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Guild Wars 2 - Printable Version

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RE: Guild Wars 2 - Leo - 12-01-2012

I'm playing on the Yak's Bend server...I just can't decide on a class and have everything at 23-30. I'm leaning towards Necro though...

...the sad part is, I've been playing since the three day head start and still don't have a capped toon. FML. Work, school, and fiancee need to be cut out of my schedule so that I can play moar video games!

Okay, maybe not the fiancee, she plays too and it's fun to game with someone you love...but all else need to be removed!


RE: Guild Wars 2 - Divine - 12-01-2012

Levelling from 0 to 80, if done properly and without having a second look on anything, might take up to a week, maybe 2. But then, you really haven't seen anything that's worth seeing.

Personally playing since official release and my main is still not 80, hanging around lvl 74 right now. Though I already pushed 4 twinks on lvl 40.
You don't really need, cept for what people might say, a capped toon to actually enjoy the end-content. Real game starts somewhat around lvl60, with some proper exotic gear at the start of lvl70.
To reach the lvlcap never has been the goal on GuildWars, as you easily can reach it, without having seen 10% of the map.

Necro is fine, still got some major bugs, main issue being that your conditions, which are your best weapon imo, are overwritten by conditions set by others, rendering your ones useless in huge fights. So better go for burst/condition-reflection in sPvP 1v1 or Champ-Fights in PvE.
You'll get a class with the heaviest hp-pool for the light-armor ones, and with some really nasty toughness along with healing abilities that're beyond crazy.

RE: Guild Wars 2 - Slazen Goketsu - 01-28-2013

I played it for a few months and it ran perfectly but than after an update whenever i use the map it lags like hell, nothing in game except for WvW when its crowded, than when the map lagged i quit that and came back to freelancer haha

RE: Guild Wars 2 - Loken - 01-28-2013

I haven't played for a while now. I had practically no sleep for two weeks when it came out. Just got burned out on the game in no time. Big Grin

RE: Guild Wars 2 - Exile - 02-11-2013

Guild Wars 2 essentially became my new Freelancer. Though without spaceships, mind you. I play on Piken Square, a roleplaying server. If you're on it, send a tell to Ithiliriana.6719!

RE: Guild Wars 2 - Treewyrm - 02-11-2013

(02-11-2013, 04:36 PM)Exile Wrote: Guild Wars 2 essentially became my new Freelancer. Though without spaceships, mind you. I play on Piken Square, a roleplaying server. If you're on it, send a tell to Ithiliriana.6719!

Without space ships AND pvp, you left out that part. Oh and... should I post _that_ pic, Mikey? Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

RE: Guild Wars 2 - Exile - 02-11-2013

If you do ; Please note, I am the space marine.

RE: Guild Wars 2 - Treewyrm - 02-11-2013

(02-11-2013, 04:41 PM)Exile Wrote: If you do ; Please note, I am the space marine.

But the terrible irony is that you ain't. The facepalming spess maheen was me. Bwahahahahaha!!!