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Harvester - ScornStar - 04-15-2008

' Wrote:Alliance Machine is a wonderful idea, all for enhancing RP. Generally, I don't care about limits, ships, power, etc....
But, now you want the "Official" part, are you sure that everyone are ready to get into your game ?
Zoner/harvester war was a specifice agreement. You are going to change and blur all existing relations for bringing the reign of machines (ref. the Matrix way).

Attracting more and more players willing to play "machine" but seeing that like a "i'm a machine i have no rule, laws, diplomacy as human do, we will rule as we want" is a real modification in the "Mod" itself.
So everything must be perfectly lock. Every details, every diplomatic changes, all discussed with the mod creator and admin, so more than a faction, you can resume officially your RP and bring a major change on Sirius.

So it will be NO, unless everyone say "yes, we accept the Alliance Machine as a new background for Discovery Freelancer able to change the existing background."

If i am not clear enough, i'll resume the thing simply, RPG = player and gamemaster. You are trying to run a scenario as a Gamemaster. The only one having such a power is the mod creator itself. If i am wrong then, your faction creation must bond to the existing things only and keep the balance of power. It is not the case right now.

I appreciate your consern. No I cannot take the role of GM here, its funny you mention that as I have been a GM for about 15 years. However, a good GM will balance their encounters and plot devices with what player are looking for. There are many who want to play machines. I simply offer a collective for us. Perhaps it is something that will have to be given by a admin with submition of a story, like the terrorist or neutral ID. I'm working on a good answer for that to reduce their work load. What do you think a machine ID should have on it? Thanks for the points.

Harvester - ScornStar - 04-15-2008

' Wrote:in order to run such a faction properly, it needs the same freedom as say.. the phantoms, the keepers, the novapg ( can t remember if they have a terrorist id or not now... ) - if they must play by the common rules, its detrimental to their RP and makes their RP less believable.

now, with an official status comes a load more responsibility. being official means to set an example. being official with extra rules means even more responsibility. - i don t mind extending the vanilla universe a bit. - cause its been said, older factions generously extended it allready - in all fairness, its an invalid point to deny it for new factions.

but yes - i am concerned about the long term goals. - a faction that wnats to live for a long time without burning out needs a cause that is ... .. well.. never achieved . ( Gaians fight for Gaia and against the mega cooperations like BMM, and they will never win // blood dragons fight for the fall of the emperor and installing the true one - which will never happen ))

from waht i know - the TAZ has offered the alpha code? - but this was some sort of a sulking behaviour to spoil the RP ( i stopped following this part of RP, cause it was too much like a soap opera in the end )

so its a valid point... the harvesters need a goal that they cannot achieve, but with clear guidelines on which they play. - and they need their own ships. - the talarca cruise is OK - but most other ships are a substitute at best cause there s nothing better around. - its cosmetical, but a faciton like that is in dire need for unique stuff. ( they are as foreign to humans as the nomads in the end )


i d support it - but it ll take a LOT more work to run properly as a long term official faction. - and like all other special factions, it ll need constant RP or they ll be nothing more than pvping players - and that; only time can tell.

I think I covered your concerns in Ventana's question but if I did not my door is alway open.

Harvester - ScornStar - 04-15-2008

' Wrote:I don't know whether this is possible, but I have some ideas for the Machine Alliance.

First of all: They are machines. Ships controlled by AI. Trading with regular factions should be forbidden or heavily retrenched. I wouldn't like to be a space port worker who has to go into a Harvester ship to load/unload the cargo.
Trading should only be possible at certain ports, which belong to special factions, like Junkers or the machines itself. Junkers use simple loading constructions, to deal with the eerie machine ships and the machine ports have complex crane and rail systems to load/unload cargo.

Second: I will describe you an example of a possible goal. As long as the AI of the machines is bound to the ships/droids, they won't ever control the universe. So they have to break the mechanical fetlocks and get out of their metal hulls. Furthermore their algorithms are straightened on optimization, so they won't be happy with a shattery body of a human or Nomad. Only the best parts of the other races will be good enough to fit their high aspiration. But this evolutionary goal will last long to fulfill, if it will ever be achieved.
But here's another advantage of their mechanical virtue: time. They have all the time they need to get all organic matter they want, so they won't destroy all targets in front of their ships. If you don't attack them, you can go in peace.

Third: Ship design. Machines are pragmatics. ( Pretty cool declaration, isn't it?:nyam:) The ships should contain some aspects of practical use, like a big cargo section with cryogenic containers for the living captives. They shall reach the organic facilities and laboratories when you come to think of it. In my opinion the Borg ship design from Star Trek is a good guiding principle for us here.
Now some tricky thing on ships: Would it be possible, to obtain the ships only at a point of time, when loaded with a specific cargo? So you could ensure, that the AI aspirants will have to do some RP first to get the Machine Alliance ships.

