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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 06-01-2010

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Admiral James Hobart, Ark Royal 9th Great fleet
Subject: Roger's death

Yesterday, Commander Roger Wilson died, on what was supose to be, a routine patrol in Newcastle.
Eject failed on Roger, and he left wife and two kids behinde.
Better World awaits him, I presume. God bless his soul. Fine pilot! Such a waste. Wife is already informed.

Which, lack of one Commander in Ark Royal fleet.
After proving in field, that he is capable for such duty, I will apoint Mister Bridge to this position.

Which means...that Bridge is promoted, I guess, to Commander rank.

That would be all.

Add 1: With this, Bridge is transfered to Ark Royal fleet.

Signed by: ---

...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 06-02-2010

:::Incoming Transmission:::

File: Arrest Report, Austin Goodmen


Author: Blake Owen, Commodore

Suspect Arrested: Austin Goodmen, Commander (Former)

Place of Detention: Battleship Norfolk Brig, Cambridge (Temporary)

Evidence to be entered:
Communication Log (1)
Communication Log (2)


Mr. Goodmen surrendered without incident to a small force of Bretonian Armed Forces primary and reserve officers. He specifically requested that his Templar be returned to the Leeds front after inspection. It is my understanding that he will be transferred to New London but he is currently aboard the Norfolk in the brig. As per the code of conduct, he will receive consultation from a legal officer while on board. The comm logs should tell the rest.



:::Transmission Terminated:::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wellingtons - 06-02-2010

[Image: LtRobb.jpg]
SOURCE:battleship Essex
SUBJECT: Nomad trader

* Salutes sir* This evening at around 21:41 new London time I encountered a trader. After customary scan transmission I was shocked to find a live nomad in his cargo after informing him of his breaking a law he dropped it and it was promptly destroyed. On a lighter note i would like to congratulate Admiral hobart on his wise decision in promoting Ltcdr Bridge.

Transmission ended


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Sly - 06-04-2010

"Incoming transmission..."
"Subject ID: Commander John Alster, Bretonia Armed Forces"

G'day, officers.
Today I commenced my patrol from the deck of Derby. Right nearby, a Mandalorian was floating around. I asked him if he wants to patrol Dublin. Well, he didn't object, and on this note we had begun patrolling.

When we arrived close to New London he told me that he picked up officers from our destroyed battleship patrol. He transferred them to me and I dropped them on planet. We thanks him for this.

After I got off the planet we moved into Dublin. It was pretty quiet there, yet we decided to patrol the whole system. My scanners detected Hogosha ship in fight with IMG mining vessel, but first was sneaky and managed to escape. We finished our patrol afterward, nothing unusual. Shortly after I landed on Essex to attend meeting with fellow officers.

Snapshot 1

That is all.

"Transmission terminated..."

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Slainte - 06-04-2010

Comm Channel: Open
From: Cdre Jack Frost
Subject: Patrol report


On patrol in New London i happened upon a 'sair in a gunboat assualting a Zoner, he was given a chance to leave in one piece and i actually thought he was smart when he cruised away. However, he found a friend in a Junker flying a Pirate Transport and both of them thought they could take me on. The junker, Chatan, was the first to go followed by the 'sair, Bacub.( Guncam images are available if requested )
Might be an idea to keep an eye on these Junker chaps. If they think they can earn a few creds taking down BAF ships im sure they will try again

On a rather odd note, after this incident i went to Dublin to check on things there and found yet another 'sair gunboat going by the name of Red Dragon. He was warned to leave in one piece or in many and i thought, as he cruised away, that he took my advice. But noooooo, now this is the strange part, he actually gave himself up at the Essex by docking on her. At least i assume he gave himself up or the Essex would never had let him dock!

Strange days indeed.

Cdre Jack Frost

Comm Channel: Closed

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 06-07-2010

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: rsz_newamsterdam.jpg]

[Target ID: Commander Martin Bridge, Lieutenant Commander Lee Adama]
[CC: N/A]
[Location: CLASSIFIED]
[Comm ID: Agent Redwood]

Commander Bridge, and Lieutenant Commander Adama,

You're both wanted for questioning by MI5. Expect an Agent to meet you both shortly. You will be briefed on the details later. Thank You.

Acting Director Agent Redwood,
Military Intelligence Section 5

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Sly - 06-07-2010

"Incoming transmission..."
"Subject ID: Commander John Alster, Bretonia Armed Forces"

Good day, command.

