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Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - CommanderX - 04-20-2012

I see everyone here love the idea of rheinland battlecruizer.

But honestly, what for, rheinland already have some best stuff avaible, and battle cruizer is not realy that good ship.

In whole 4:85 mod, LABC was a trash, when BHG BC had thuster.

Now LABC have thuster and diferent shape, and yet, kuzary BC is far more agile and have 20 speed more when LABC is full of weakpoints.

Rheinalnd cruizer can overpower LABC once it gets on it is back and can run from it to his friendly Battleships to cover him.

As it was tested in liberty, LABC unlike other cruizers is far less efective again gunboats.
It can lose to light cruizer like dragon cruizer for example.
It can be overpowered by RNC cruizer if it will get on it is back.
It is turret fire ark is screwed in many place.

So even if rheinland get BC, it wont do job better than RNC cruizer.

And if the main idea is to make all houses have the same shipline, than what about bombers, RM have 2 best bombers possible when navy have terrible upholder with light powercore.

For the sake of balancing I sugest:
Give upholder heavy power core and possibility to shot duel nova, or give navy another heavy and good bomber.
Next make LABC cruizer better ( 10 more thuster speed or more agility or make it is turret fire ark better ), and once LABC will be a good ship, than base on LABC, rheinalnd should get a good BC as well as bretonia.

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - Lunaphase - 04-21-2012

Wrong thread for that... Alternate stuff has nothing to do with the model proposed. The model itself is of fairly good quality, just needs more details. Also id love to see a larger version of that turret for BS cerbs as well..

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - SparkyRailgun - 04-21-2012

I think I'll speak for Hades when I say 'needs more details' is not helpful feedback.
What, comm towers, exhaust vents, windows, dancing bears, awesome faces?
He could go back and add random verts but in the end all they'd be is random verts that up the tri count for no good reason.
(If I sound grumpy I just woke up, so.... I'm grumpy.)

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - Lunaphase - 04-21-2012

Very well ill respond with what i meant. Rheinland ships arent that curvy, so a rounded side for the main body doesent make much sense. By more details i mean perhaps more blocky sections on the side of the main body to show armor reinforcements there etc. atm is all very smooth along the sides, somthing rm ships tend to not have (look at the gb and bs for example, lot of layering)

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - Tachyon - 04-21-2012

I would like to see it to be shorter, but therefore the middle part should get blockier and (like Lunaphase said) less curved.

The cerb turrets look really awesome.

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - Switchback - 04-21-2012

The Fire Control turret (radar dish) seems borrowed from a mod that has a CR90 Corvette in it.

a criticism I have with it however is the turret placement. Not the arcs, but just...It doesn't have any guns near the nose... I always thought the RM liked to be all "MORE GUNS FORWARD MEIN HERR"

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - Vladimir - 04-21-2012

' Wrote:The Fire Control turret (radar dish) seems borrowed from a mod that has a CR90 Corvette in it.

a criticism I have with it however is the turret placement. Not the arcs, but just...It doesn't have any guns near the nose... I always thought the RM liked to be all "MORE GUNS FORWARD MEIN HERR"

Did you see RM battleship?

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - timelesschain - 04-21-2012

' Wrote:The Fire Control turret (radar dish) seems borrowed from a mod that has a CR90 Corvette in it.
I don't see how having a radar dish instantly means it has to be 'borrowed' from a Star Wars mod. That's dumb.

Quote:I would like to see it to be shorter, but therefore the middle part should get blockier and (like Lunaphase said) less curved.
I would say that the middle section isn't all that curved, but rather angled.

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - SMI-Great.Fox - 04-22-2012

I like it.

Its like an evolution from Cruiser to Battleship.

And the only ship with a cosmetic turret *le gasp & me gusta*

A few little tweaks and I say perfect.

Rheinland Battlecruiser + Cruiser cerb replacement - SparkyRailgun - 04-22-2012

' Wrote:The Fire Control turret (radar dish) seems borrowed from a mod that has a CR90 Corvette in it.

a criticism I have with it however is the turret placement. Not the arcs, but just...It doesn't have any guns near the nose... I always thought the RM liked to be all "MORE GUNS FORWARD MEIN HERR"

FWTOW was not the first mod, and it will certainly not be the last mod, that has radar dishes as turrets.
Please do some research.

As for the turrets, it has a forward gun, a class eight, two class sevens and six class sixes that fire forward.
The only guns that cannot fire forward are two class sevens.
Please think about what you're saying before you say it.