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Piracy according to the rules - Printable Version

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Piracy according to the rules - Baltar - 04-20-2008

' Wrote:Wrong.
"Stop or die" followed by a kill shot and no demand for cargo or credits is sanctionable behavior. You are attempting to read between lines that I didn't even write.

Ok ... sounds like NEITHER of us is reading the other's post. Read again Xoria ... I said it must be followed by a demand for money or cargo.

' Wrote:Posting only to flame a topic and thus prolong its notoriety while demanding that it be locked is hypocritical, and the truth usually is inflammatory to those who are headed in the opposite direction.Bad behavior is bad behavior, and I'm not going to obsequiously sugarcoat it.
Being nice is not a virtue, despite what this postmodern world would have you believe. Kindness is a virtue. It isn't nice to grab someone by the hair and jerk them back three feet. But it isn't kind to watch while they walk right off of a cliff. So no, I wasn't nice, but I was kind in that I pointed out your poor behavior rather than allow you to blissfully proceed as if it wasn't.
Other than that, read my signature. It's there for a reason.

Read this link from ... it should clear up what hypocritical means ...
And here's the definition for inflammatory ...;q=inflammatory

I do understand your getting upset ... considering most people do not like their initial post being called into question. Tends to get us all defensive ... been there.

' Wrote:Except that this time, you didn't post in a thread that was relevant to your characters, since you deny that you pirate in violation of the server rules, which is the entire point of this thread. Several players who pirate have claimed in threads recently that it was perfectly ok to blow up traders without making financial demands, and the first post in this thread clearly and factually refutes that sort of behavior. If you don't behave this way, then this thread has nothing whatsoever to do with you, yet you jump into it with both feet and then claim to be insulted by your supposed "inclusion" in it. The only one who has included you in this topic is you. If you want out, then delete the contents of your posts.

My point is that there are so many of these threads declaring "pirates aren't pirating right" or some such subject. When there are calls for removal of the Pirate ID or calls for more rules governing pirates ... I get a bit defensive since it affects my character. My responses are not directed at you personally, Xoria ... please don't take them personally.

You mention that there are posts by pirates that claim its ok to kill without demanding stuff ... that's a clear violation of the rules and is terroristic. Those pirates who play this way will be sanctioned when they get reported.

When I'm grouped with a pirate that stretches the rules ... I drop out of the group and let them know I do not approve.

Piracy according to the rules - ryoken - 04-20-2008

Do you have evidence? If so report it. Dock-rape is never legal while un-docking as we all know.

Of course not ,and ofender's know it. Pretty hard to get screens when you blow up just as you leave base.

But since the culprit's did not come forward, my char who is a junker, will KOS them on site for payment to his cargo. He will continue to do say day after day until he recover's the money in question.
I will not just wait for them to land and dock rape them like thet did me. I will RP it. But i will get my revenge. I am getting tired of all the rules abuse i see day in and out by lawful hars in NY. More are indi them faction, but i have seen faction do it do. Even the 1 BS per account rule.:angry::nono::angry:

Piracy according to the rules - Varyag - 04-21-2008

All I have to say is: Yarr you salty dogs! We be pirates and be rude arrrrrgh.. Deal with it! Arrrrggh. You die if you do not pay! ARRRYAAARRR


Piracy according to the rules - Why? - 04-21-2008

Pirates aren't pirating right.

If the trader you're trying to get to give you money isn't, then you are doing something wrong.

Pirates aren't nice, pirates aren't pleasant. A nice and pleasant pirate won't ever get a credit from anyone.

If every trader in the system a pirate is in doesn't run for the nearest exit the second they notice the pirate is in-system, the pirate isn't doing something right.

Traders are basically exempt from the pvp rules for a reason. Although I don't think the original reason was to help pirates, that is how pirates should use it.

Instead of trying to pirate every single trader you see, just pick one, and keep demanding money until he pays. Heck, double the payment every time you have to kill him.

