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Is Connecticut needed? - Printable Version

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Is Connecticut needed? - Vrabcek - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:Yes. Sadly.

To be honest, I would like to see the activty tracker removed in connecticut in that case, if that would be possible since connecticut is not a roleplaying system.

Is Connecticut needed? - Snak6 - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:To be honest, I would like to see the activty tracker removed in connecticut, if that would be possible since connecticut is not a roleplaying system.
Indeed. I saw one faction live up to official status with 7+ hours logged in Connecticut by single person...

EDIT: Possible FLHook script to prevent persons with official tag doing /conn ? (sun)

Is Connecticut needed? - dodike - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:Where I would train PvP with guard systems removed? Corporations haven't guards at all, where their security wings pilots would train fight on their ships? It's rather hard to train in Halle when nobody's from RFP online or can't/don't want to. Not every faction has activity of IMG or Samura. In Conn I always can meet someone, moreover, I can train against my inRP main opponents, Hessians, on their and mine respective ships, without ooRPly inviting them to Halle with // mark, only for one duel.
No. Connecticut is necessary, and should track official faction's member activity there. Training PvP is also part of their duties. I met in Conn few lolwuts and bunch of nice folks who gave me very helpful advices, I'm no longer dogfight noob. Kudos to Cannon for /conn.*
*I heard he wrote that FLhook, I hope I'm not wrong.

' Wrote:Could you explain?

A training exercise is a good RP opportunity. Ageira held a training sessions around Detroit Munitions, in Pittsburgh Debris field, around Pueblo Station and others.

You can RP it as a simulation, there is no need to expose crew to higher stress than necessary.

Is Connecticut needed? - Pavel - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:A training exercise is a good RP opportunity. Ageira held a training sessions around Detroit Munitions, in Pittsburgh Debris field, around Pueblo Station and others.

You can RP it as a simulation, there is no need to expose crew to higher stress than necessary.

What if I want more than one duel?

Is Connecticut needed? - Mímir - 05-16-2012

What if there was a cap on it? Max 10 players in Conneticut at any given time, and when you die you respawn at your previous base so other players can get their turn to shoot train?

Is Connecticut needed? - dodike - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:What if I want more than one duel?
You do it someplace not so busy. A warning about ongoing combat simulation was broadcasted whenever another ship closed in.

I doubt any admin would sanction someone for re-engaging in what's clearly RP'd as a simulation reported by a third party. Malicious reporting comes to mind.

Is Connecticut needed? - Pavel - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:You do it someplace not so busy. A warning about ongoing combat simulation was broadcasted whenever another ship closed in.

But still rules break.

Is Connecticut needed? - kikatsu - 05-16-2012

It is good because it allows me a place to easily go and practice my relatively poor PVP skills for a few minutes when I have time.


There are alot of ships that only spend time in conn, or are only made for conn... I am talking about the Claymore loaded eagles that I only see there. There is also of course the fact that it is easier to find people in conn, therefore, if you are looking to run into someone you can just beam there rather than roaming around Sirius.

Is Connecticut needed? - dodike - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:But still rules break.
See the edit. Admins even allow players to return to the system they were killed in if the killing party agrees to it. (See rule 0.0)

Is Connecticut needed? - Vrabcek - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:There are alot of ships that only spend time in conn, or are only made for conn... I am talking about the Claymore loaded eagles that I only see there. There is also of course the fact that it is easier to find people in conn, therefore, if you are looking to run into someone you can just beam there rather than roaming around Sirius.

Im worried about the fact connecticut has so much activity lately, like never before...