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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Razr - 10-06-2007

Location:Cape Verde Station
Subject: Ivan Voronov

Ivan walk silently into his room as if he was thieving, he threw around boxes and medical items. After a while it seemed he'd found what he'd been looking for, he took the cap off the purple bottle and squirted it down the lining of his throat. The medicine lined Ivan's throat with a thick protective coating, afterwards set off an EMP which disrupted the voice emulator Ares had 'given him.' Now Ivan was livid he knew he couldn't rip it out yet, his throat couldn't take more pain but at least it was disabled. Ivan took a plaque and took the one off Ares's door and replace it with the one he had. Instead of "Commander Ares, Fighter Wing Leader." It now read "Ares: hog rider, AKA (fat woman's cowboy)" how Ivan wished he could've laughed at that moment.
Ares would surely get the jest.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 10-07-2007

Comm. ID: Commander Ares

Message Begins//

After hearing how pathetic the Brotherhood's assault on Rheinland was yesterday, I joined them on their second attack into Frankfurt.

Thankfully, their tactics had improved, even if discipline was lacking from some members, who boasted when they appeared to be winning, despite the horrendous loss they suffered yesterday to the heroic Rheinland Military pilots. Elder Montoya's bomber was deadly, ripping through their fighters. I myself managed to land the finishing blow on the gunboat Feuer as well as using my Disruptors to counter their fighters' use of torpedoes and missiles.

Eventually, my on-board computer was glitching and started to annoy me, as did a cowardly Rheinland pilot who kept hiding instead of fighting like his comrades.

I left the Brotherhood to clean up and bombard the border station, informing them that I wanted them to let any civilians evacuate before the end onslaught. Apparently they had to kill much of the military crew stationed there, however. Their own fault, I guess.

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Razr - 10-08-2007

Comm ID:Ivan Voronov
To: Fighter Wing Leader/Commander Ares

Today I began to instruct the newest pilot in our wing on the functions of a bomber, during the session a mercenary bomber attacked us. The Mercenary tagged [Doom]Tripitz was in a Rhienland classed bomber. I was in my Raven's Talon heavy fighter, and Bai Xue in her Taiidan bomber. Bai attacked first, they were evenly matched dropping shields at the same time, doing little hull damage, and trying to blow the other to smoldering pieces of metal with nova cannons.
Seconds after I arrived Bai made a false moved, and seconds after being hit by a nova she was relieved of her ship. I safely tractored my comrade and began to engage the bomber. Thanks to past tips from Ares, and many training sessions against Nikolai in his bomber I was able to keep a cool head. After refusing to shoot and scan on the first pass I realized the enemy was carrying missiles, I evaded and let him waste them all before going on a frontal assault.
I began hammering his hull with my arsenal, due to the strength of the hull it was a slow process. After being beaten down to the point where his ship exploded he used nanobots to repair himself, it was at that time I realized a glitch in his fighting style. I began to hammer his hull once more, once his hull was at about 30% as I hadn't used it I knew the element of surprise was mine to be held. I turned on my mini razor and as soon as he turned around I let him have it, and his hull crumpled around him.
I would have finished him off there, but I needed to get Bai looked at quickly so I headed back to Planet Crete. Now my throat is sore because you thought it'd be cute to put a device in it, although it's disabled you'll so pay.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Razr - 10-09-2007

Location: Planet Crete Bar
Subjects: Ivan Voronov and Gustov Kerensky

Gustov angrily stormed into the bar, walking up to the bartender and offered the hardest drink they had. The bartender was a bit astonished that anyone would buy a Salamanca Splitter, at 2,000 credits a pop it was no wonder. Gustov took the drink, hastily shoved the money in the bartender's hand, and sat next to Ivan. Ivan was too busy to even notice Gustov take a seat as he rapidly scribbled notes on a piece of paper.
"Ivan, you may want to gear up your ship I expect we'll have a new target soon." Gustov said looking at Ivan. Being unable to talk signed to Gustov that he understood. He also signaled wondering what happened.
"Personally Ivan I'll be happy if we have to shoot the Omega's Pirate Guild, screwballs insulted my sister." At the mention of Sonja being insulted Ivan's face turned a hot red, but when asked he signaled to Gustov that nothing was wrong. Ivan took his things from the table to see if there was any new. He walked past Nikolai who indicated he was on his way to make a report.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - desecrator - 10-09-2007

--- Incoming Transmission ---
-Trace Detected; Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma - Transmitting Message-

Message to; SCRA
CommID; Lt. Commander Nikolai Varnava

Varnava here, a little bit of an annoyance to report. While flying around Planet Crete with Gustov, an AW fighter came in to range and engaged TBH forces. We moved in to assist, and as did Virus of the Phantoms who showed up soon afterwards... After telling The Brotherhood multiple time to lay off the Phantom ship, we did our damage to the AW fighter until he ran for dear life.

During combat though, an OPG fighter came in to range and engaged Virus. After telling him to hold his fire, he decided to start insulting not only myself, but Gustov and Sonja as well, even though Sonja was not present at the time. For OPG's stupid acts, I gave permission to Gustov to destroy the pest. To only find he had left once we had returned to Crete.

Gustov landed and hit the bar, I remained outside with two of the TBH and Virus. To only find 5 minutes later, an OPG ship known as 'Good Ship Venus' launched from the planet looking for a fight with my bomber. Virus and I engaged, the bugger died to my novas on the second pass... Consider the OPG a hostile lot, maybe it will teach them to keep their mouth shut. Varnava out.

-Attachments Incoming-

[Image: SCRA-Nikolai-OPG1.jpg]

--- Transmission Terminated ---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 10-09-2007

Comm. ID: Commander Ares
Location: Yanagi Depot, Sigma-13
Subject: Omega Pirate Guild

Message Begins//

Good work.