This day showed something interesting: Coalition ships were spreading propaganda in Dublin system. This is the thing we can't allow to be done, so I hooked up with LtCdr. Adama and a BHG pilot, who had been fired upon.

[Image: 904knr.jpg]

[Image: 2nl6048.jpg]
I told hunter to disengage, then I started a conversation with SCRA forces.

Sudden of all, an Outcast battleship arrived. I considered it as a good thing to have in this moment, so I decided to treat it as an addition to our force, which wouldn't have scared them enough without its presence. Lieutenant Keevan and commander Birdge arrived on the scene as well, on this note our force was consistent of enough pilots to step forward in pushing Coalition back from whence they came. A dialogue of mine and mister Gellantra, commander of vessel 'Karl Marx', came out in their retreat. The sanity of our men, ardency of Molly gunboat and attitude of Outcast captain turned this situation into a peaceful solution.

After everything was settled up, I made sure that Razorspine vessel leaves Dublin for good.

[Image: 9u3lmf.jpg]

That is all for today.

"Transmission terminated..."

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - cshake - 06-08-2010

... Incoming transmission ...
Source: Commander Jay Clark
Subject: Patrol Report

Lt.Commander Blair and I were on usual patrol this afternoon, and received a very interesting report of a GRN 'Obstinate' cruiser by the name of Cybran.Commander flying around Cambridge. Blair was in Tau-31 talking to some Zoners who said that they'd recently had problems with this ship, and specifically requested that we get rid of it. A Fearless destroyer volunteered to assist, but it was not needed in our core systems.

During this conversation I was heading towards the Cambridge gate, only to find that the ship had moved to New London. Blair and I did a pass of the jump holes, finding the cruiser undocking from Trafalgar base. When pressed, he said some nonsense about "Visiting his junker friends" and that he'd come from Corsair space. With a cruiser and the two of us in Bombers, we decided that this was not entirely in our favour if it came to trading shots, so we told him to leave instead of the initial thought of simple destruction (especially since he was shooting molly pilots in front of us and turning them over to the Junkers).

Ship scans as he was floating outside Trafalgar:
[Image: th_Freelancer-2010-06-08-11-56-52-42.jpg]

Comm recordings:
[Image: th_Freelancer-2010-06-08-12-04-18-48.jpg]
[Image: th_Freelancer-2010-06-08-12-04-30-31.jpg]

Blair then escorted the cruiser through Leeds and out of our space.

That is all for today's report.
Commander Jay Clark

... Transmission Ends ...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Deneth Aleski - 06-10-2010


PRIORITY: [color=#33CC00]High
ENCRYPTION: Standard (Protocol 2-TR)
IDENTIFICATION: Ensign Deneth Aleski
TARGET: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
SUBJECT: After Action Report

June 9th, 818AS

No major incidents to report in this first patrol of mine in some time. Commander Martin Bridge and I encountered a SCRA (Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army) fighter just outside the Battleship Hood, in Dublin space. The pilot showed no hostile intent, saying that he was there "to chill". Given the scarcity of such encounters, I took the initiative to take a few snapshots of the fighter and downloaded some basic telemetries, revealing vital ship specifications. See attached files for further details.

File 1- Assorted equipment found on board, including identifying system.

File 2- External shot of the fighter, as viewed through the Combat Reticule. The pilot later identified himself as being of libertonian origin.

File 3- Telemetric data for offensive systems. The AK-2's seem to be incompatible with ships that are not Coalition-made.

Nothing more to report on my end.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Miaou - 06-14-2010

:::Transmission uploaded:::
::Input- Ulrik Xylon, Battleship Derby::
::Output-Bretonian Armed Forces DIS ::
Do you accept? -=Y=- N

Commander Bridge informed me of a Hogosha causing trouble at Hood, possible terrorism and something about a lab being set up.

[Image: bafhogoshareport1.png]

I flew over to Battleship Hood, and found my informant was attacking a mercenary for no real reason. I asked for him to stop and tell me about this Hogosha, but he seemed drunk and flew away. I turned to the merc who told me his side of the story.

[Image: bafhogoshareport2.png]
[Image: bafhogoshareport3.png]

Sadly, I have not learned much about the Hogosha planning in the Hood, but we know she exists. Her name is Amelia Zoa. We should also talk to the mollies about keeping themselves in order. The molly's name is BeanSidhe.

:::Transmission Ends:::