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Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Printable Version

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Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Clayph - 05-14-2008

Other than some minor political glitches this is the best proposed
faction I've seen in my time on Disco..

Two thumbs up.

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - sovereign - 05-14-2008

' Wrote:Obviously you have made this post without a second thought given into it. Therefore this will be the last time I break all of this down for someone especially yourself. And before you rush into your all knowing knowledge of things I suggest you take time to research these things for as long as we have. Only then will any comment made here make any sense.

Okay, first thing's first, don't do this. Zelot founded the AFA, and I'm fairly certain that the only person that could know Kusari politics better than him is Kuraine (and possibly Wrathkin, maybe the KNF leader as well). Get some humility, please. His post was calm, informative, and constructive. You opened with a flame. Please, you are trying to impress people to get them to approve your faction request, not brute force an opinion on them.

Next order of business, while having donations give rank ups may be a nice idea, I guarantee it will be abused. Horribly. Faction members will end up donating to the bank anyway, no need to give an incentive that could lead to a person having a rank they aren't responsible enough for, even if they're rich enough for it.

As far as getting an RM battleship, you can. Its in RP (for a change) and would be quite interesting to RP. Just watch your step, the only thing second to the RM battleship in terms of idiot stories is the Liberty Assault Battlecruiser (no offense to the Harvesters, you did it right, if for less agreeable reasons).

Stay nice, and you will be rewarded. And by rewarded I mean killed at the hands of my Bundschuh. Good luck.

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Blodo - 05-14-2008

' Wrote:If not an RM BS, than a Kusari BS would be 2nd best.
I doubt the Kusari Navy would allow us to requisition a Kusari battleship. Would be a bit forced in my opinion, especially since we have a better option.

' Wrote:As far as getting an RM battleship, you can. Its in RP (for a change) and would be quite interesting to RP. Just watch your step, the only thing second to the RM battleship in terms of idiot stories is the Liberty Assault Battlecruiser (no offense to the Harvesters, you did it right, if for less agreeable reasons).
Stay nice, and you will be rewarded. And by rewarded I mean killed at the hands of my Bundschuh. Good luck.
Well, I don't think we will be getting one before next mod version anyhow due to the plans for the new system. That might change though. Either way when and if we will have any intent to purchase a Rheinland BS, believe me the forums and the RM are going to know about it and it's all going to be tip-top.


And I still don't understand why Bundschuh are hostile to the GMG:P

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - wrathkin - 05-14-2008

I just re-read it.

Why unfriendly to Samura? GMG was strongarmed into choosing Kishiro as partner instead of Samura to get the new Kishiro gas miners. I know of no rumors that point to 'unfrinendly' relations between GMG and Samura, and Samura and GMG has worked together for ages. Why not neutral? Samura still makes the misc transports GMG needs, thye just don't handle the GMG:s export anymore.

"Kishiro moves in on the Gas mining market. For centuries the GMG worked with Samura as a distributor of H-Fuel but when Kishiro developed an improved more efficient version of the Gas mining ship they stipulated that in order for the GMG to be able to use the new ship they would have to trade with Kishiro exclusively. With the new ship the GMG were able to under-cut H-fuel sales and undersell the Samura prices."

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Blodo - 05-14-2008

Strongarmed? I read a rumour on Aomori that actually inclines that Samura was screwing GMG on the gas deals, and the moment it expired they went over to Kishiro. Moreover, they are funding Blood Dragons for their operations in Hokkaido so that Samura can never complete the jump gate and trade lanes and claim that system. Kishiro seems to be profiting the most on this, GMG on the other hand wants some payback in the form of shifty Kusarian dealings. I agree that the status of Samura should be changed to neutral, considering GMG is not going to attack them obviously, however the GMG doesn't like Samura much either.

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - wrathkin - 05-14-2008

If you have that Aomori rumor, please post it. I want them all! =)

""Kishiro moves in on the Gas mining market. For centuries the GMG worked with Samura as a distributor of H-Fuel but when Kishiro developed an improved more efficient version of the Gas mining ship they stipulated that in order for the GMG to be able to use the new ship they would have to trade with Kishiro exclusively. With the new ship the GMG were able to under-cut H-fuel sales and undersell the Samura prices.""

That seems like strongarming to me. I don't mean they should be the best of friends, but they did not switch out of moral pathos, they switched because they had to (unless 'your' rumor says otherwise...).

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Blodo - 05-14-2008

It might have been a little bit of both. I can go ingame and try and find that rumour for you and take a screenshot.

EDIT: So the rumours are as follows:

Quote:Sometimes Samura can be so naive. They have never understood where the Blood Dragons get their financial support. We are the silent partner; we decided to aid the fledgling movement of the Blood Dragons to exact our revenge for centuries of theft and humiliation at the hands of Samura.

Quote:Kishiro has offered us superior gas miners that could double our profits. We will abandon Samura within the next year and deliver our Gas to Kishiro exclusively, ending our centuries long agreement with the old lady of Kusari.

Quote:The GMG has secretly trained many of the best pilots of the Blood Dragons. We gained much valuable tactical knowledge of how to fight in the clouds of the Crow Nebula during our long war with the Rheinlanders.

I have screenshots for these rumours. Doesn't sound to me like GMG was strongarmed into any sort of deal, more like a carefully planned and calculated act of revenge upon Samura while at the same time getting a far better deal than what Samura offered.

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Guyton - 05-14-2008

' Wrote:The GMG has secretly trained many of the best pilots of the Blood Dragons. We gained much valuable tactical knowledge of how to fight in the clouds of the Crow Nebula during our long war with the Rheinlanders.

Most of that tactical knowledge came directly from the Kusari Naval Forces. The naval forces felt it was their duty to assist their lost kusarian children.

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Kuraine - 05-14-2008

Indeed, it was also Samura that strongarmed the government into making them levy war taxes on GMG during the 80 years war, which unsurprisingly lead to their funding the Blood Dragons to attack Samura. Kishiro eventually offered the GMG the chance at exclusive trading with them and a contract to use the new gas miners and the GMG accepted, happy to move away from the more crushing and regulated contracts that Samura always demands.

Quote:Most of that tactical knowledge came directly from the Kusari Naval Forces.

I'm sure that eighty years of fighting against Rheinland would have taught them a few things that the Kusari Naval Forces couldn't possibly have done, though. As far as I can recall, before the recent war with Bretonia and the Nomad war, the Kusari Naval Forces have actually had no real war experience at all? So in many respects, this makes Rheinland (despite the fact its navy was completely destroyed) and the GMG the most experienced war veterans in Sirius XD. I suppose the Outcasts and Corsairs count as well, though.

Gas Miners Guild(GMG) - Guyton - 05-14-2008

I agree, eventually they were able to stand on their own feet.

For a while the question was usually:

How did mere fishermen turn gas miners hold on the most powerful war machine of the houses for 80 years?

Both sides suffered their heavy losses, but the guild felt it most of all with the lost of nearly a half of its people.