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141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 03-07-2012

[Image: w3dacfzdo2ie.png]

Davids hier.

I am still recovering from mein injuries due toe the fight in Omicron Beta, but staying in bed becomes boring.
Therefor I had an overview over our latest requirement.

Meine Damen and Herren, due to agent Sefegiru's work, our taskforce was able to obtain ein Bison transport
on zhe Liberty black market.
Said transport has already made ein supply run to Atum in Alaska with some needed goods, although it still
needs a final refit.
* * *

With zhis transport we should be able to accelerate zhe rebuilding of our capital assets, zherefore I advise
all agents of Taskforce One Four One to protect zhis transport when requested. Right now, we have to
secure our logistics almost as Omicron Mu itself!

Colonel Davids out

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 03-09-2012

[Image: w3dacfzdo2ie.png]

This is Colonel Davids speaking on behalf of One Four One Command.

Due to zhe recent event in Omicron Beta we have to increase our fighting capabilities.
Therefore ein training has been declared on Saturday, 10th march, 818, 19:00 GMT and we highly
encourage all agents to attend zhis training! I hope to see as many of us as possible.

Davids out.

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Savi - 03-17-2012

***Accessing 141 Task Force reporting channel***
***Entering access code***
***Access granted***

Good evening gentlemen.

We've got some intel at around 20:00 GMT that there is qutie a large bounty hunter core fleet in Omnicron Delta formed of mostly capital ship. We soon thought of a plan to remove that threat close to our borders, so me, Marley and Colonel Davids escorted the Icarus flag ship commanded by Commander Dawn to Delta to remove the targets. Our 3 bomber squad assaulted at first and removed 1 battle cruiser. Then, Icarus came in and destroyed the mako, while the rest of the remaining core units ran away. After some time I also managed taking out one core snub that it seems being an Avenger Liberty Navy very heavy fighter. We still had one loose. Forloron's ship was destroyed, but that wasn't such a loose of what the Core had faced. We returned to our homeworld and started a training session.

----Uploading Visuals---- # # #

That's all for now, agent Freud out.

***Closing Transmission***

141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 03-18-2012

*Incomming Transmission*
*From: Forlorn d'Autoine*
*Subject: Yesterday Events*
*Encryption: Very High*
*Location: Taba Border Station*
*Opening Containing Files*

Bonjour, monsieurs and madames...
It's the first time I ever broadcast a message in this frequency, I feel a little bit weird given the privilege of having access to it and the fact that I never sent any message here...
Still, I have come to lay a report about the yesterday events which occured in Omicron Zeta.
Let me begin.....
The members of the 141 task force returned to Taba Bording Station after the succesful operation in Omicron Delta.A training session soon started there, but it was broken pretty fast by a message sent to me by the Meskhenet Space Station in Omicron Zeta.
I have been told that, they picked a strange anomaly on the radars and that they ask us to investigate.They had no additional info about that anomaly except that it could be an unidentified ship in the nebula surroind Iota Jump Hole.
Monsieur Sefegiru accompanied me on this task and so we plotted course to Zeta.
Once there, we were heading to the Nebula, and on our way we spotted an Order| Resheph which told us that he sighted the anomaly in the nebula aswell and so we continued our paths.
When we reached the nebula, our sensors were greatly reduced and so we relied on our visual scanners.Something was clearly jamming our radars...But we didn't know for sure what exactly...
We shortly saw the same Order| Resheph patrolling the area aswell and so, we intercepted it and engaged in an escort formation.
Shortly after, we sighted hulls of Anubis class fighters, probably piloted by rookies...Strangely all of the bodies were missing.After some time though, we managed to find the unidentified ship which was the source of the anomaly, a ship of what looks like, a heavily modified Thresher.
After a few futile attempts, we managed to establish communication with the inhabitants of that ship, they even broadcasted live video feed to us showing who they were exactly.In that video, I could recognize some sort of cyborg alien insectoids but the transmission wasn't very clear and the sender quickly closed the feed after.
They didn't give us clear reasons for their presence here, except that they were looking for some kind of elements, and that they want to protect their masters, which we soon found out that it was the 77th...
The situation started getting strange from here...The messenger on that ship, somehow felt the presence of the crystalline crystal I had in possesion from the 77th member I interogated and the crystal started glowing strangely and so I tried my best to hide it, but it was useless...
I had the vague feeling that it was sent to retrieve the belongings I managed to obtain, so I wanted to talk with Sefegiru about this, but he told me to shut up so I won't compromise such confidential information.
Communication with the entity, was at times, hard to understand, as it was speaking pretty...cryptic..Good thing madame Allyson and monsieur Seth from the Order| Resheph were present as they helped us decrypt the messages the entity was saying.The entity told us that he was somekind of slave, being the member of some kind of unity, serving their masters, possibly the same way ants, termites, bees or other insects do, but that's only my opinion...
We soon found out that the missing Order bodies were onboard that ship...The entity gladly allowed us to take them, and we decided to take them to an autopsy on Taba in an attempt to gather information about what might have happened as the Resheph didn't had the required hardware...
Strangely, a few nomad squadrons composed of fighters came some kind of wave pattern, trying to attack us...the entity refered to them as ,,perfect elements" which made me to think, that it was the entity was actually looking for nomads, though he denied that possibility...He then shot a nearby floating asteroid, and tractored a rock chunk from it, for reasons we do not know even at this moment...
The nomad's swarm was increasing, and so, for our safety it was imperative that we leave, and so we did, though the ,,alien" Thresher did so as well...I managed though to attach a beacon to it, but unfortunately, the beacon failed to transmit signals so that I may obtain information about the Thresher's locations...And then, the Thresher simply vanished in the nebula, leaving us to return on Taba Border Station.