Or torture him. Shred his ship until almost dying, then let him do his run without trade lanes or cruise. I wish I thought of that one, but it is something pirates should do.

Look, to pirate right you are going to need to ruin someone's night. Then every time they see you they will pay up.

If a trader isn't scared to death of you, then he prolly won't pay you very easily. However if he knows you will destroy any chance he has of making money, he will pay you quite fast.

Piracy according to the rules - Xoria - 04-21-2008

' Wrote:Pirates aren't pirating right.
All true.
But you did leave out the part about when the trader finally does save up his credits and buys his capship and then sits right on top of that pirate's base fragging anything and everything that comes his way just to pay back that pirate who robbed him. I've quit counting how many times I've seen that. It just goes with the territory I suppose.

Piracy according to the rules - Baltar - 04-21-2008

' Wrote:Pirates aren't pirating right.

If the trader you're trying to get to give you money isn't, then you are doing something wrong. - not really ... these traders are generally the ones that don't role play much

Pirates aren't nice, pirates aren't pleasant. A nice and pleasant pirate won't ever get a credit from anyone. - beg to differ here ... when i tell them "500k if given freely or 2 mil if i gotta work for it" they usually stop and gladly pay the 500k ... some still run ... and i always say "thank you" :D

If every trader in the system a pirate is in doesn't run for the nearest exit the second they notice the pirate is in-system, the pirate isn't doing something right. - um ... not always ... if the trader freely pays ... he doesn't have to run

Traders are basically exempt from the pvp rules for a reason. Although I don't think the original reason was to help pirates, that is how pirates should use it. - very true ... but there are traders that freely will die and then come back to tell you that you cannot pirate them for 4 hours ... heard that one a few times ... also the reason for this rule is because traders continue trading the same routes so you can't really tell them to stay out of a particular system they've been killed in for 4 hours

Instead of trying to pirate every single trader you see, just pick one, and keep demanding money until he pays. Heck, double the payment every time you have to kill him. - done that ... i've let bigger targets go by just so I can teach a lesson to the ones that don't wanna play along

Or torture him. Shred his ship until almost dying, then let him do his run without trade lanes or cruise. I wish I thought of that one, but it is something pirates should do. - yup ... and follow them from port to port ... slows down their trading considerably

Look, to pirate right you are going to need to ruin someone's night. Then every time they see you they will pay up. - yup ... but there are the few that still F1 or dock-N-log

If a trader isn't scared to death of you, then he prolly won't pay you very easily. However if he knows you will destroy any chance he has of making money, he will pay you quite fast. - careful here ... there are traders that DO role play ... and they really like to pay the pirate that gives him/her a good bit of role play

' Wrote:All true.
But you did leave out the part about when the trader finally does save up his credits and buys his capship and then sits right on top of that pirate's base fragging anything and everything that comes his way just to pay back that pirate who robbed him. I've quit counting how many times I've seen that. It just goes with the territory I suppose.

I'll say dito to that Xoria ... can't count the number of times I've been threatened with "stay right here while I get my battle cruiser" ... or I come across a capship who tells me "next time leave my trader alone"

Piracy according to the rules - cmfalconer - 04-21-2008

Wow. I finally got through this whole thread, and ... wow.

Xoria: Nice try, but I think the point was missed a bit. It happens.

Baltar: I've never encountered the Black.Pearl, but I look forward to it.

Both: Misunderstandings from what I read. pitfalls of this medium, inflection isn't well-given.

Now, I've never pirated, but I've been pirated...and attempted to...a lot. So I have a few observations that I'd like to share.

-Saying "Halt" when you're over 5k away, or not even on radar, makes me laugh at you. Please. If you can't pull me out of cruise, I'm not going to do your job for you. And Captain Berger will tell you that in RP.