I trust that you all know what to do from this point on, so I won't bother explaining.

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - desecrator - 10-10-2007

--- Incoming Transmission ---
-Trace Detected; Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma - Transmitting Message-

Message to; SCRA
CommID; Lt. Commander Nikolai Varnava

Alpha left alone in their debris once more. Lt Voronov, Lt. Commander Jovovich, and I decided to make a little raid in to Omicron Alpha earlier today. An RoS capital ship was destroyed infront of his own home planet. Though, something else came on to Radar... An OPG... Flying with Hessian colors, his ship was destroyed quickly and left to debris. More information on this OPG scum will be sent in another transmission. Varnava out.

--- Incoming Attachments ---
[Image: Varnava-Silent.jpg]
[Image: Jovovich-OPG.jpg]

--- Transmission Terminated ---

--- Incoming Transmission ---
-Trace Detected; Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma - Transmitting Message-

Message to; Elder of The Brotherhood
CC to; The SCRA
CommID; Lt. Commander Nikolai Varnava of the SCRA

Haha... I must say, I didn't expect it to go this far. But, well... Things change as the day goes by. Earlier today, the SCRA made an attack on the Omicron Alpha system. But someone we did not expect showed up on our scanners. Can you guess? Yes, an OPG. Flying with Hessian colors, onboard a Hessian ship, and oh yes... Docking on the Outcast planet known as Malta. They also seem to enjoy assisting the Outcasts on one of their missions? Hmm, I think you can take it from here, Corsair Elders... Varnava Out.

--- Attachments Incoming ---

[Image: th_screen1601.jpg][Image: th_screen1606.jpg]

--- Transmission Terminated ---


--- Incoming Transmission ---
-Trace Detected; Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma - Transmitting Message-

Message to; SCRA
CommID; Lt. Commander Nikolai Varnava

A quick report to add with my following transmissions. Lt. Commander Jovovich and I we're engaged 5 LDDLG ships within Omicron Gamma. By our mistake we kept the fight within Omicron Gamma instead of moving it away from our Stroingpoint. A transmission has already been sent to The Brotherhood about this matter. All LDDLG ships we're destroyed in the process... Their mistake I would say. Varnava out.

--- Attachments Incoming ---

[Image: Varnava-Ardax1.jpg]
[Image: Jovovich-Garfield1.jpg]
[Image: Varnava-Rampage1.jpg]
-Data Corruption Detected - Attachments Lost-

--- Transmission Termianted ---

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 10-10-2007

Comm. ID: Commander Ares

Message Begins//

Right folks, good work.

Now, in the interest of, ahem, 'diplomatic relations', I would suggest laying off the LDDLG. I know that they deserve it but that really doesn't matter. Do not fire on them unless provoked.

Provocation includes, but is not limited to the following: Firing upon SCRA vessels, flying under enemy colours and not shutting the hell up when told to.

Regarding the OPG, I can't say I'm surprised. They always did look a bit orange-lipped to me. Looks like their greed has them enslaved to the Outcasts. Wipe them out.

Also, Nikolai, I am very impressed with your intelligence-gathering. If you so desire, you may assume command of an intelligence vessel with the designator 'RAI'.

Again, you guys have been doing good. Keep it up.

Make those turncoat boot-scrapings regret their betrayal. Make them burn for this horrific treachery. I want their ashes to rain on Malta for months to come.

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - majkp - 10-11-2007

Message to: Admiral Britanov
Comm ID: Pedro Maniaco
CC: The Brotherhood Message Dump


Today I read several reports about your pilots killing Corsairs at the orbit of Planet Crete.

SCRA has been most valuable ally for the Brotherhood and your pilots are helping us a lot in our Rheinland campaign. However, I can't protect you among Corsairs if you shoot our ships and ships of our allies right next to our homes.

If you continue in this, you are not only risking the end of alliance with the Brotherhood, but also the Arms Deal which grants you access to corsair weaponry could be cancelled on the next Council of Elders.

Please consider this before your pilots commit hostilities in Gamma again.

Pedro Maniaco out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - desecrator - 10-11-2007

--- Message Detected, Admiral Britinov - Running Forwarder, Commodore Stakhanov ---

--- Incoming Transmission ---
-Trace Detected; Battleship Karl Marx, Omicron Gamma - Transmitting Message-

Message to; Pedro Maniaco
CC: The Brotherhood, The Sirius Coalition Revolution Army
CommID; Commodore Alexei Stakhanov

Sorry for the intrusion, Elder Maniaco. But Admiral Britinov is currently taking a Leave of Absence. I'm receiving his transmissions while he's away.

We are sorry for our attack having to be within Omicron Gamma, but in our own sense, it was for Crete's safety. The LDDLG have attempted to pirate and attack not just our own vessels, but the Phantoms as well for being 'red' on their scanners... You know of the Phantoms history, Maniaco. What the Phantoms have done to New London, Cambridge, New Berlin... Because of the LDDLG, it may come to Crete. You do not want MOX raining down on your planet... Ares fears this, so we will not allow it to happen. But as the LDDLG command can't seem to cope with this disaster, we chose to take care of the problem ourselves, violence being one of the choices in the interests of the women and children's safety on Crete.

We have suspicions that the LDDLG have also been working with the OPG. As our scanners have picked up both their activity within the Omega 5 system. We were right about OPG, and are unsettled regards to LDDLG.

We have your intel, and now you have ours. Do what you wish with it.

-Commodore Alexei Stakhanov
--Captain of the Karl Marx

--- Transmission Termianted ---