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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 07-11-2010

[Comm ID: Hans, Roger - Vice Admiral]
[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Subject: Promotions]

With the absence of Fleet Admiral Stanley Nelson, and a vast majority of the Admiralty Board. In an effort to reinstate the command structure and provide a new morale to what is failing amongst the ranks due to the cause of the war. The following pilots are being promoted to the next rank, effective immediately,

Commander Roger Hans, to be promoted to the temporary rank of Vice Admiral.
Captain Samantha Windsor, to be promoted to the rank of Commodore.
Commander Martin Bridge, to be promoted to the rank of Commodore.
Lieutenant Commander Lee Adama, to be promoted to the rank of Commodore.
Lieutenant Commander Amadeus Blair, to be promoted to the rank of Captain.
Lieutenant Commander Ryan Williams, to be promoted to the rank of Captain.
Lieutenant Lawrence Winter, to be promoted to the rank of Commander.
Lieutenant Daniel Haynes, to be promoted to the rank of Commander.
Lieutenant Alex Westbrook, to be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
Ensign Roger Hallam, to be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander.
Ensign Ulrik Xylon, to be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.
Ensign Otis Hall, to be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.

These promotions are effective immediately. More promotions will follow upon retrieving an active pilot roster.


Vice Admiral Roger R. Hans

Co Signed,

Admiral Mark McKenna

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - sovereign - 07-11-2010

Interface initiated
Welcome back, secretary.
Opening recent reports...
Opening report #3 by Commander Daniel Arthur Haynes, dated July 11th, 818 A.S.

That... that was insane. We responded to a distress call citing multiple KNF warships in Leeds high orbit. Vice Admiral Hans aboard the Invictus, myself, and a handful of other officers in Templars and Challengers. When I arrived, I was staring down a Kusari Battleship called the "Kaga" and a pair of escort Chimaeras. I figured we had fair chances, between the bombers and the Invictus. Then scout reports came back, turns out that thing had a pair of Battle Razors, Missiles, Pulses, and Mortars. The Invictus was going to have a hard time, and fighters couldn't chance getting close to it. Nonetheless, we couldn't just ignore a threat so close to Leeds. We moved in to attack.

Things went well, at first. I took charge of fighter targets, directing them at the fighter lacking a "Guard" version of the KNF IFF. The bombers and Invictus started tearing into the Kaga, removing its shields in short order. I directed the BPA Hussar we had to occupy the other KNF fighter, and we seemed to be doing well... and then the problems started. A KNF destroyer, the "Bakumatsu" arrived. Just the one, and I assigned a fighter to keep it from making best use of its agility. Then another arrived, something funny sounding with an "I". That's when stuff got bad.

The Invictus quickly went from holding steady to running for its life. I ordered the fighter wings to focus on the Bakumatsu, hopefully distracting it and giving the Invictus the cover it needed to flee. This was successful... sort of. We started losing people quickly, mostly to razor blasts from the destroyers or sniping rounds from the Kaga. I tried to get our people to break off when their targets neared the Kaga, but we lost too many before we could change our method... I fear that even though I took charge of the situation, I did not do enough for those following me. I fear I am responsible for how many we lost today.

After the Invictus had retreated, we had little chance to do much damage. Still, to avenge those who had fallen, we tried to bring down at least one of them, that the sacrifices made would not be pointless. We failed. One by one, we were cut down by razor fire. I ordered a full retreat, but of those still flying, only I got out. Another was blasted by a razor as he attempted to charge cruise engines, and Blair was too stubborn to leave. After he did not come, I absolved not to lose any more today, even if it meant I was shot down as well. I charged back into the thick of them, trying to give Blair cover... but I did not succeed. We failed, completely and utterly. As I ran for the second time, they told me they were leaving... that they would not take our escape pods, that they needed no further victory.

They did not come here to kill us. Today, they came to show us that they were stronger... that we were frail. And they succeeded.

We have a lot of work to do. I hope that once Vice Admiral Hans starts fixing some of the problems we've been having, we can be strong enough to prevent this from happening again.

Commander Daniel Arthur Haynes, signing off.