Fourth: Ports, systems. In my opinion, machine ports should be scattered all over the Sirius systems in hidden parts of the other systems. As they have no historical origin in a specific system, they needed to create bases from the material they found in the space (junk, ship parts, deuterium for the energy supply, weapons).

Just some ideas from me on this topic...

We are accually designing a system with bases, ships, info cards, commodities and you name it. This is the work of our Snapp. I'm just the PR, ideas and money helper. We/Snapp is accually takeing all this on to reduce the work load of Igiss and give more credible props. But the final word is Igiss's and the community at large.

Harvester - ScornStar - 04-15-2008

' Wrote:I'd like a resume of the background at the start of your post. So all players, even new on the server, can understand what you are, where you come from by reading the faction status only.

Diplomacy and ZOI.
I don't understand the reason why Junker should be allies, unless Junkers themself are behind the creation of the machines. You are using junker bases has a way to extend your ZOI all around Sirius. Explain why junker should trust you while you're destroying the most neutral of all faction, and you might bring mess on theirs territories ? What are you offering to junkers, to corsairs ? What are their advantages ?

A new ID (creating a ID is creating a new faction from scratch)
If you have your own ID and i am supporting this idea, things must be cleared.
* Describe the ID itself within the rules.
* Now, if i look to the reputation status and i see "Machine" what can i read in the infocard ? Who are your ennemies, who are your allies and how come.

If you can answer to that, then everyone could adjust his RP with the Machine. You can keep your secret agenda but at least, all players can play with you according to the server rules.
Remember just one thing, the mod is the mod, you can RP as you want and it is great, but if the mod doesn't fit to your own personnal use, deal with it. You are not, once again gamemasters, you are players like anyone else bond by the same rules. So build your own ID as a rule, strict and clear.

Well the Junkers dont know everything on the status card. That is ooRP info. What the Junkers know is they have machines that bring raw materials presmelted for other materials, they also know Harvesters protect them, They know Harvesters dont dock and cause fights in thier bars. Infact they know they never leave thier ships and only buy ammo and non replicatable items there, while selling everything else cheap.

Plus our ooRP reasons are no other ID comes close to fitting like this one does. We behave most like Junkers when our main enemies are not near and that is exploreing and mineing. Not pirateing, we do not pirate, and we care less about the law, and our planet sized brain build criuser sized hands so the generic merc ID we considered but thought it would be stretching to call a Talarca a gunboat, despite its info card and light status.

Hope this helps but if not you have my number.:)

Harvester - ScornStar - 04-15-2008

' Wrote:Couple of things really, any chance of seeing the 500 million credits ? Or shall we just call it a day here ?
Also the chance of gaining an exclusive ID are currently very low, so I would not rely on that appearing. The
other ID option is not up for debate either.
Now, The Zoners are the most spammed tag and ID here at the moment, with the holders thinking this gives
their traders some magic 'neutrality' against being pirated, and on the other hand, using this 'neutrality' to go
and purchase just about any damn ship they feel like in the game to use against The Harvesters.
Its creating a false balance for The Zoners on the whole, they are Zoners, not a great big growing War Machine.
And to be honest the Junkers actually have a little more of an affinity with the Outcasts, than they do with the
This is beginning to sound like the most 'neutral' of the 'pirates' against the most neutral of Sirius ? Both factions
actually go out of their respective ways to keep their collective heads below the radar ...
Why would either The Junkers, or The Zoners, go out of their way to spoil the status quo ?


We are useing the Junker tag as a prop. It is the best there is for us but does not fit our RP. Non of the IDs do. We are allied to the Junkers. They dont have the full scoop but they tend to be the sort not to ask to many unprofitable questions and seldom let stupid things like ethics get in the way of profit.(slavery)

Therefore we use the Junker tag now as the best means of staying in RP. Much like the Asgaurdian Warriors(I think) used the Zoner tag for awhile and have strong ties to the Outcast. Not trying to step on toes just useing this example to illustrate my point. The Junkers may try to stay below radar, the Harvester don recognize it. They think they are dealing with one Junker that has many parts.

Harvester - ScornStar - 04-15-2008

' Wrote:The storyline seems great but I must ask like everyone else WHAT HAPPENS when the Alpha Code is found? You need an outline showing where your long term potential is going to be for the community.Also explain the story behind why you chose the Junkers for your ID please. Also now that you know from an admin the chance of you getting your own ID is slim to none are you still as excited about this?

I'll hold off on my yes/no until later; also you have =CR= as unfriendly and while I can not speak for our Command you may find yourself moving us to hostile in the end you toasters.:cool:

From what i know about the CR I exspect they will want us dead, but the Harvesters haven't learned that fact yet. They think Thor'schosen was a malfunctioning part that destroyed 2 criusers and a miner with only a Viper wingman from his gunboat:angry2:. So we will try again and then move ya'll to hostile. I try to keep the diplomacy as real time as possible and update it once every other day. So, the Diplomacy is by no means concrete.

