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Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Printable Version

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RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Thyrzul - 05-14-2013

Maybe armored convoys and teamwork would be the key of survival in such case. Reducing interaction? How about increasing it by indirectly forcing players to work with eachother? As you said, pirates already know waht to do for some pew, what significant change would those lines bring then?

Edit: Got ninja'd like hell.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Jeremy Hunter - 05-14-2013

Alright then. Thanks Aet.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Thyrzul - 05-14-2013

(05-14-2013, 09:08 PM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: I guess I'm going to have to post a map of what's what in the next mod version. Rousillion and Baffin are considered Tau systems. Saar and Cayman are considered an Omega systems. Tau-117 is renamed to Drake but becomes an Independent world (between Bretonia and Liberty more then between Liberty and Kusari). I'll grab that map I made and will draw some colors to show what's what.

Sounds good.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Eonaros - 05-14-2013

I personally do not like the idea of Zoners being able to ally with the Order
.I do understand that Zoners are closest allies of The Order in Omicron space, but Zoners are not a military force, they just promote the way they live and what they do.Meaning almost every Zoner Nephilim grinding missions in Omicron Mu would assault the Core ( When the Core is raiding Mu ), which is completely unfair.

The Order can hunt Kempetai and LSF.I agree, but only when these two intelligence groups enter/get close to territory of The Order.Reason is because The Order is not at war with the houses, and I think this was mentioned in some earlier posts.The Order are anti nomad fighters ( and those who abuse its technology, ie BHG Core ).I will also say Order needs access to the houses with Order " Recon " Cruiser. ( official group access only to prevent indie Resheph spam in houses ).Because its Recon meaning Order intelligence ( Wedjat, iRP ) could use it for RP purposes and find out power of the enemies they're fighting. ( Something like going Recon mission in Tau`s )

I have nothing else to say, thanks for reading.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Charos - 05-14-2013

Hellfire Legion ID

The Hellfire Legion is a Liberty revolutionary faction which considers the Liberty government corrupt and in need of overthrowing. They prefer to attack the Liberty Navy and Liberty Police.

Pilot carrying this ID is a member of the Hellfire Legion, who :

- Can demand cargo and credits from lawful and unlawful ships, and attack them if they do not comply within their Zone of Influence.
- Can hunt pirates, terrorists and enemies of the Hellfire Legion within their Zone of Influence.
- Can demand Artifacts, Slaves, Cardamine, Liquid Cardamine, Nox, Hypnotainment bands, Nomad equipment and remains and destroy vessels if they refuse to comply.
- Can treat all Liberty Navy, Liberty Police Inc. and LSF vessels as combat targets.
- Cannot ally with any lawfuls.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo, except for the Pilgrim Liner and Pirate Train.
- Cannot leave their ZoI in Cruisers and Battleships.

Zone of Influence: Liberty and independent systems directly bordering Liberty
Allowed ships: Fighters, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats, Cruisers, Battleships.
May only be used by an accepted member of the Hellfire Legion player faction.

As the leader of the Hellfire Legion I have some issues with the ID proposal. Why was that line about piracy added to our ID? We've stated countless times that we do not pirate or tax people and we've been RPing like that for way too long. Please do not include it.

Next issue is the "Cannot ally with any lawfuls" line. That's the problematic line that caused some trouble in the past and we'd like it to be changed to "Cannot ally with House Military/Police" so we can escort traders/miners that belong to "lawfuls".

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - West - 05-14-2013

Quote: No, instead we get swathes of Hessian Battleships in Sigma-13 and Cambridge (sarcasm intended). Or Legates in New Tokyo. Or Kusari Dreads in Colorado. Specifying the ZoI clearly on the ID prevents these excesses, and also allows us to change the ZoI for specific events (if Liberty starts to help Bretonia out, the LN ID could be expanded to include Bretonia for instance).

Then I would like to ask Sigma-17 added into KNF ID since it's not directly connecting to kusari like 19 or 13. It was long time since KNF made several patrols in sigma17 and even have some rp about small base on Kurile.

Also any reasoning why order now allowed to use caps in sigma 17 and 19?

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Havok - 05-14-2013

After reading through the proposals, I must say i am not a fan of the gutting of Intelligence Factions. Limiting them to only their house and the surrounding independant worlds completely castrates them and limits them to basically a local police force.

The purpose of Intelligence factions is to do just what any other Modern Day Agency would do. Gather Intel on anything and everything, and conduct covert ops. This new ID proposal would take away any chance at doing so. I am against these changes in the Intelligence Faction ID's. I am also against taking cruisers our of the ID as they are often an essential part to an Intelligence operation.

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - QuinnZai - 05-14-2013

I will be straight to the point. I do NOT like the can treat whoever as a combat vessel line in so many of the ID's. I value RP and even the 1 sentence RP some guys use to engage is pretty crappy. I'm not happy about this change. I want to RP with pirates even if its only a little bit and I still end up dying. I just don't feel this change will do any good for the Server. I think more people will ragequit from this. Especially people who value RP. (Give us a reason to RP, not pew since not all of us enjoy pewing)

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Rodnas - 05-14-2013

First of all big applause to AD for tackling this topic - and also bringing in hardwritten ZOIs - if this gets into the mod it might be one of the top additions to it, defining factions and where they should spelunk clean and clear. VERY GOOD!

Of course as someone already mentioned there would be need for some lore based additions, aka the proposed warzones, for example in between two houses, but i guess that is more details than anything else ( and i hope this will get discussed with the faction leaders where to fight their warsWink )- also the term independent systems should be more clean cut in some cases.

Other than that, some comments on specific IDs:

Samura Industries

Why can't those guys ally with the Sairs, as we even get cuddly in the Sigmas together( where we might have to defend against Outcast Hordes)
Also: ZOI extensions to the Sigmas, as they even own Kurile there?


Why are the Mollys allowed to ally with the Brets after being as backstabby as ever?

Artifical Intelligence ID

"Can actively hunt pirates, terrorists and lawfuls in systems that do not contain a jumpgate."

This line makes the AI a terrorist faction or Nomad ID Mk II, just with a bigger ZOI, absolutely no purpose whatsoever. Yes there are many AI fanboys out there that want to shoot everything like crazy, but this ID/Faction needs a major overhaul, some set directions and so on.

Freelancer ID

Of course the game is called "Freelancer" , but i doubt that on top of the best tech, no responsibilities and an unlimited ZOI the addition of being able to defend "neutral" ships is necessary. Who can ever control who is neutral or even allied to whom? If they want to pew, they should be hired so everyone ca see it, which is worse enough as you can't even check then if the freelancers rep sheet isn't green to his target and red to his employer....oh well, mercs make me paranoid.


is it too late to ask for the terrorist ID to be deleted to favor people joining the underrepresented house unlawfulls?

RE: Proposal: ID changes for 4.87 - Tabris - 05-14-2013

I seriously do not like the nerf-proposal on Intelligence factions.

I'll use BDM for example.

1: Confining us to Rheinland and it's bordering systems interferes with ALOT of our roleplay as an Intelligence Gathering faction not to mention the BDM also has vested interest in places such as the Deep Omegas and the Omicron arm due to our RP on the Schatten and Munster.

2: Removal of Cruisers, this would seriously unbalance power in favor of pirating factions who use Cruisers and Battleships against Rheinland Military/Civilian ships and Bases. I would recommend either an equal nerfing of the localized pirates such as Red Hessians or the Unioners in kind to restrict if not remove outright Cruisers/Battleships OR leave as is and deal with any issues on a 'as needed' basis.

Those are my biggest concerns. I'll likely have more once I finish reading through the proposed changes to ID's.