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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Gytrash - 02-04-2015

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]
Greetings All
After a long sabattical due to poor health I have returned to trading, I'm pleased to report that my remote control systems for my main vessel are still functioning perfectly, sadly, my other vessels will need to be refurbished before they can be put into service.
Regardless, three runs for Industrial Hardware from the Newcastle system were performed, taking out Reinforced alloys to one of the bases out that way for a total of fifteen thousand units. A fourth run was commenced but remained unfinished due to the interference of a bounty hunter callsign of Ahab claiming that he was collecting on a bounty placed on OSI, unfortunately he did not divulge the name of his employers but nonetheless, the conversation was recorded before my vessel took an unfortunate amount of damage. Thankfully repair costs can be absorbed from the profit of previous trade rune.
Delivery of goods to Nichols Trade Center
Delivery of 15,000 (Fifteen Thousand) Units of Industrial Hardware
Shipment [1], [2], [3]
Log of conversation with Ahab
Respectfully James Church, OSI-Gytrash

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Major_Mayhem - 03-15-2015

[Image: kelly.png]

Dear members of the OSI-Family

We're currently in the middle of negotiations with the Ingeenuus Research Group for a partnership in research, so I'm going to keep this short:

Total Bonus to be paid: 2'113'000'000

Breakdown of payments (aka: top 10 workers of Omicron Supply Industries for February):
  1. Mr Anata (Maha): 967'000'000
  2. Mr. Brigs (Nitro): 407'000'000
  3. Mr. Maximillian (Mintarnia): 168'000'000
  4. Mr. Nemo (Nemo): 165'000'000
  5. Mr. Starr (Doria): 143'000'000
  6. Mr. Jorgensen (Ben): 99'000'000
  7. Mr. Green (Green):94'000'000
  8. Mr. Voncloud (Von): 78'000'000
  9. Mr Valmir (Loki): 41'000'000
  10. Mr. Nagamaki (Zslayern): 35'000'000

A special thank you goes out for Mrs. Callahan (Jeni) for hauling the most Reinforced Alloy. This will be rewarded with a bonus of 20'000'000.

The usual about beefing up retirement funds and contacting human resources for the account to which the payment shall be transferred.

Best Regards
Jason Kelly
CEO of Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Aazalot - 03-15-2015

Wire Money to OSI-Cloudrunner For Mr Voncloud.

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Mahagadz - 03-15-2015


Just transfer my credits to Hargeon


RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stoner_Steve - 03-17-2015

[Image: RRvg2De.png]

Morning Boss,

Payment as usual can be mad to the OSI-Chester.Express
Lets hope the orders keep flowing.

Isaac Nemo
Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sylvie557 - 03-17-2015

[Image: tJhFF23.png]


Good to see a lot of new blood hauling for Nichols judging from the list there. You can send my share to the usual, OSI-Loki's.Pride.

[Image: yWAIM6U.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - IBleedLemonade - 03-17-2015


you may forward the credits for Mr. Maximillian to OSI-Illumination.

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Doria - 03-17-2015

=== Incoming Message ===
=== Sender ID: David Starr ===
=== Text Only Message: Received ===
Hey there, K. Wire my part to OSI-David:Starr please. Thanks.
=== End of Message ===

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Aazalot - 03-23-2015

Payments sent via the OSI-Cloudrunner to:

Mr Starr
Mr Valmir
Mr Nemo
Mr Anata
Mr Voncloud.

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - MrPenguin - 04-07-2015

<<Incoming Transmission>>

<<Identification Confirmed: Kris Kai>>


On my way out of Omega-49 I encountered a bounty hunter gunboat with a communication id [Whalers]-Ishmael.  He stopped me and after a short confrontation, blew me up.  Luckily my escape pod found it's way back to Nichols.

I managed to save the ID scan and ship logs before my ship was blown to bits.


<<Transmission Terminated>>