I begin to think that this entity is related to the items I now posses, maybe beggining to find out what this items are, and trying to open the contains of the ,,journal chip" will offer me some valuable information about this...But until then...

This was 141 Ensign Forlorn d'Autoine broadcasting the message to the 141 Task Force...Au revoir

*Transmission Ended*

141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 03-22-2012

[Image: w3dacfzdo2ie.png]

Colonel Davids hier.

It has come to mein attention zhat zhere was ein incident in Omicron Iota and Omicron Zeta regarding ein
unauthorized recon mission.
Right now zhe information zhat was forwarded to me by Interceptor wing has not brought everything into light,
but it seems like zhat one of our Ensigns felt confident enough to head int Iota for what ever reason.
Agents Outer and Trayton as well as Inteceptor-5 formed a rescue team to get zhe said ensign out of it alive
with K'Hara on their tail.
* * *
Zhe rescue was successfull, but Trayton's fighter was destroyed, though his escaped pod was retrieved.
* * *
And now I want to know zhe verdamned reason why zhis mess has happened!

Davids out.

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Savi - 03-24-2012

***Accessing 141 Task Force reporting channel***
***Entering access code***
***Access granted***

Good evening gentlemen.

Today, 3 bounty hunter Tresher Cruisers and a Bullhead battlecruiser invaded our territory. First of all, because we were only 3 bombers, they pushed us back to Mu. There, more agents joined the fight. We've tried to trap them into the mine field, but eventually the plan failed, so we continued shooting them in open space. Marley went down fast because he didn't used the nova torps properly, but then we took down 2 of the 4 cruisers. Soon after this, some more of our agents got their bombers killed and we were heavily damaged to fight back the other 2, but luckily OCV-Blaster, a geb carrier joined the fight and change the tides to our favor. Soon, the third BHG cruiser was destroyed, and the last one managed to slip away back to Omicron Delta.

----Uploading Visuals---- # #

That's all for now, agent Freud out.

***Closing Transmission***

141| Internal Channel - Data Minion - 03-24-2012


***Incoming Transmission***

***Encryption Level: Very High***

***Subject: Report***

***Opening Communication Links***

***Balancing Frequency***


***Transmission active. Proceed.***


Greetings, fine agents, this is ensign Kado speaking. Long time, no see.

As I play the recordings on this channel, I have noticed that I... Haven't been around for a while. Could be several weeks, or even more.

You are aware that my hearing was bad, really bad. Luckily, the Akabat special medical team managed to fix that by putting me a *scratches ear* some kind of a sound amplifier, deep down at my ear drum. And it itches, a lot.

I can surely see that some serious incidents were happening during my... Abscence. I just wish I was there, to help out my fellow friends...

Never the less, we must go on, so I'm forming a report on today's events!

