning to create a new National Security Division under his personal command and with authority over and above that of yourselves. He may try to pre-empt any move we make. I am afraid MI5 cannot afford to be seen to be conspiring openly with you - we will have to follow our separate paths. Though I shall make arrangements to leave open a line of communication. For now, I am afraid I cannot remain here long. I had to kill one man who tried to follow me here. There may be others. Watch your backs. I have a few minutes for any things you wish to discuss, but make it quick..."

He glanced over his shoulder and turned back to look at the 7 men assembled in the room, his face blank and passive.

Christy's - Fine Tea and Delicious Pastries - BaconSoda - 06-11-2009

"But, Mr. Tebbit," Dr. Blunt interrupted again, "Ms. Thorn was the most Gaian-lenient Commissioner since the Kusari war started. Before being appointed Sectional Chief, even, she made it a point to actually investigate their complaints, be them trivial as they were. When she reached Sectional Chief of Cambridge she pardoned several Green Front politicians who were thought to be Gaian supporters. Hell, the Gaians should be sneaking vitamins into her food, not poison, for that alone."

Johnathan then reached into his brown leather briefcase. He pulled out several papers filled with various statistics and numbers.

"Furthermore, noting the contents of her digestive system, we have the normal contents. Potatoes, the like. However, our suspected poison has a much higher nitrogen and carbon content than Gaian viper venom. It's almost like it was derived from cellulose or ethanol derivatives of cellulose. The closest known sample of a poison similar to this is from a golden Carinea lotus in Omicron Alpha, but as to why the Outcasts would choose to extract such a poison from a totally hostile world is a fine question when they have cardimine derived toxins they could have used that are much easier to create."

Johnathan looked at the other men in the room frantically. His arm was shaking, and he appeared to be on the verge of a mental breakdown.

"Even with the similarities to the golden lotus toxin, this one is almost a completely foreign. If Abigail had somehow recognized that she had been poisoned, there is nothing we could have done for her, aside from easing the pain involved. We don't even have an antivenin for lotus toxins either. I hate to be cliche, but, whoever did poison Abigail did a good job in making sure that she was going to die without any hints for us. Medically, we're up a creek without a paddle when it comes to leads! This is...This is just crazy!"

Christy's - Fine Tea and Delicious Pastries - Ors - 06-11-2009

"Well..." Brian spoke, " This is indeed disturbing news"
"First of all, that lead investigator is gonna get the boot the minute we are done with this case. I would not tolorate such behavior in my section!"
Brian said with a harsh voive.
"Now, as for the info we got on greene, Agent Tabbet, do you guys up there in MI5 know of anything that will cause such a behavior in a man as Robert here described? I doubt anyone of us can go that long without sleep or food?"
Agent Tabbet started to answer as Brian cut him off mid word
"And, as for what you said "an enemy to which even the most loyal of us can be turned" Can you elaborate on that part as well please?"
With that Brian gave the floor to Agent Tabbet, eagerly waiting to hear what he has to say.

Christy's - Fine Tea and Delicious Pastries - pbrione - 06-12-2009

"Ah." replied Tebbit, hesitantly. "There is, perhaps, one further piece of evidence which I have not yet disclosed to you. It is true that both Greene and Grenville have been acting strange for some time - the Prime Minister informed us that Grenville was behaving simlarly for several months now. The circumstantial evidence, coupled with certain reports of possible communications suggests that there may be.....non-human involvement. It cannot be denied that the recent moves against the Norfolk Fleet will benefit the Wilde more than anyone else - there is a high probability that the two men may no longer be acting of their own free will."

Shocked silences filled the room. Dr Blunt attempted to blurt out "but - cannot..." he trailed off, looking distinctly pale as though he was about to collapse.

"A shocking suggestion gentlemen, I am aware. But we have some direct evidence as well." He opened the black briefcase layed on the table and pulled out a holodisc displaying a computer readout. "After our initial suspicions we sent an undercover operative to attempt a test on Greene. We managed to use a uniquely designed sedative dart to recover this 1 inch deep tissue sample from the top of his spine. The analysis, as you can see, shows a particularly high energy concentration of non-human biological matter that is consistent with infested victims of the Nomad War 17 years ago. It is not conclusive proof, but our suspicions appear to be well founded. As you can see, therefore, the enemy we face is of incredibly dangerous power. The extent to which they have infiltrated our services is still completely unknown, but the fact that they may have penetrated the upper echelons of our Home Office and BPA are extremely worrying."

Christy's - Fine Tea and Delicious Pastries - JovialKnight - 06-15-2009

The M'guires stared at Tebbit, shocked at the information he had given.

After a bit of digesting, the power of speech returned to Duncan,
"Seems we're a tad outta our depth Agent Tebbit... Didnae see this when I asked Bob ta git close ta Greene.
I'm sure ah kin speak fur all o' us here an' ask, 'What the 'eck can we do about it?'"
He looked at his fellows, then returned his gaze to Tebbit, "' 'Ow can we 'elp ye?"

Christy's - Fine Tea and Delicious Pastries - pbrione - 06-17-2009

The agent sighed, his greying hair and expression serving to make him look old beyond his years.

"That, I'm afraid, is a difficult question to answer. If this is true, and to be sure it will need more confirmation than we currently have before we can legally move against them, then we are all in great danger. The fact is, we have literally no idea how many potential enemies we may be facing from within. I would advise you to disclose this information to no-one but yourselves. Naturally MI5 will be working to uncover further traitors and confirm our intelligence. And we will have contingency plans. Once the enemy is unmasked, we will move in and arrest the traitors. The BAF will try and stall the Home Office directive for as long as possible, but they may be threatened by Greene personally. As for yourselves, I can say only this. Do what you can to delay further power grabs by Greene or Grenville. Try to delay any moves against the BAF, and particularly any moves of Greene to gain more power over the BPA whilst we conclude our investigations. Most of all, look after yourselves. Gentlemen, if Greene thinks you suspect him, you will be in great personal danger. You currently represent the greatest obstacle to his power. Do not allow yourselves to be removed from that position. Defend justice. Uphold the constitution. Remind every man under your juristictions that they owe their loyalty to the Crown and not to anyone else. For now, alas, this is all the advice that I can give."

He glanced down briefly at a flashing light on his watch and then looked up, suddenly highly alert.

"Gentlemen, I must take my leave now. I cannot remain here longer. I leave you this." he removed a tiny device from his coat and placed it on the table alongside the holodisc of the tissue samples from Greene. "Keep this safe. MI5 will use it to contact you if we should need your help. If you have an emergency, you can send out a signal to us that will track your location and we will send an operative to meet you. But be aware that even the most secure of communications can be intercepted by QCHQ, which falls under Grenville's control. Take this disc too. It is one of two copies of our evidence against Greene, should MI5 be compromised you will retain the information. I can help you no more for now. Good day to you. And good luck."

With a final nod, the man pulled his briefcase from the desk in one neat move, turned, and walked briskly through the doors and out onto the street. Within seconds, he was gone. The 7 men still seated in the room all turned to gaze at the two items sitting in the middle of the table, none of them sure whether they should reach out and take them.