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Remove Connecticut - Printable Version

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Remove Connecticut - Pingu! - 01-12-2012

If someone does not like Conn, no one is forcing him to go inside. Avoid it, and let other people who like it have fun with it. As simple as that.

Remove Connecticut - Van - 01-13-2012

' Wrote:You've struck opon the major issue with creating a /conn command while the jumphole to NY is still in existance as well...

We are considering alternatives to the NY -> Conn jump hole, it would be locked or removed of course if something else was implemented. I would suggest leaving and locking it, to serve as a both a reminder that Connecticut exists and to serve as something of a relic. (When a player pulls up info on the old jump hole, the card could be directions on how to go to Connecticut now, as well as maybe some role play story about how this jump hole is now dangerously unphase-aligned and unusable, or something, whatever.)

' Wrote:But overall, I think the idea would be a workable one. It's an idea that's come up in the admin forums before now and been discussed, but there are (fairly understandably) more important things which need doing at the moment. If I had the ability to, I'd make it happen myself but sadly I can't. (damn this brain and all it's inadaquecies)

I understand and agree, this is very low priority. But, brainstorming with no deadline or pressure is kinda nice, and if done well could lead to something good and easy for whichever of the brain-people who can make the codes to imagine and implement. I think.

Hmm. Further addressing the cargo/trading abuse... to what extent can the server keep records of a player's ship?

Example: A Sabre with full weapons, munitions (missiles, counter-measures, mines, torpedoes), equipment (shield, thruster, I.D., scanner, armor, nano-bots, shield batteries), and some random cargo (pilots, h-fuel, tractored loot) docks with "Station X", which is outside of Connecticut.

While inside the base (in any of the screens, or perhaps just the Launch Pad screen), the player types the /gotoconn command. (I made it longer to maybe help prevent accidental typing)

The player is logged out to the Character Select menu. At the same time, the server makes a log, or a kind of save-state, of that character the player was just using when they typed the /gotoconn command. This log would be (...oh son of a bitch, I have not even finished and I found another loop-hole... wait, I think I found a solution... carrying-on * ) of what cargo that character was carrying, and the base the character was on when they used the /gotoconn command. The command will also beam the character to a base within Connecticut (how about New Haven Station), which would be shown on the Character Select screen.

Once the player logs back in with that character they will be inside Conneticut, with all their equipment, munitions, and cargo. They can now proceed to undock, shoot at friends/strangers, and have fun.

Once the fun is done, the player docks with any of the stations within Connecticut (or just New Haven Station again), and types the /gotohome command. (As mentioned before, but since I did not quote it in this post I will say again, typing /gotoconn within Connecticut will not work, as it would break the circle and trap the poor fool in Connecticut forever. Which admittedly would be funny, but also annoying, maybe, after awhile.) Once again the player is logged out to the Character Select screen, but this time the /gotohome command does some voodoo.

Using the log, the command restores the characters cargo to exactly what it was before entering Connecticut, and places the character in the exact same base they were in. This means that even if the character lost all their cargo it would be returned to them, and if they had acquired any new cargo, that cargo would be lost. This would not restore spent/lost munitions, bots/bats, weapons, or equipment.

The log that was created is now deleted, no longer being needed.

The player logs back in with that characters, once again docked with "Station X", with their cargo just as they had left it, and any changes to their weapons/munitions that took place while they were in Connecticut still the same.

How about THEM apples?

To summarize:
Player docks with any base outside Conn, types /gotoconn command, is logged out, when log-in they are in Conn with everything they had before entering, zap zap boom, dock on station within Conn, type /gotohome command, is logged out, when log-in they are back to where they were before entering Conn with their cargo reset to what was in it before entering Conn but all other changes to weapons and munitions that took place within Conn remaining.

* The original idea had the log be a complete copy of the ship, weapons, cargo, everything. When they left Connecticut, everything would be restored to how it was, except bots/bats and munitions. The exploit with this: Weapon/equipment duplicating. Players could un-equip everything, sell it on a station within Conneticut, leave, and have it all restored. Repeat until you have 1 billion credits. The quick-fix for this was to also copy and restore the characters Credit balance, but there was still Character-to-Character credit transfers. After a few more synapses fired, I came up with the above solution. Brain-storming at midnight really might not be the best time to storm one's brain. I need rest now. Goodnight.

Remove Connecticut - Van - 01-18-2012

JihadJoe? Anyone?

Bumping thread because I was enjoying this thread. :(

Remove Connecticut - Vulkhard Muller - 03-29-2012

I suggest this if they are going to have it there have a Jumphole from the Guard Systems and capital systems so that access is easier its not funn getting a Rheinland VHF into Conn trust me...ive tried -_-

Remove Connecticut - Rapur - 03-29-2012

[Image: Grave_digger.jpg]