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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - von Stürer - 09-08-2022 ![]() » To: Xeno Alliance communications » From: Inspector General von Stürer » Subject: Camp Gore: Report #06 Good day, Commander "Cobra"
I hope this report finds you in better health. Were the sagatheas to your liking? They are commonly imported from Rheinland, yet sourcing them was no easy task, considering our somewhat limited access to the legal civilian markets in Liberty. Pardon the prolonged silence from Camp Gore. Training new marine complements was a greater challenge than expected - STOC was less than forthcoming in their assistance. Frankly, they seem like little more than begrudging mercenaries to me. Training of the first batch of militia marines has, however, finally been completed. You have at your disposal a total force of one thousand men and women, structured into ten companies of one hundred marines each; standard complements suitable for most capital ships and stations. They have been trained in ship-to-ship and ship-to-station boarding action as extensively as our limited facilities allow in this regard. I advise deploying them on low-risk missions as soon and as frequently as possible to ensure they gain the required experience that can only be accrued in live action. A raid on Toronto Station, as discussed some months ago, comes to mind. Further, there has been some minor dissent among the men and women of the militia in regards to the recent mutiny. I took the liberty to have any soldier suspected of sympathy with the traitors put under temporary arrest. In order to deal with this and any future situations of a similar nature, I would suggest forming a small unit of enforcers - a military police, of sorts - made up of only the most loyal and dedicated militiamen and women. Another matter, Commander: With your leave, I would like to return to Rheinland for a few weeks. Personal matters have come up that I wish to attend to. Training at Camp Gore will continue under the supervision of my subordinates. That is all for now. Hochachtungsvoll, Sigmund Erich von Stürer. Inspector General of the Free Republic Militia Generalinspekteur der Freien Republikanischen Miliz RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 09-08-2022 ![]() ![]() ☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty ☠ Opening video feed... ![]() Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra" Recipient: LFRM Inspector General - SVG Subject: Re: Report #6 SVG.
Yes, thank you for the flowers, they were positively delightful and lifted the spirit of the room. I'll sort out assignments for this new unit you've put together and take your note about an internal security branch under advisement. I'll admit, I see the utility but dislike the notion of resorting to "police state" tactics because it makes us less different than the enemy. That said, a compartmentalized unit of loyal troops willing to react to any wave of sudden sympathy for the enemy will help secure the LFR's interests. It's just the optics that bother me. And as to your personal matter - permission granted, friend, be safe. "Liberty or death." -"Cobra" ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Erremnart - 11-18-2022 ![]() ![]() ☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty ☠ Opening video feed... ![]() Sender: Captain Virginia Belle Recipient: Other LFR forces Subject: Job Done - Gas Miner Moria Hey,
The Roanoke left Ramsey shortly after midnight and proceeded to Pennsylvania. Journey took us a while as we've been running silent to avoid potential hostiles and other patrols. We had a few close calls with the Rogues: those as*hats are more annoying during these relocations than the navies, but we slipped undetected. We brought our heavy guns on the station and destroyed it in quick order. I bet that its destruction could alarm locals a bit, so we'll be laying low for a while near Milford. That will be all from me for now. PS: Our missile launcher is unjammed by now, so lots of you lost your bets. -Captain Virginia Belle ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 12-04-2022 ![]() ![]() ☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty ☠ Opening video feed... ![]() Sender: Communications Officer J. Royce Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications Subject: O.N-1/829 Operational Notice.
The Freelancer known as "Caliban" has been whitelisted, do not engage him or anyone he is flying in formation with. Any intervention in this affair is placed under the purview of the Phantom Wing. The Phantom Wing is also hereby ordered to consolidate in Kepler. "Fear the White Star." ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Erremnart - 12-07-2022 ![]() ![]() ☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty ☠ Opening video feed... ![]() Sender: Rebecca Green Recipient: The Xenos Alliance Subject: Settled In Sup,
So it looks like I got everythin' I needed at Fort Ramsey. I got my bunk, my flight suit and my fighter bomber. Now all I have to do is learn to fly and fight above my weight class. Ready and waitin'. - Rebecca Green ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - mm33dd - 12-22-2022 ![]() ![]() ☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty ☠ Opening video feed... ![]() Sender: Viper Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications Subject: Reporting. Commander.
Long time no see. Have to say, I've been working in some logistics between Leyte and Ouray, keeping the guns flowing and some other stuff. On my way to Leyte I catched up with the "Roanoke" and In addition to killing that asshole, he, the captain has told me some nasty things, from which I prefer to stay somewhat out of the picture... Better to ask you in person. Stay safe man...count with me. See you out there... Viper out. "Wings out, guns forward" -"Viper" ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Erremnart - 12-27-2022 ![]() ![]() ☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty ☠ Opening video feed... ![]() Sender: Captain Virginia Belle Recipient: Other LFR forces Subject: Lane Hackers Hey,
Today we've seen a lot of hackers from the so-called "Inner Circle" when we were patrolling around Liberty with Cobra and the rest. Since I haven't seen any report 'bout it just yet, I'll post this as a memo for the rest of you - Keep an eye out for them, they're quite sneaky and might be up to something. Should any of you learn something more 'bout their sudden appearance in Liberty, let us all know. -Captain Virginia Belle ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 12-28-2022 ![]() ![]() ☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty ☠ Opening video feed... ![]() Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra" Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications Subject: Field Notice - Lane Hackers Okay, listen up.
The Hackers beating around the bush can't just be a coincidence, odds are one of their benefactors or masters has tasked them with the job of looking into us. Since they seemed to take most interest in the Roanoke on two separate occasions, I'm willing to bet that what they've been asked to do is run a threat analysis. Being cut into the drug trade and examined by the usual cronies that supply Malta with intelligence can't be a coincidence, so let your guns do the talking and give these people nothing actionable. Misinformation where possible, but no information otherwise. I'd prefer for everyone to continue underestimating us. It's been the source of every major victory we've enjoyed over the last few years. "Liberty or death." -"Cobra" ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Erremnart - 02-13-2023 ![]() ![]() ☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty ☠ Opening video feed... ![]() Sender: Captain Virginia Belle Recipient: Other LFR forces Subject: Independent Worlds Hey,
I've received some new reports coming from some of our folks in Magellan an' it appears that Redshirts are cookin' somethin' in Cortez. We'd check this out - I'll prepare my ship for the departure. I could use some escorts if you want to come alon'. Our hangar bays are operational if your leaky fuel tanks or bladders won't allow you to fly a long journey there. -Captain Virginia Belle ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Erremnart - 02-14-2023 ![]() ![]() ☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty ☠ Opening video feed... ![]() Sender: Captain Virginia Belle Recipient: Other LFR forces Subject: Independent Worlds Hey,
Boys and gals on Leyte intercepted an update on the whole situation. Inverness is "off limits" for civies now, which smells like some serious military operation to me. We don't care if Technofreaks or Junkers get killed in the process, but we should be on a lookout if Redshirts and their leashed lapdogs want to secure the system for themselves, including its freeport, or not. As for the Roanoke, we're still patchin' holes in it. There aren't many free and able handed folks around 'ere, so it takes some time. But we cranked up our reactor a lil' bit and gave them some extra juice to the station to make it cozier for a while. -Captain Virginia Belle ☠ Transmission signal lost. |