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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Sorcha - 06-15-2008 --->incoming Transmission<---
Comm ID: Jonathan Hype Gentleman, Wow, now i know what feeling small means. I just hopped onto my Starblazer and found..... A Legate with broken IFF near Ouray! His IFF showed Xeno additional! I was just shocked! Coachwhip soon came from Ouray as i yelled him out. Don't know though if we would have had any chance against this ship. Well, as we helped him to get his IFF working again, he was so kind to donate 2 (in words: two) Millions to the Xenos ![]() The cash is ready to be sented to the bank. Johnny --->Transmission ends<---
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - I_m_rdy - 06-16-2008 -Incoming Transmission- Source: LPI Huntsville, Texas System Comm ID: Brendan "Bushmaster" Lockton Message to: Registered alliance members Subject: HELP! Encryption algorithm: Network coded -Message start- Hello? Can anyone hear me?! Hello?! Help! I got captured! I'm sitting here in Huntsville now, being forced to cook for some greasy Rogues! I can't take it anymore! Help me out! I miss my Eagle! I miss flying with you guys! And I miss beating the crap outta those fat donut munchers! Bushie out -Message end- Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Capt. Henry Morgan - 06-16-2008 Glenn slept fitfully. Sometimes the dreams didn't come quite so intense, but tonight was not one of those nights. His rank accords him one of the few private rooms on the base, so he doesn't have to worry about waking anyone else. When the dreams come, he returns to the past. The logic of dreams doesn't allow him to question this. He looks down at himself and notices that he is wearing the uniform of a Liberty Navy Lieutenant, Junior Grade. He must be back aboard the LNS Speedwell. He hears the noise of Bridge operations all around him, and sees the Primary Gunnery station before him. "Report, Lt. Mendoza, is that the target?" The voice was that of Captain Wright. Captain Wright? Isn't he dead? No, not at this point in time. "Aye Captain, target confirmed. That is the SS Starhopper, registered to Spa and Cruise." replied LSF Lt. Mendoza, the "Security" officer. More like Loyalty Officer. "Mr. Thacker" Captain Wright called, "Drop the trade lane just as the target approaches." "Aye, sir!" Glenn heard himself say. His fingers move across the board as he fires on the Trade Lane ring. "Lane disrupted, sir." Almost immediately, the communication's officer spoke up. "Sir, the Starhopper is hailing us. They're demanding to know why we've disrupted the Trade Lane. Shall I reply?" "Order them to hold position, Ensign. Mr. Thacker, target the Starhopper's main reactor and fire when ready." Glenn thought he must have misunderstood. "Sir?" he asked "There are over 3000 civilians aboard that liner. Confirm that you want me to fire on it?" "You know as well as I that the Xenos are a threat to Liberty. One of their top leaders is aboard that ship. The civilian deaths are regrettable, but necessary. You'll have to learn to follow orders without question if you want to succeed here, Mr. Thacker." Trust Lt. Mendoza to put his two credits in. "You have your orders, Lieutenant. I suggest you follow them." The Captain replied. Glenn sat there indecisive for a moment, then made his decision. "No, sir." Captain Wright walked up to his station. "Perhaps you'd like to repeat that, Lieutenant?" Glenn straightened up. "No, sir. I will not fire on innocent civilians. That's not why I put on this uniform." "Stand aside, Lt. Thacker. NOW!!" "No, sir." Captain Wright then struck Glenn, and he fell to the deck. From the deck he watched Captain Wright walk up to the Gunnery station and fire the ships main cannon. On station's viewscreen, he saw the Starhopper explode with a flash, and felt the debris strike the Speedwell's sheilds a moment later. Glenn sat dumbfounded on the deck for a moment. Then resolve replaced confusion, and he stood from the deck, then drew his sidearm. A second later, he felt the weapon come alive in his hand and Captain Wright fell dead to the deck. From the corner of his eye, he saw Lt. Mendoza rise from his chair, then all went black. Glenn awoke in a cold sweat. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - arcane - 06-20-2008 XA-Lancehead Huntsville Prison Uhhhh! I can't stand that stuff. Synth-gruel they call it. More like synth-dung. I've only been here...how long? It's hard to tell when day and night are one and the same. How will I stand 20 years? I have to get out of here. I'm going to try and steal a guard's communicator next chance I get. I'll probably get 2 weeks in the "conditioning room" for my trouble. But I'll be able to contact a superior in the XA...Copperhead or Cobra...what I'd give to see them all again... I try tomorrow... Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Capt. Henry Morgan - 07-01-2008 =====Begin Transmission===== Source: Ouray Base, Colorado System Comm ID: XA-Falcon (Glenn Thacker) Subject: Combat Report I know i've not been logging much flight time lately, but I finally decided to jump back into the cockpit of my trusty shoebox. Glad that I did, today was a fun trip out of the rock. I decided that, since I was alone, I'd be best off staying close to home. Besides, Pueblo Station can offer a lot of action. After arriving on the scene, I was followed out of the lane almost immediately by a Navy pilot named Raisu. He had one of those wicked little Raven Claw fighters that the authorities like so much. I started things off with a round of fire from my Deb cannons and got his shields down. I tried to finish him off with a quick supernova shot. When that missed, I dropped a cluster of nuke mines while waiting for my powerplant to recharge. Nightlight that kills people indeed. He hit detonated the mines right outside my hull, doing no small amount of damage and stripping me of everthing that shoots except for my supernova and mine dropper. After that, it was just my piloting skills against his, and with me almost defenseless in a bomber, that's no small problem. Fortunately, he wasn't that great of a pilot. After a bit of back and forth, I managed to maneuver him near a Navy battleship patrol, which accidently got a couple of friendly hits on him. From there, his shields were gone so he tried to get some distance. I saw my chance and let my supernova off the chain, and was rewarded by a satisfying pop. Brought my butt back here, since I was in no shape for further fighting. That raven claw silouette is one i'll be proud to have painted on the side of my bomber. =====End Transmission===== Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Dusty Lens - 07-02-2008 David sat down at his desk and rubbed his eyes. Cap duty and report writing made for poor mates. Warily he eyed the chronometer on his desk... All of ten hours before he was due for another patrol. 7/1/817 Combat Log Combat and Interdiction patrol went without any great incident. The trade vessels ASL)Galaxite and Shanasay were both succesfully interdicted by White Dahlia and myself. The Galaxite was running with an empty hold and was given the opportunity to flee with its life under conditions of staying out of Liberty space, the Shanasay was ordered to drop cargo with which it did not comply and was summarily destroyed. Our vessels were set upon a, unique, LPI pilot in a Raven Claw who was dispatched with what could be considered casual ease. At this time a Junker by the name of Ryoken made his presence in system known, through a small payment made to a local contact we were able to ascertain his location and set upon his vessel, which turned out to be a Cruiser, so thank goodness for bombers. He opened fire moments after we came into range of his ship, so the two of us wasted few words before splitting up to spread his fire. The fight lasted for no short amount of time and came perilously close to Manhattan, but he was eventually dispatched with no losses taken. At which time ion activity in the system became severe and we made back to Ouray at best possible speed. End report. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - timmychen - 07-03-2008 [Incoming Transmission] [From: Landon Kramer .To: Xeno Alliance] [Begin Message] Good day for all! Well, maybe not them Libertonians messin' around, but we sure had jolly good fun! It started off with our awesome spokesperson, Greerson, making his broadcast throughout New York! People listened and took in everything we were saying! There were also a bunch of lawdogs in the system too who didn't appreciate our doings.. and heck, they all came after me! I be dodging around in the Pittsburgh debris field.. there were five o'em! All shootin' at me! All flyin' little Guardians and Avengers.. kinda surprised me.. y'know, cause of Liberty's reputation! Anyways, they fought and fought and then three o'them suddenly gave up and just cruised away! I stood a better chance now, with only two left, but there's this new girl, Sarah Willows, with them! And daaaamn, she really knows how to fly her ship! But I kept 'em good and busy while Greerson got calls from all o'er the system! A great success! After he finished, I cruised off into the sunset.. not literally, o'course! Me and my ship are still all good! Yeeeehaw! [End Message] Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Chucc - 07-03-2008 So I'm flying around in New York, I figure I'll swing by and check some scenery in my private ship. What happens but a group of fighters comes along with a couple bombers, no big threat. So I'm fighting them, they barely even teach them boys and a girl or two it looked like, how to speak. All they know is Engaging Xenos. Makes it so hard to find a date to the LSF Ball. Oh wait, that's right, everyone knows the LSF doesn't have BALLS!!! HA HA HA so what do the cowards do when they already got me outnumbered and WAY out gunned? They do the logical thing for a Liberty officer, they call in the LN and some gunboat support. I mean hey, I know I got a few kills under my belt, but does it take 8 or 10 poorly trained and mute Liberty fighters and gunboats to attack one single little Xenos Eagle? Thanks for the compliment guys. You are gonna just cry when I get my gunboat!!! Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Sorcha - 07-06-2008 --->incoming Transmission<---
