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Eppy's Current Projects - Panzer - 05-14-2008

I'm waiting to see this puppy textured. As for scale - if the current assault battleship is long, this one should be 1.5 times longer.

It is a good model, I like the bridge. So... classic ^^

I'm fine with the Maltese cross, just don't make it black with w hite outline or we'll have a new Rheinland battlehip:lol:, engine model should be an enlarged Bretonian capital ship engine I think. Blue will match the texture.

Last thing... those 5 thin and long thingies on the bow aren't sensors, right? I'm expecting an uber inferno there.

Eppy's Current Projects - Eppy - 05-14-2008

Those are sensors, there to take up space. Igiss doesn't like Uber-Infernos.

This puppy was constructed with the current Outcast Dreadnought's hitbox in mind, so it will be relatively similar, probably a bit longer. It's intended to keep the stats it has now, with the possibility of a 17th turret to compensate for the incresed length.

As for the Maltese cross, it is not vanilla FL, and the 101st did originally adopt it as their emblem, but you'll notice the RoS have, too; I think it's become a general symbol of the Outcasts on this server over time, so I figured it should serve as such. The thing needed some color anyways, so there's the opportunity to get some. Copied the idea directly from Liberty's Star'n'Stripes, which is inlaid into the hull.

And, people, I will say this only once. This is NOT a 101st-only ship. Will we control sales? Yes, we're already doing it now, and stop bloody screaming elitism. But, is it possible for somebody else to get one? Yes, very! All it takes is a page of spellchecked text with some cohesive plot, 800 million credits and good behavior.

Eppy's Current Projects - n00bl3t - 05-14-2008

' Wrote:Those are sensors, there to take up space. Igiss doesn't like Uber-Infernos.

This puppy was constructed with the current Outcast Dreadnought's hitbox in mind, so it will be relatively similar, probably a bit longer. It's intended to keep the stats it has now, with the possibility of a 17th turret to compensate for the incresed length.

As for the Maltese cross, it is not vanilla FL, and the 101st did originally adopt it as their emblem, but you'll notice the RoS have, too; I think it's become a general symbol of the Outcasts on this server over time, so I figured it should serve as such. The thing needed some color anyways, so there's the opportunity to get some. Copied the idea directly from Liberty's Star'n'Stripes, which is inlaid into the hull.

And, people, I will say this only once. This is NOT a 101st-only ship. Will we control sales? Yes, we're already doing it now, and stop bloody screaming elitism. But, is it possible for somebody else to get one? Yes, very! All it takes is a page of spellchecked text with some cohesive plot, 800 million credits and good behavior.

Can easily make a page of a good RP story. Good behaviour is always on. Now, that 800 million credits...:$

What program did you use for the modelling?

Eppy's Current Projects - frozen - 05-14-2008

think it was 3dsmax. he mentioned it in his post, and a countless times, how his pc was about to crash due to something or the other, and that everything he had done on 3dsmax wud go kaplow. lulz, funny times (this is during skype calls:D)

Eppy's Current Projects - Eppy - 05-14-2008

My machine is very slow and very fragile. I used to call it the Brick, but I may have to change that to the Mica Crappile... 3ds sucks up most of its resources, and FL gets about three fps when it's running, with nothing else running, including fraps (which I have to use to take screenies, because my screenie button doesn't work). So, FL+3ds Max=Nein on the Brick.

Eppy's Current Projects - Panzer - 05-14-2008

Dat be baaad

Oh well, keeps you from doing anything that might delay the designing process.

I'd have doubts about the 17th turret tho. If the ship will be as long as a Rheinland turtle, then sure, go for it. Otherwise, I'd stick with 16 - a still quite hight number.

One more tiny thing... Is it possible to make this ship explode as nicely as the outcast gunboat does? I mean - its own shreds flying around.

Eppy's Current Projects - Jinx - 05-14-2008

i doubt it gets a 17th turret - there are bigger ships out there without a 17th turret, too. - so it would prolly have to be a lot worse than the nomad BB or the spyglass to even have a chance to get a tiny 17th turret if anything.

if its a lot bigger though - i wouldn t see a problem with increasing its armour to 550k ( its 500k atm, isn t it? )

Eppy's Current Projects - Eppy - 05-14-2008

Yeah, it's 500, but I'd rather have the 17th gun. The change in hitbox isn't worthy an armor upgrade that massive, I don't think, but as it stands, if Yuri scales it as I had in mind it will be as long as the Turtle (the current one almost is anyways).

EDIT: I could do with both of them, though:lol:

Eppy's Current Projects - Panzer - 05-15-2008

And I wouldn't really mind.

Give me 5 vipers, half with razors and no battleship will survive [Image: cylon-pancarte01.gif]

Keep workin' on that thing, I'm tired of seeing those zeppelins (Hmm, guess the infocard will need to be changed... it won't resemble a blimp anymore). And talk with Treewyrm about that explosive thing - if this puppy could explode into its own bits, not just generic hunks of scrap, it's a killer addition.

Eppy's Current Projects - Jinx - 05-15-2008


sooo, you re not interested much in the model - but in what the model turns into once you hit it:laugh:. - but yea... a 17th turret won t unbalance much, unless all 17 turrets can fire at every angle.

about the zeppelin. - its not a bad ship... i remember when i saw it the first time. i was in awe - well.... at least untill the pilot got stuck in the tradelane at new tokyo - at that time i was rather laughing, - there is just no dignity about a battleship of such sizes that gets completely stuck in a lane and spins around like crazy.

to say something positive about the old DN.... it really looked like a dreadnaught should look. - well, much more than the wannebe dreadnaught of the liberty army ( even if the liberty DN is of course still superior, cause size matters more than a few bits more armour )

if the hitbox stays the same - or allmost.. i guess an armour increase is out of the question .. but yea, a 17th turret might do - maybe a compromise ... add 2 turrets to the front with a gunboat like limited firearc. than it d have a fearsome frontal weaponpower, but would still have weak spots. - there is quite a lot room to balance things out.

BUT : - if its a replace.... it would more probably have to have identical stats. - like the zoner juggernaut. if it is to be simply replacing the current one ( that means .cmp / .mat files ) - it ll have to have the same stats, same lights, same turrets, same whatever. - i guess invisible parts like the armour may be edited, but i cannot add 2 more turrets, cause it would conflict with the current model - and i d rather not like to cause the need of a playerwipe to get a ship into the mod, nor would i like to have two models of the same class exist next to each other.