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Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Printable Version

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Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Zapp - 03-26-2008

Just change the =LSF= to GSAL- on the Goliath. That would be awesome. If you wanna know what it means, go to the 'I can has Skype?' thread in the flood and check out my first (and currently only) post.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - sovereign - 03-26-2008

' Wrote:Yeah, even though the LPI is definitely incompetent, we're better at enforcing Liberty Law than the LSF. I've actually been told that by someone in all serious. Quote: What's the LSF even there for? (anonymous)


Yeah, that's pretty sad. At least you guys are working on it...

Maybe we LPI should get out more, though, tour places, kindly request pirates to report to the Sugarland, stuff like

Quote:Easy there, uh, Gopher, um... don't hurt me, uh... please...

Now just wait there 'till I can stop sweating long enough to get these...uh.. handcuffs on you...

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - MB52 - 03-26-2008

Pirates never give me a chance to RP usually... they attack without word as soon as they see me (usually)

And with a Liberator.. its bad to sit still and type..

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Xing - 03-27-2008

Anyway. For California, I don't know what to say. Mostly, all I see is underlevel player roaming about nowaday in the area. I can't do much in there, and people trying to RP in underlevel characters, I usually despise them as they are profiting from their level so I cant shoot them.

I especially despise that guy who went in zone 21, jumped to alaska, all being lvl 16, fully knowing i cant shoot him and he cant go there, and talk me in rp saying i was incompetent and all... wooh, congrat... I cant shoot you because of rules... nice.

So, I dont see much reason going in California; there's no ocasion to RP, and even if there was, I'm not sure I'd want to as they mostly are mere under level traders.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Morgs - 03-27-2008

I gotta say it, LPI really are doing a bad job these days.
3 times in a row tonight I delivered to Manhatten my full load of Artifacts and left fully laden with counterfeit software. Always seeing LPI about but not a single challenge from them. Occasionally I get the odd trader or low leveller notice I'm upto my ears in smuggle, but LPI does nothing about it.

Come on LPI!! I fly a pirate train with Smuggler ID, how many more clues do you need?:D

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Zapp - 03-27-2008

Dude, I chased an artifact smuggler down on my LPI, scanned him, noted his hold full of artifacts, his pirate turrets, and smuggler ID, and was about to let him go til I saw his plates were expired. Oh yes, that's how the LPI runs. Then he just paid me 100k and I left.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - Boss - 03-27-2008

Morgs, I will not pursue a smuggler, for any reason as Jim. Jeff will kill a smuggler, mostly because the SWAT have different training.

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - MB52 - 03-27-2008

Our liberators can't take out transports, simple as that.. and you probably just happened to go by when we weren't scanning everything that passed...

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - BaconSoda - 03-27-2008

' Wrote:I always patrol California, usually sticking to LA, because it should be most secure and I get raped A LOT. By A LOT I mean a huge amount of rape. That is a lot of rape... (:D) I see other guys sitting at New York, I usually do patrols in California alone. (yesterday was different had Larry and that other guy patrolling it too)

Man, I get raped all the time in my completely unarmored Hussar, yet I still patrol Cambridge even though the Corsairs are, besides the Kusari, which aren't really my problem, the greatest threat to Bretonia. In fact, I took on a fully armored and armed Corsair Bomber with the assistance of a very lightly armed [Lane.Security] (He only had 2 guns, and they are Purple Goddesses), and got my buttocks handed to me by his Nuclear mines. I wish more of the LPI would come out and RP their part in California and Colordao better, even if it does mean getting your buttocks handed to you every so often...

' Wrote:Believe me, King is trying his darn hardest to get the LSF up to how it should be. He has listened to myself and others, and is trying to make the LSF work. The fact of the matter is that the LSF are not there to kill people. And there was nothing more annoying with my ex lsf pilot, than receiving messages to me saying there was an OC BS in New York, but yet the SA were told nothing. I know the LSF need to change, but people need to start realising that the majority of the LSF personnel are trying to change their roleplay to be more secret, and getting messages that would be better off addressed to the Navy bods, is not helping with that change.

Edit: When i say not there to kill people, i mean in the sense that the navy should kill people.

I completely agree with you. I remember when I signed up for the BPA, I was told explicitly that we weren't super fighters, and if we could, try and get someone out of Bretonia by talking means, or hire Bounty Hunters to do it for us if the QCRF weren't on.

' Wrote:Pirates never give me a chance to RP usually... they attack without word as soon as they see me (usually)

And with a Liberator.. its bad to sit still and type..

Again, I completely agree with you. Most of the independents just shoot first and RP later, really more out of fear that we'll shoot first, I think. Now, the official factions are a totally different story. I have had quite a few bouts of insult spitting with a couple of the TBH boys.

' Wrote:Our liberators can't take out transports, simple as that.. and you probably just happened to go by when we weren't scanning everything that passed...

Hey, if you can annoy them long enough so that they'll think it isn't worth it next time, then its worth chasing them down, but thats just my opinion...

Where's the SA and LPI when you need them? - SimonBlack - 03-27-2008

Quote:I gotta say it, LPI really are doing a bad job these days.
3 times in a row tonight I delivered to Manhatten my full load of Artifacts and left fully laden with counterfeit software. Always seeing LPI about but not a single challenge from them. Occasionally I get the odd trader or low leveller notice I'm upto my ears in smuggle, but LPI does nothing about it.

Come on LPI!! I fly a pirate train with Smuggler ID, how many more clues do you need?

Dude, how do you think smugglers stop after they are told to? Thats right. None.