Comm ID: Jonathan Hype Huihuihui, i'm a lucky boy! Firstly, my Eagle is now fully setted up with all i need. Well, the first one to taste my new firepower was a little Guardian coming to Ouray for some random reason. ![]() As David, Jerry and a third i don't remember yet were there, it was a short, and effective fight. ![]() Yesterday, we found some Rogie forces in Texas, as we went to aid someone caught in the fields there. They were also after him, so we considered him having some important informations. As so, we tried to get the Rogues away from him. ![]() The first one to go down was this Barghtes i'm targeting at the second of the camera shot. We had numerous pilots in fight, me as well as the both above stated, and erm, simply a lot. Some you see on my shots. The next Rogue to, uhm, feel our strenght was the Gunboat Diplomat. ![]() Then, another Barghest came in, we just recognized it as Barghest as it was time for it to take a break. ![]() Then we faced the only Werewolf the Rogues brought along with many Greyhounds, Don Thug. ![]() He was running from us soon. ![]() The next thing happening was my ejection. Someone should've told me those Greyhounds can mount Torps, thought they are Light Fighters....... Well, David took my escape pod and brought me towards Barrow after the others won the fight. You see how lucky i am? Could have ended in the hands of those stinky Rogues.... Well, visiting some old mates on my birthplace isn't bad. Sadlierwise, some more of them died while i was on Ouray..... Johnny --->Transmission ends<---
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Capt. Henry Morgan - 07-24-2008 Location: Ames Research Station, Kepler System Glenn climbed out of the cockpit of his Viper Mk. I after it touched down on the Ames flight deck. On the surface, his job here was to escort the Xeno freighter that came to pick up supplies to carry back to Nome. In truth, though, he had another mission. Rumors held that a smuggler was moving slaves through here, and his job was to do what he could to release them. A risky proposition at best, since the Zoners are serious about their neutrality, and tend to treat any fighting on one of the their bases with extreme displeasure. Still, they couldn't risk engaging the slaver in space and take a chance that he'd just kill the slaves instead of releasing them. All he had to do now was bide his time and wait for Fastjack to get the name of the slaver ship to him, until then his time was free. Fortunately, luck was on his side, as the transport =WS=Humpback was in dock. The Humpback was commanded by his brother Gary, so he'd be able to catch up on old times while waiting for the slaver to arrive. Glenn walked into the station pub, and immediately saw his brother sitting at a table near the windows. "Gary!" Glenn called out. He saw Gary looking around, trying to find the one who called his name. "Glenn! What are you doing here? C'mon over here and have a drink with me!" Glenn sits down in the seat across from Gary. "I see you've been doing well for yourself, Gary. I'm sure dad would be proud." "Well, he always did want the best for all of us. I heard you hooked up with the Xenos. I'll admit that comes as a bit of a surprise. You were always the most straight-laced of us. Never figured you for going radical." "I know what you read in the news about us. That we're terrorists and thugs. None of that nonsense is true. We're practically the only ones left still fighting for Liberty. Honestly, I feel like I've fulfilled my Navy Oath more now than I ever did while wearing a uniform. No matter what they say about us, we're not murderers." "Glenn, you're my brother. You know that I'd never judge you. I'm sure that you believe in what you're doing, or you wouldn't be doing it. In my line of work, there really isn't much room for politics, other than knowing what not to carry where. I actually don't come through Liberty much anymore, you're lucky you caught me here this time." "Well, I'm glad I did, it's been a long-" Glenn heard a beep from his portable datapad, signaling that he had recieved a message. "Hold on a second, I've got to read this." Glenn opens the messages and sees the following. ==================== Glenn, It wasn't easy, but I managed to get the information on that slave smuggler. Seems that he's covering his activities pretty well, and that's made him tough to track. Got the name of the ship for you anyway, though. It's a GT-1 "Whale" GMG Transport named the =WS=Humpback. I couldn't get the information on it's Commander or crew, but Whales usually only keep small crews, so this shouldn't be too difficult for you. Good Luck Fastjack out. ==================== Glenn looked at his brother in disbelief. |