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Police Vs Navy - Narcotic - 07-25-2012

Voted "Yes".

Because I had in mind a picture of a dozen Liberty Navy Carrier/Dreads chasing a single Rogue in a Bloodhound, when reading the question.

No, I do not exaggerate. Nor do I complain. I just explain my vote.
I'm better with caps shooting me, than snubs.

But still, I'm the opinion, that only the Police should enforce the law.
Which would solve the problem with wasting caps by shooting pirates, too.

Police Vs Navy - Ursus - 07-25-2012

' Wrote:If all that is true, then why do we even have police factions?
Please, tell me why we shouldn't get rid of them if the military should be able to enforce the laws all the same and have better equipment to do it.
Half the factions are completely unnecessary

I am trying to remember if the SP campaign even had police, I guess they did, but I dont remember them playing a key role at all

Police Vs Navy - AshHill07 - 07-25-2012

' Wrote:Half the factions are completely unnecessary

I am trying to remember if the SP campaign even had police, I guess they did, but I dont remember them playing a key role at all

Wait wasen't King LPI? The bloke from the first few missions? Its been so long I can't remember now.

As to leaving the crime fighting to the LPI I'd love to. Extra workload off me. However the LPI arn't nearly as well equipt as it requires to police Liberty these days. IRL the police rely on the fact theres more officers than criminals to out number and crack down on them. On here, even a combined force of LPI, LN and LSF arn't enough to combat the amount of people who seem to enjoy playing criminals.

In reality most criminals are smart enough not to openly engage the military. The fact it happens on a daily basis on this server proves that the ratios arn't anywhere near enough for the police to handle it themselfs.

Also I think that most criminals these days think of the navy as cops. And many of the Navy think of themselfs as cops. I spose the issue is it leaves people like me who think of themselfs as army a bit hung out to dry. The amount of times I've been called "officer" on my LN ship highlights this.

Police Vs Navy - Ursus - 07-25-2012

' Wrote:Wait wasen't King LPI? The bloke from the first few missions? Its been so long I can't remember now.
No they were all LSF

Police Vs Navy - AshHill07 - 07-25-2012

' Wrote:No they were all LSF

God I'm gunna have to recheck that now. Its been about 3 years since I last played the story its all just a blur. :wacko:

Police Vs Navy - Pancakes - 07-30-2012

I think comparing the space to a city is wrong doing. Space would be like the sea between countries or islands, in there you would see mix'ed forces of military and coast guard policing the area while only the police (with the coast guard as it's branch) policing the island itself.


' Wrote:Voted "Yes".

Because I had in mind a picture of a dozen Liberty Navy Carrier/Dreads chasing a single Rogue in a Bloodhound, when reading the question.

No, I do not exaggerate. Nor do I complain. I just explain my vote.
I'm better with caps shooting me, than snubs.

But still, I'm the opinion, that only the Police should enforce the law.
Which would solve the problem with wasting caps by shooting pirates, too.

Police factions can use cruisers, and use cruisers too. The "cap spam" problem isn't solved by that really. In fact, hunting after fighters with a dessie or BC is easier than with a BS since dessies have CDs and can thrust.

Police Vs Navy - TLI-Inferno - 07-30-2012

I believe it's more complicated than "yes" or "no". Military and Navy should have a duty to protect the people, but not fly around enforcing all of its civil laws. They should only be involved when a person is in danger. For example, arresting pirates or illegal combat ships such as gallic fighters, bombers, or gunboats. But navy shouldn't go around killing all of the civilians for having an illegal transport or carrying illegal drugs. That's the police's job.

Basically: Navy should have it's policing abilities changed to: "May actively hunt pirates and terrorists within Liberty" and for each military, it's respective house.

This will give police factions the ability to have their own role, so more people might join them.

' Wrote:Also I think that most criminals these days think of the navy as cops. And many of the Navy think of themselfs as cops. I spose the issue is it leaves people like me who think of themselfs as army a bit hung out to dry. The amount of times I've been called "officer" on my LN ship highlights this.

Navy has officers, too, you know.

Police Vs Navy - Quorg - 07-30-2012

' Wrote:EDIT:
Police factions can use cruisers, and use cruisers too. The "cap spam" problem isn't solved by that really. In fact, hunting after fighters with a dessie or BC is easier than with a BS since dessies have CDs and can thrust.

If that were true, then there would be less BC's than destroyers. Also, LABC's DO have CD's. Which kind of takes all incentive out of not capspamming with the largest ships available.

Police Vs Navy - Pancakes - 07-31-2012

' Wrote:If that were true, then there would be less BC's than destroyers. Also, LABC's DO have CD's. Which kind of takes all incentive out of not capspamming with the largest ships available.

You failed to understand my point. Police factions can use BCs too, just FYI.

Police Vs Navy - Domjan - 07-31-2012

This is a problem that has always been here, what I was always recommending was that they merge those two military and police factions in all systems and have one unique that will uphold all laws from threats inside and outside, problem solved.