As my duty started, I went on a patrol path from Omicron Mu to Omicron 100. Just when I entered it near Evora, there was a ship I really didn't expect there: A Daumann ''Pelican'' type armored transport! My first thought is how did it get there, so I started questioning the pilot, noticing him that O-100 is restricted space to everyone but Order. I got an answer, telling me that he is just looking for good business... Luckily, he cooperated, and agreed to leave the system through Minor, and later on across Alaska. Here is the photographical proof of the chatter, hence I forgot to take a look at his papers. * *

A little later, I received a transmission from Akabat that there is an unknown vessel flying around it. Guess what I found?! *
He even managed to land at Akabat! I don't know how, but, he did it. Anyways, he didn't respond to my orders, and started to open fire on my ship... He made no harm to me, luckily. * I will hand over the recorded chatter of the whole dialogue... It seems that he has a minor form of Lawl's syndrome...*

What happened to humanity? Has everyone lost respect for the Order, and forgot what we did during the Nomad war?! How dare they come this far without fear of getting shot, or worse, infected?! People became ignorant about the humanity's biggest threat, they forget so easily, yet they fly mindlessly into the dark, Nomad worlds...

Things have to change. As soon as possible. And I know that I'm not the only one who thinks this way.

That is all I have to say for now. Agents, let's keep our space under control, and let's keep the humanity safe!

Ensign Achenar Kado signing out.

***Transmission Finished***


***Transmission Delivered***

***Disabling Frequency***


141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 03-24-2012

*Incomming Transmission*
*From: Forlorn d'Autoine*
*Subject: Unauthorized Expedition in Omicron Iota
*Encryption: High*
*Opening Containing Files*

Bonjour, mon colleagues, this is Ensign Forlorn d'Autoine speaking.I have come to justify my reasons for going in the Iota system without letting you know, and also without an escort.

Bien, so, I left there to make some personal researches on the I have in possesion even at this moment.It turns out, that the crystalline crystal which was given to me is some sort of teleportation device which with enough power can open jumpholes to distant systems.

The next thing I know, is that a group of nomads appeared.I managed to keep myself safe from their blasters until you came and then, you all know what happened after this

About why I left without telling anyone...The reason for going alone is the fact that I didn't want to have anyone hurt there, which unfortunately, turned right the opposite.Oui, I know the dangers I exposed myself to, you can say that that is one of the reasons I decided to go alone.The other reason for going alone is the fact that, maybe I couldn't have found these information if I went with an escort or something.

No matter what, I am grateful for your aid, and I feel terribly sorry for any trouble I have caused.I will gladly take any punishment you feel it would be necessary for my....transgression.

This was Ensign Forlorn d'Autoine speaking, Au revoir!

*Ending Transmission*

141| Internal Channel - Wafellini - 03-25-2012

[Image: Davian%20Thule%20Animated%20Avatar.gif]

:::Incomming transmission:::
:::Comm link established:::
Thule here

As requested I am presenting the data that I received from my old Friend Maximus. He has been doing research latly in Kappa system and he was a witness of gathering of FACE ships. Since their atacks are getting more bold everyday I find this data a useful piece of intel. He made the shots sometime ago when the said ships were atacking Gamma. It seems they launch their atacks on entire sector from that spot.
Here is the data:
Data files
I am still missing some of the data from Maximus but I will upload it ASAP.

Davian out.

:::Tranmission ceased:::

141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 03-25-2012

[Image: w3dacfzdo2ie.png]

Enrico Davids hier.

About three hours ago, zhe FACE division of zhe Guild Core along with elements of zhe 77th launched ein
massive attack with zheir capital ships on Omicron Mu.
As I only joined zhe battle when it was already going on for about 30 minutes, I was anot aware of what damage
zhis Core scum has dealt to us, but initial reports stated zhe loss of three of our Osiris battleships while two
Threshers were downed.
I have to admit, I almost thought zhat Omicron Mu would fall into zhe hands of zhe Core, but still zhe Order
stood its ground when we received help from someone I would not have expected.
Ein Coalition fighter and bomber wing assisted us in downing zhe Core fleet, I can only guess zhat zhe Coalition
forces were out for payback on FACE for something zhat happened yesterday.
Anyway, after zhe battle I went on patrol to check what damage zhe Core has dealt to us.
Zhey even were able to get into Omicron 100 and damage Evora and its defense! I am sure zhe repairs will take a while.
* * * * * *

Ensign Thule, gut work on zhat intel regarding zhe FACE division. I am sure it will be helpfull when we will
set up ein counter attack against zhem in zhe future.

Davids out.

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]