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Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Printable Version

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Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Klaw117 - 11-24-2008

Hmmm...this Saturday I'm coming back from a Thanksgiving trip, but I'm not sure if I'll be back in time. I'm thinking of having this event on:

[color=#FF0000]Saturday, November 29, 2100 GMT.

If I'm home before that, I'll be leading the event. If not...someone else can take control for this one.

[color=#FF0000]Also, very important - I'm thinking of doing this event in the Omega-47 System now.

That system is never used, but it has a lot more space and a Corsair and RHA base as well, so we can still organize our forces there.

EDIT: I don't think I'll be home in time for this. If a TBH Elder or OPG/RHA leader can try to organize this for this week, that would be great.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - GhostFace - 11-25-2008

Sounds good and yea, the 0-47 system doesn't get used as much as the others.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - alpha3 - 11-25-2008

Count me in. :)

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - looqas - 11-27-2008

I'm sorta semi-interested in this. I've been attending the O-5 sessions in not so regular basis, but the main problem why I think the event kinda died was that it's always the same old, same old fighter furball.

If you have taken part in say 3 of those there's nothing new to see. And to keep things interesting I agree with whoever said that those spur of the moment battles are the best, where two sizable forces just join the battle.

Example. I've been privileged to take part in very cool massive mixed fleet battles with RM.

I think this set event could fly if there would be some eventlike variations in there. Maybe have transports, caps, involved. But if it's only fighters then it will quickly grow stale no matter what you do. Even fighter furballs in different systems would be a very welcome change.

Set an agenda or something

week 1. Raid on Gamma
week 2. Raid on Vogtland
week 3. Hessian transport needs to get to safety in Frankfurt.
week 4. cap clash in Omega-49.
week 5. OTC ships (we know what you are upto with those there) are transporting Food and are intercepted.
week 6. Kill the leader of the enemy fleet and his second in command kind of event. Not the last man standing thing like they are. It would make an interesting twist.

The point is to keep the event rules simple and have variation. There's massive untapped potential to be used in RP instead of slugging it out in fighters.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Klaw117 - 11-27-2008

Nice loogas. Also, since Omega-47 is bigger, we can have huge battles with capital ships, instead of just fighters. The hard part will be to make sure the teams are balanced for the duel.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - alpha3 - 11-29-2008

4 hours right ?

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Dieter Schprokets - 11-29-2008

Do you guys want me to rename slot title to reflect this?

ie slot 7.5, Saturday 2100 GMT?

EDIT : Gonna do that, its self evident.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - GhostFace - 11-30-2008

Err, sorry I wasn't there and didn't notify anyone I wouldn't be attending, was out of town for a bit.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - Klaw117 - 12-06-2008

Darn it, I might have to miss it again because I have to work on a school play. I MIGHT make it, but I probably won't.

Weekly Battle Slot # 7.5: Saturday 2000 GMT - GhostFace - 12-06-2008

I should most definitely make this one hoping on the fact my internet stays up this weekend.