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Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Printable Version

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RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Hone - 02-04-2013

[Image: RaidersWarehouse.jpg]

With a gasp, and an over loud bang, the lid of Hone's Crate shot into the air, shortly followed by Hone's head, and the rest of his body. Panting for breath, he crawled out of the crate, and headed for the border! Figuratively speaking. His flight to freedom was abruptly curtailed however, when he heard approaching footsteps;
"Come on, the Boss wants this lot searched."
"But they've been here for ages, if he escaped on them he's had enough ti-"
"Look you want to tell him that, be my guest, otherwise, do your job!"
At least they're speaking English, Hone thought to himself, sighing with relief. Then suddenly, Horror struck him. The Crate! The lid was off! If they saw it... Desperately he peeked around the corner, they hadn't yet reached his alley, but if he ran now... His mad dash back to the crate seemed to make enough noise to wake the dead, though in reality he was moving as quietly as possible, frantically he replaced the lid, while praying he hadn't been heard, finishing just in time to hear the men approaching his isle. Panic struck him and he almost bolted, but just in time he realised that that running now may attract more attention to himself, the only way to stay hidden now was to circle slowly away from the men, keeping the isles of crates between them and him.
"Did you hear something?" asked one of the men.
"Mon.." replied the other, slipping slowly back into French, as Hone began his game of cat and mouse, stealthily heading for the door, praying he wouldn't be caught.

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Timmy - 02-07-2013

"Search groups reporting, sir. They weren't able to locate any trace of the prisoner." one of crews near computer said.

Marcell frowned. Part of him was happy that prisoner managed to cloak himself. However the other part was angry. He knew that every prisoner would use any opportunity to escape. And his hospitality is nothing then advantage for them to do so.

"Finish resupply and then undock. If prisoner remain on the ship, we will find him eventually. If he somehow make it to Cordes... hardly he will be able to escape from there. Station already warned. It's only a matter of time." He simply said and left the bridge.

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Hone - 02-10-2013

[Image: shadowy_figure_by_stock7000-d31hlhk.jpg]

Hone snuck along the corridors of the station, that last escape had been too close, he needed to get out of this BPA uniform, or he'd be nobbled the second he got spotted! Carefully he began to examine the rooms branching off, maybe he'd discover some sort of... locker room, or laundry.

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Hone - 06-03-2013

[Image: 180px-MPNC1.jpg]

3 Months.

It had been 3 months living like a rat. Scurrying through the shadows, making way for the more dangerous residents, living on scraps, weather they be food, or Information...

3 Months that had finally paid off.

Escaping Cordes had been the easy part: When he came to the blindingly obvious conclusion that a man with a Bretonian accent, no ID, and in the middle of an escaped prisoner search, would stand no chance of blending in on a small station, and be caught in a matter of hours; Hone did the only sensible thing, he went back.

Back to the loading depot he'd so recently smuggled his way OFF a ship to get to. But if it could work one way, why not the other? Guards were searching the routes around the airlock, finecombing the Lyons, and had even started searching the crates being loaded off the ship, but what about the crates being loaded ONTO the other ships...

It had really been a piece of luck he'd picked the Quillan supply transport, the short trip had allowed him to stay hidden and he hadn't even needed to leave the safety of his new crate home, at least this one wasn't full of frogs! Since breaking out of the warehouse they'd left him in, Hone had been travelling the planet, living life in the gutter. He'd survived on what he could scrounge, beg, and earn in any job that a man who couldn't speak, couldn't produce identification, and couldn't be seen by the ever present Royal Armies, could work in. Often, this added up to illegal.

And for the Policeman, illegality had just come up trumps. For you see, BPA Chief Inspector Hone Nathan, was not just a Bretonian Police Officer, not just a loyal defendant of Her Majesty's laws, not just an upstanding, unblemished, and transparent character, he was also, a Privateer. His colleagues back in Bretonia would sometimes remark on how he seemed an unusually bloodthirsty officer, wondering if he was truly fit for duty, and with good reason: Little better than the scum they hunted, Privateers were Bretonia's deniable asset, sent to pillage plunder and burn anything that could aid their enemies, they didnt obey the rules of war, or the laws of nations. But they made contacts.

One such contact was the Maquis spy, who's copilot chair Hone was currently luxurating in, as they blasted through the docking ring, leaving Quillian a soon to be dwindling speck in the rearview. All that was to be left of the worst hellhole Hone had ever lived on. 3 months of searching, buttering up petty criminals, hinting, bribing, and occasionally running for his life, had finally put him in contact with the resistance network, and got him a ticket off that rock!

Of course, nothing in this life comes for free, and the Maquis wern't about to become Heroes and run the blokade to Bretonia! All they could do (for a hefty fee!) was get him to clear space, a certain point in clear space, where a certain ship was waiting. Hone's privateer ship.

"So Monsieur, I hope you have enjoyed your stay in our fine house, and now there is just the matter of payment"
The Maquis grinned evily,
"Ooooaghr groaned Hone, don't wake me up! Do you know how long it's been since I've sat on something with CUSHIONS?"
A large hand squeezed his shoulder, not painfully, simply enough to promise terrible times ahead, should the owner wish it.
"I regret to warn you Bretonian, should we arrive, and the money not be there, the next hours of your life, they will not go well for you."
"The thing about plunder and pillage Pierre? It leaves you with a lot of cash, don't worry you'll get your million, just get me my ship."

RE: Police Prisoner. BPA C.Ins Hone Nathan captured by the GRN. - Hone - 06-04-2013

[Image: 2nrompy.jpg]

By god it felt good to be back in the Pilot's seat! As the long-dormant ship's electronics hummed into life, the comms darted out questing tendrils, re-establishing old connections, and flooding the cockpit with sounds:

"Taking fire!"
"Regroup Regroup!"
"Hunt them Down!"

The Home front was under attack, and Hone was coming!

[Image: 2zix8h4.jpg]

When the Privateer Policeman finally crossed over into friendly skies, the battle had taken a turn for the wierd; A Gallian cruiser was fighting in alliance with a Nomad battleship, while Marauding Mollys attacked with their Scyllas.

[Image: 9jpws2.jpg]

As the GRN cruiser approached, spewing threats, the lone Bretonian powered up:

Once more into the Fray...