As nfor the back story I will submit it only to faction leaders and admin. I must keep my cards close to my chest. As our back story has alot to do with where we are going. Plus things are easier to metagame when we know all, and not even mean to. But Faction leaders have a right to reasure their members that they are going to be treated believeably.

Harvester - ScornStar - 04-15-2008

' Wrote:We are asking because for some of us to really give this proposal a yes or no we need to see what it will offer the community long term, past this one basic goal.

Your right. I just ask that you have your faction leader grab a copy from me.

Harvester - ScornStar - 04-15-2008

' Wrote:Not a question of trust about RP, it is a question of rules and respect of the established factions without forcing them into a path they do not want to take. Zoner militarizing, Junker working for machine or anything else.

Imagine that a group of players decide to RP apes from primus, and do a remake of "the planet of Ape" . Their first declared goal is to take control of the Kappa system... What harvesters will do ? Did they expect to see Apes coming after them ? Whatever, the apes have a big fleet with corsairs by their side and using corsair ID. The players behind are excellents RPer and can justify any of their actions with a secret plan you should not know. The Apes decide that machines are close to Junker so they will attack on sight all Junkers. Remember the Apes have a secret RP story behind.

Ask them what will you offer to the community ? eh ? A new race : intelligent Apes with a very good RP and trust us we have a very good story behind. The Apes should rules Sirius because their have evolved and adapted to this savage galaxy. The Apes are the new masters of the Corsairs, yes they are.

Please say yes to the new Ape faction as it is the first Ape faction :P(oh yes i forgot the chimp are already half apes, no offence)

See what i mean when i say gamemastering now ? As a player on a RP server i want to know the interaction rules with the Machine not their secret plan or the entire scenario. I'm sure machine Alliance could be official but not with this proposal under this form.

If apes spring from Primus then we adapt. I cant say I was here first go away. Good RP in my humble opinon is improv. If we script everything before hand then its a book not a RP game. If I decided who the boss was at the end of Mario brothers then I would not be playing Mario I'd be designing it. The Chimps did show up shortly after us Harvesters I assumed they were from Primus, and responded accordingly. I hope to never know whats going to happen next in terms of other faction and drain the surprise right out. It's a game no need to be so safe or have so many reassurences. Relax. We are easy to kill anyway. But you bring good points that I'm sure your not alone in thinking I respect your courage to speak them.

Harvester - ScornStar - 04-15-2008

' Wrote:You use the world Tink, storyline. The next storyline is making the mod to evolve. To do so, everything must be taken in account, and especially the balance in the game. So why not now ? because the intervention of an external but crucial man the developer is required.
No one prevent the story of Machine to continue. And, as a player roleplaying with three Junker guard, Agnus Dei members, or Lance family, i like the whole mystery and i have already interact with harvester on the server and taken their existence and RP in account on the forum.
But as a player of the community, trying to give few hints for the faction proposal in order to be validated, i need to read somewhere a custom rule about their ID, even if it not official. A simple resume of their origin and past history will be enough to help a new player to understand a part of the story.
A clear stated, pinned rule, a simplified RP guideline that anyone can understand to start interaction. That is all.

For all intents and purposes Surius knows we just popped up one day. Strange new nieghbors, and it is up to you to decide how you deal with them from your characters point of view. The ID is not my formost goal I like and agree with Jinx's purposal.(I'm staying away from her because I agree to much with her.:)) Official faction status is the thrust here. Thanks again. Tough critics are the best editors.

Harvester - Oniros - 04-15-2008

EDIT : ouch !!! reply pop !!! All the answers are perfectly minded. I deleted everything i wrote except :

Ally with junkers bring the whole generic faction into a dangerous situation. Neutral is so perfect for us ! You bring metal to Bornholm, good for us, you dea,l good for us. Are we friend ? Not really you are just like the outcast, the corsairs or anyone else, a business partner, or a scrap collector partner but certainly not an ally that will turn the Outcasts, Zoner and LH unfriendly or hostile to us.
Btw, why the corsairs are friendly ?
And what about the Order in the diplomatic database ?
And... i will not ask for any more info except explanation about theses issues on the diplomatic table as i prefer to discover your story Live on server. (It is a "mission" Agnus Dei have, to learn more about you as you probably understood that Marie is an AI.)

PS : It could have been so simple to write "unfriendly with all lawful, neutral with the rest, and keeping your hostiles list". No contradiction and no confusion. Harvester would not be related to Junkers, you could keep the Junker ID which is a quasi-legal ID and just change the ennemies list on the reputation sheet.