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New admins needed? - Printable Version

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New admins needed? - pchwang - 03-30-2008

Loogas, your input is appreciated, but these kinds of threads really are not very purposeful.

If the Admin thought that they needed more of their kind, there would be. It's not up to us how big the governing body is...

New admins needed? - Angelfire - 03-30-2008

Here's something I live by... I doubt it will have any impact, but I'll share it anyhoo:)

Conduct permitted is conduct endorsed.. if I am not willing to do something positive about the things that concern me in life then I have no right to complain about them... my inaction is my stamp of approval!

New admins needed? - Xing - 03-31-2008

The "admin knows best" little story isnt exactly working...
they are not machines that are on 24h/24h. They dont know all what is going on server. they are humans, not god. they are not perfect.

Yes, we need more admins. But mostly, we need some dedicated server police. I see admins on very scarcely. and at different timezone, to cover the planet globally.

New admins needed? - Reverend Del - 03-31-2008

' Wrote:The "admin knows best" little story isnt exactly working...
they are not machines that are on 24h/24h. They dont know all what is going on server. they are humans, not god. they are not perfect.

Yes, we need more admins. But mostly, we need some dedicated server police. I see admins on very scarcely. and at different timezone, to cover the planet globally.
I think we're flogging a dead horse, the admins say there is enough of them and believe it or not I trust them to be able to manage their workload. Secondly the point about Server police has been raised and adressed many times since I joined up and I don't doubt many times before that, and the call from each and every admin has been that this server needs server police like I need a dose of the pox. Again their judgement call and I'll take their word for it.

New admins needed? - bluntpencil2001 - 03-31-2008

' Wrote:I think we're flogging a dead horse, the admins say there is enough of them and believe it or not I trust them to be able to manage their workload. Secondly the point about Server police has been raised and adressed many times since I joined up and I don't doubt many times before that, and the call from each and every admin has been that this server needs server police like I need a dose of the pox. Again their judgement call and I'll take their word for it.

I endorse these statements!:D

New admins needed? - Xing - 03-31-2008

well, can't talk against admin's words, cant we then? too bad.

New admins needed? - Dopamino - 03-31-2008

They're the ones who say "We have lives too!" after everytime in takes them a week to move someone's ship or w/e. That's not a complaint, I'm just saying that from them saying that all the time, it's clear that they indeed COULD use some help.

New admins needed? - Reverend Del - 03-31-2008

' Wrote:well, can't talk against admin's words, cant we then? too bad.
Missed the point of my post I feel, I don't agree with everything the admins say and do, but in this case given that you have no idea of the full load they bear you cannot say whether we do or do not need more admins. Logically they have all the information and will have decided amongst themselves whther the caseload is too much for them, evidently they don't think it is, as for server police they have said no, not going to ahve some shadowy group of superpalyers getting all high and mighty becasue they've been given a modicum of power. On that point I concur wholeheartedly.

*Flogs the horse some more* Giddyap!

New admins needed? - SovietDiplomacy - 03-31-2008

"not going to ahve some shadowy group of superpalyers getting all high and mighty becasue they've been given a modicum of power. On that point I concur wholeheartedly."

isn't that what an admin is already o.o? players with all the power at their dispose. just pointing that out.

and the other guy brings a great point, i have even heard them say "we have lives to" and cant always be on. if thats the case they need to spread the weight around some. it took me over a week for them to solve a simple problem, and *just my opinion* it was solved wrong. in order for admin to get to their real lives it helps to spread responsibility. personally i elect myself XD since i got no life anyway, wooo!

New admins needed? - Reverend Del - 03-31-2008

' Wrote:"not going to ahve some shadowy group of superpalyers getting all high and mighty becasue they've been given a modicum of power. On that point I concur wholeheartedly."

isn't that what an admin is already o.o? players with all the power at their dispose. just pointing that out.

and the other guy brings a great point, i have even heard them say "we have lives to" and cant always be on. if thats the case they need to spread the weight around some. it took me over a week for them to solve a simple problem, and *just my opinion* it was solved wrong. in order for admin to get to their real lives it helps to spread responsibility. personally i elect myself XD since i got no life anyway, wooo!
Seriously this horse is glue already, no the Admins aren't a shadowy group of superplayers, as far as I am aware each and every Admin has been put to the vote of the community to see whether the community agrees with the choice.

*wallpapers wall with new horse glue*