Report ends.
Closing report file...
Closing recent reports folder...
Dismissing interface...
Goodbye, secretary.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 07-12-2010

[Comm ID: Hans, Roger - Vice Admiral]
[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Subject: Mandatory Training Sessions]

Effective Immediately,

All Armed Forces pilots are to report to the Salisbury system for mandatory training. Commodores, Captains, Commanders, and Lieutenant Commanders, you are to train with each other, new pilots, and secondary fleet pilots when you're not busy in defended the crown against foreign and internal attacks.

Report here when you've received these orders. Again, this goes into effect immediately.


Vice Admiral Roger R. Hans

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Stone21 - 07-12-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

From: Captain Ryan Williams
Location: Battleship Derby, Planet Leeds orbit.
Subject: Training Sessions

This is newly promoted-Captain Ryan Williams, I`m reporting in, I have understood the orders, I will move as soon as possible to Salisbury system for training.

God speed,

Captain Ryan Williams.

***Transmission Ended***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - cshake - 07-12-2010

... Incoming transmission ...
Source: Commander Jay Clark
Subject: New Orders

As per the new Vice Admiral Hans's orders, I met with 7 other officers including himself last night and we had a good show of training in Salisbury. The newly promoted Commodore Bridge showed me how I need to work on my evasive skills after narrowly besting my Templar in his Paladin in a duel, and again when we both found ourselves as the respective first targets in the 4v4 fray and he outlasted me, though by less than a minute.

I will be reporting back to Salisbury as often as I can in the coming weeks to work on my combat. I'll be looking forward to coordinated fleet exercises, as I need to work on learning the Challenger a bit better as well.

Commander Jay Clark

... Transmission Ends ...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Tomtomrawr - 07-12-2010


[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]PRIORITY: [color=#3366FF]Low
IDENTIFICATION: Lieutenant Commander Robert Hallam, Bretonian Armed Forces
SOURCE: Planet New London, New London system


First of all I must thank you for my recent promotion to Lieutenant Commander. I shall not let you down. Second, I have received the order for training in Salisbury and shall report for the training immediately. Third, my report for today.

After a patrol of Omega-3, Cambridge, New London, Leeds, and Dublin I found a situation at Graves. An Outcast Tridente and a Gaian Eagle were in combat near the station, while a mercenary watched on. A secondary fleet BAF-drone gunboat was called to the scene, along with a BPA officer, and another BAF officer. I gave the Tridente the option to leave and it agreed. However, the drone engaged in combat against the Tridente, even now after it had ceased all hostile activity.

After I gave several orders to the gunboat to stand-down, which were ignored, the Tridente was destroyed. BlitzWing (the BAF officer in a Templar) began to open fire on the gunboat without myself noticing. After I did notice I ordered him to stand down. However, it had passed my eye that the drone had been firing missiles, and thirty seconds later BlitzWing burst into flames and his ship was destroyed.

After that I ordered the drone to be destroyed. I wasn't going to take any chances with a malfunctioning AI. After a brief fight with myself, the BPA officer, a bounty hunter gunboat, and several other ships, the drone gunboat was destroyed. The Gaian then agreed to leave at my request.

While returning to the Essex, the drone was picked up again on my sensors. This was odd, as just seconds before we had destroyed the ship. We moved to the Essex where it was parked and ordered it to Southampton Shipyard, where the AI program would be purged from the ship system to be replaced with a more stable one, or a human crew. It refused, and myself and the BPA officer began an assault on the gunboat. The gunboat was assisted by a mercenary Sabre, Merc.Matt.

I sent out a distress call into S.K.Y.P.3 and the HMS-Valkyrie soon undocked from Essex. I requested fire support and the Valkyrie opened fire on the rogue gunboat. I dealt with the mercenary with a lucky Supernova shot. The gunboat, now hopelessly outgunned, disappeared in close proximity to the Essex. Whether it docked or not is unconfirmed.

That is all for now.

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[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION TERMINATED ***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 07-12-2010

[Comm ID: Hans, Roger - Vice Admiral]
[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Subject: Dublin; Martial Law]

The Dublin system has been plagued for quite sometime since the non-aggression pact was first placed. To think we could've had some peace in that dreaded hellhole. With Lieutenant Commander Hallam's report, and with recent corsair threats in the system. It shames me to see that the Molly Republic has fallen on hard times, thus providing our own support units in the area harder times.