-Somewhere in here was something to the effect of "If I say 'halt' and you don't stop, I'm going to kill you." Really? Extrapolated, this pretty much means I can cruise into any system with my Gunboat (as it's the biggest thing you can "pirate" in), say "Halt!" in system chat, and blow up everyone that moves, whether they're on radar at the time or not. ?

-You bet your sweet @$$ that I'm going to try and get away from you. Cruise engines trying to spool up, Turrets blazing, full steam ahead to the next trade-lane/dock. I prefer a pirate who asks 1st, CD's and then asks, Starts shooting and asks a final time. I figure after three strikes, you're out, and I accept that as a trader. If I know i'm not going anywhere, I'll acknowledge it. At that time, if the pirate wishes to take my money, cha-ching for him/her. If, however, the pirate wishes to blow me up...he's going to get a few mouthfuls of turretfire for his trouble, whether I go down or he does. A running fire-fight is one of the more exciting things I've been involved in.

What I am saying is that these encounters are two-way streets, and if they're going to happen, let them happen correctly. A Pirate should make an effort, but a trader should as well. "Fine, just kill me" is NOT a proper response to "2mil or die". Use your big-boy words and RP, traders, and this sort of thread could be a thing of the past.

On the matter of blowing up a trader and having them say "you can't kill me for 4 hours when they come back through", that's wrong. Isn't it thta the TRADER cannot come back in-system they were killed in unless the player leaves. Also, if the trader is dumb enough to come back into the same that SOB again, and again, and again. And if they don't pay, blow them up again, and again, and again.


Piracy according to the rules - Eternal - 04-21-2008

' Wrote:All true.
But you did leave out the part about when the trader finally does save up his credits and buys his capship and then sits right on top of that pirate's base fragging anything and everything that comes his way just to pay back that pirate who robbed him. I've quit counting how many times I've seen that. It just goes with the territory I suppose.

And you agree with that ? :wacko:

Are you kidding me ? I can buy a cap ship , buy 4.00 armor and make it JUST to kill that person.It works both ways!

Piracy according to the rules - Baltar - 04-21-2008

' Wrote:And you agree with that ? :wacko:

Are you kidding me ? I can buy a cap ship , buy 4.00 armor and make it JUST to kill that person.It works both ways!

Um ... no ... that's called OORP when you swap from a trade ship into your capship to seek revenge. Try it ... I'd love to file the report just to let you know how wrong it is. Now ... what would be in RP is to hire a mercenary (not your own by the way ... that's been tried) to hunt a pirate down for you. But please ... do not swap out of your trader to seek revenge in something bigger.

EDIT: I said mercenary ... bounty hunters would work too ... but seems most bounty hunters are in the largest ship purchasable. Like a bounty hunter can really afford a ship larger than most military vessels.

Piracy according to the rules - Horon - 04-22-2008

Wow, is Sirius about to be sucked into a black hole, or is everyone just out for blood? Jesus the people at my school argue less than you guys...:wacko: OK!
(Guess what kids! Its <strike>story</strike> rant time! Get ready!)
First line of business... If you see a trader, you tell him to stop, then make a demand. If he starts moving after that, or completely ignores you, LET ER RIP! We got enough assassins, what with the Phantoms, Mon'Star.... Those two Xeno's that decided to murder me without a whisper.. OK getting off track here. Stop looking for ways AROUND the rules..
Next... Capital ships... I think we need a forum or something with trustworthy people, for people who wish to acquire a battleship, to register to GET one in addition to the license.... This way, people will be required to come to the forums to GET their capital ships. Of course, this will cause people to spam Battlecruisers like they are now.... We could counter that by making BC licenses... Then we would move on the cruisers and go down the line until we are requiring people register their goddamn Starfleas. I think that Battleships should be placed in Guard bases of the ships manufacture, and, if a system is owned by a Faction, then that faction should have the say so in who does or doesn't get a ship, if they are not allied.

Ok story time is over, bring on the bi*ching... and the word "elitist".