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Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Printable Version

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Base related sanction discussion and rules. - dodike - 05-18-2012

' Wrote:Sanction was ok in term of rules, but in term of gameplay it is wrong. Better fix the base shield system to avoid such situations in future.
I would rather see protection upon undocking added for undocking from player bases.

I don't see how removal of the manual shield control prevents an accidental destruction of an undocking player ship.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Govedo13 - 05-18-2012

' Wrote:I would rather see protection upon undocking added for undocking from player bases.

I don't see how removal of the manual shield control prevents an accidental destruction of an undocking player ship.
Indeed it does not- so it is also logical not to be able to undock as well with shield on.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Daedric - 05-18-2012

' Wrote:Indeed it does not- so it is also logical not to be able to undock as well with shield on.

What purpose would preventing ships from undocking while the shield is up serve?

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Govedo13 - 05-18-2012

Logic- most people around the place does not have it.
Base and the ship are in the shield bubble, in order to get in you need to lower the shield but in order to get out you does not need to? All vanilla ships lower their shields as well when they jeston anything.
And such killing by mistake or by purpose would also not be possible as well.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - kainname - 05-18-2012

All of you take to much personal hate into those playerbase raids.


Stinks a bit, don't you think so?

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Govedo13 - 05-18-2012

The funny fact is I was not sanctioned because my ship didn't had the "luck" to score a blue msg.
I also does not take it personal-it would be stupid to take old space shooter personal game.
I just pointed out some problems and loopholes, while doing my home office on Alt/Tab and drinking nice Zwickl beer. I cannot understand why people take it personal too, the sad part is that the topic is too much out of its purpose- to fix the problem not to point fingers on people.
I just want to see the loopholes closed and proper working system that does not allow such mess another time.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Daedric - 05-18-2012

' Wrote:Logic- most people around the place does not have it.
Base and the ship are in the shield bubble, in order to get in you need to lower the shield but in order to get out you does not need to? All vanilla ships lower their shields as well when they jeston anything.
And such killing by mistake or by purpose would also not be possible as well.

Clearly many don't; yourself included.

Game mechanics do not always follow logic. I find it logical that large transports should be able to stand toe to toe with gunboats and below. I point to Star Wars as my justification. That, however, isn't how Discovery is set up even if it is logical.

You are proposing a change that would be extremely abusable. Dodlike is proposing a change that has no chance of being abusable. Comparing the two proposals, your's is the less logical approach.

You were saying something about people not having logic?

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - ryoken - 05-18-2012

' Wrote:Ahh, your lovely rules.

Okay, I'll toss some in, just for you since you're going so hot out of them.

1.2 Server administrators will impose sanctions on players for violating server rules and for any actions that harm server gameplay.

Nothing is perfect.
That includes the rules, the game we're playing, many many things. We're not perfect as well.

That's why doing something, which was supposed to be unreal, is a rule 1.2 violation. Gameplay was harmed. Seriously or not, but it was. System had a gap, loophole, bug.

However the actions of parties involved shouldn't be reviewed separately, since they are just a parts of one bigger event. They are connected.

As rules are not perfect and don't match all the situations we have to review the whole picture.

That's what was my example for, shame you didn't got it.

If you got screens? send them in for a sanction. Pretty plain and simple. But you did not. They did. Now maybe you are right, and they broke that rule. That does not make it ok for you to break a rule to. Only thing you can do is file a report like they did. Even admins will tell you that. I can break 50 rules a day, but if no one reports me? well i broke no rules, and do not get punished. Pretty simple right?
Also your gun/murderer scenario? Where i am from if you shot that "murderer" before he comitted the crime? You would go to jail, as your reason would just be you thought he was a murderer. Even real life laws suck at times mate.

' Wrote:Indeed it does not- so it is also logical not to be able to undock as well with shield on.

So what your saying is you can make a player unable to use his character just by shooting the base he is docked at? Boy i see noooo chance for abuse there. Get real budy. Rules states you have to allow player to leave the system. Making it so you cannot undock with shields up is violating that rule. If that was put in place, then you would have to all stop shooting, wait for shields to go down, allow player to undaock and leave, then start shooting again. Hmmmm.... I fail to see how that would fix your issue. Best think on it a little more me thinks.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - Govedo13 - 05-18-2012

Can you explain how my proposal is extremely abusable?
With 2 min time-limit on every manual shield off and not allowing anything to dock/undock while the shield is on?
What exactly you find abusable? If the base owners want to use the shield option- it is up to them no-one makes anyone to do anything really, the second part fixes the loophole.
If the base is under attack and some ship is docked on it is logical to lower the shield if you want out,same logic by the vanilla freelancer- you cannot harm the hull of the ships with shield on, you cannot drop any item out of the shield without lowering the shield- giving 30- 40 seconds invulnerable shields for undocking ships is also good option . If you have better ideas how to fix this go ahead. I also want to remind that in next version the bases would have really scary weapon platforms not the water pistols that they have now.

Base related sanction discussion and rules. - SpaceTime - 05-18-2012

2 minutes is too much. It's like 200 minutes of firing on a base with a shield without including the regeneration that happens during these 2+ hours. In other words, the base won't likely make it within these 2 minutes even if it's at max regen rate.

Make it 10 seconds.