I'll be taking the appropriate steps into fixing this action. As of this communications to the fleet, Dublin is now under Martial law. I would like Armed Forces personnel to enact this and make sure any and all trade ships, and miners are protected. Until we can get a further report detailing a safer system, this martial law will be in effect.

I will make an announcement later today to the general public upon which the Martial Law will go into effect. This announcement will carry guidelines for Officers and citizens to follow.


Vice Admiral Roger R. Hans

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Tomtomrawr - 07-13-2010


[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]PRIORITY: [color=#3366FF]Low
IDENTIFICATION: Lieutenant Commander Robert Hallam, Bretonian Armed Forces
SOURCE: Planet New London, New London system

[color=#FFFFFF]Today, a patrol of Dublin went horribly wrong.

After launching from the Essex and reaching Graves, I received a distress signal from a ship with one simple message: 4G. I took the hint and altered course, when I received another distress signal from a different ship. This one was similar: 3G. I set my course there, hoping to find both ships.

I found the second ship, but not the first. The presence of two Corsairs explained the missing ship, and both distress calls. I ordered the Corsairs to leave the area, but they began their attack on the transport and I had no choice but to engage. The transport was quick to be destroyed, and I was then stuck with the Corsair fighter and bomber.

After thirty seconds, White_Wolf, a Templar, appeared on my sensors. Another minute later and he was ploughing into the fight to my assistance. He took out the fighter just as Lieutenant Hall appeared on my sensors, moving in to assist. The Corsair bomber, now in a fight it knew it could not win, I believe panicked. He managed to destroy White_Wolf with a Supernova shot.

A minute later, the Outcast gunship Alejandro.Vasqez arrived and attacked the Corsair. After that, I managed to Supernova the bomber and end that part of the fight. By this time a Mandalorian had also joined the fight.

Alejandro attempted to cruise away, but I stopped him and began an arrest. He had been terrorizing Dublin for weeks and I wanted to end it. He told me he would leave. I told him he would leave: and move to Newgate. After this, he blurted out "oh I engage now. engaging" and immediately Lieutenant Hall's Templar exploded, and he began his assault on me.

I was now alone with Alejandro, and his Battle Razor and Cerberus combination were able to do plenty of damage to my Challenger. By the time the Mandalorian came back to assist, I still had plenty of regeneration units, but Alejandro was improving on his aim. Just as the Mandalorian stated his intentions to assist me, the Outcast got a lucky Dual-Razor shot on my unshielded Challenger and I was forced to eject.

That's all for today.

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[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION TERMINATED ***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Tomtomrawr - 07-13-2010


[font=Agency FB][color=#000000]PRIORITY: [color=#3366FF]Low
IDENTIFICATION: Lieutenant Commander Robert Hallam, Bretonian Armed Forces
SOURCE: Planet New London, New London system

[color=#FFFFFF]A short report for this evening.

I received a distress call from a miner in Dublin and I rushed to investigate. I found it being pirated by a Molly Eagle, and upon my detection by the Eagle it opened fire on the transport. I was forced to rush in to assist, but the transport could not be saved.

I decided to try a weapon I had little experience with: the Nova Torpedo. I tried to time it so I would have a shield that would absorb the blast and he wouldn't. I failed. Neither of us had a shield, and the Nova Torpedo shockwave destroyed both of our ships.

That is all for today.

[Image: th_screen650.jpg][Image: th_screen651.jpg][Image: th_screen652-1.jpg][Image: th_screen653-1.jpg]

[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION TERMINATED ***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Sly - 07-14-2010

[font=Impact]* Incoming transmission... *

[Image: 5l55yo.jpg]
[font=Agency FB]Transmitter ID - Commander John Alster

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Day good, officers.

My day had not even started yet, when Lieutenant-Commander Hallam called in for assistance. He told something about Outcast gunboat in Dublin. My journey started from Derby. After my arrival into Dublin, he told that said gunboat has been spotted. Hallam said he wasn't so talkative and engaged him, I hastened myself and went to his position. When I arrived I decided not to take time and fell into engagement. Gunboat was down in a matter of minutes, since we both were in our proud ducks.

.: Attachment included :.
[Image: der2jc.jpg]

End of report.

Commander Alster, over and out.

[font=Impact]* Transmission terminated... *