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OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Printable Version

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RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - pulha - 05-13-2020

[Image: eINRvUJ.png]

Mr. Dexter Jodan and Mr. Zelgius Bramimond

First and foremost i want to apologize for the delayed response.

Secondly a form as been sent to your neural inbox, please do respond.

Thank you

Paul Mendes
Chief Executive Officer

Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: 0fRxNG2.png]

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Wraga - 05-14-2020

File: Application
Target: HR Department - OSI
ID: Ksanti Prajna
Attached file: CV.KP.OSI

Dear Madame, Sire

After long years of independence we have decided to change our lifestyle and became a bit more confident about working together with "our own kind". Personally I born as a wanderer, luckily met with all the possibilities to learn and expand my knowledge about human behaviour. Novadays we are trying to do our best to provide support for fellow zoners around Sirius.

I cannot say we didnt touch some rotten fruits in the meantime but well, in order to know ourselves in safe out there, sometimes we need to act under the table. We already have wide connections with Junkers and Outcasts as like many lawful companies. Hopefully we could organize our goals in order to create productive cooperation for the zoner society.

I would be glad to answer in case you have more questions about our previous experiences.

Wish you a great day forward.

Kind regards.


RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - pulha - 05-24-2020

[Image: eINRvUJ.png]

Miss Ksanti Prajna

First and foremost i want to apologize for the delayed response.

Secondly a form as been sent to your neural inbox, please do respond.

Thank you

Paul Mendes

Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: 0fRxNG2.png]

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Frederic - 06-16-2020

Incoming Transmission.....

Comm ID: Frederik Odenwald

Subject: Employment

Message as follows.......

Well, im sending in this message to inquire about being accepted in the OSI. Originally I came from Baden Baden and joined ALG. I worked and was finally able to buy myself a Colossos. I recently became disillusioned with the politics in the houses, especially with the war between Federals and Imperials. So I sold my Colossos and am now looking to get out of the hous space and just trade without poloticans and buerocracy interfering. But I still want to belive in something, and join up with a team of persons who think the same. So I apply for a position of employment here.


Frederik Odenwald

Transmission ends

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - pulha - 06-19-2020

[Image: eINRvUJ.png]

Mr. Frederik Odenwald

First and foremost i want to apologize for the delayed response.

Secondly a form as been sent to your neural inbox, please do respond.

Thank you

Paul Mendes

Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: 0fRxNG2.png]

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Hypnovates - 06-24-2020

Incoming transmission..............

..........Indentification confirmed.

ID Number: 770400

Name: Thanasis Tsigaridas

Date of Birth: 30 April 800AS

Place of Birth: Freeport 2, Bering System

Ship Name: Alone.In.The.Dark

Ship Type: Whale

Type of File: Recruitment Application

To: Mr. Paul Mendes - Omicron Supply Industries

Good morning Mr. Mendes.

I was born and raised on Freeport 2 in Bering system. My father was a Freelancer so am I.
The climate of my homeland was always weird as pirates, freelancers and all kind of people were around.
I decided to follow my father's path as a Freelancer but my opportunities were poor.
The reason i chose to join the OSI family is freedom.
I really got sick of all the House suppressing rules and heavy taxes.
An opportunity of prosperity and freedom is what OSI represents and i really want to be part of it.

I know really good Omegas and Omicrons and i have a smooth tongue when i have to deal with the built of a pirate psychology.

Best regards, Thanasis Tsigaridas.

..........Transmission Terminated

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - pulha - 06-24-2020

[Image: eINRvUJ.png]

Mr. Thanasis Tsigaridas

Welcome to the Omicron Supply Industries recruitment center

A form as been sent to your neural inbox, please do respond.

Thank you

Paul Mendes

Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: 0fRxNG2.png]

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Pennyfield - 07-03-2020

To: ............................... OSI Recruitment, attn of Paul Mendes
From: ........................ Bartholomew Kelsomagus (Bob)
Regarding: ............ Recruitment application

Good day Mr. Mendes,

My name is Bartholomew (Bob) Kelsomagus and I would hereby like to apply for a transport position at OSI.

I have been in the transport business for as long as I can remember and retirement doesn't really suit me at all. My work experience can be found in the attached resume yet I can tell you that I have experience in transport and shipping. Apart from that, many years in the business have given me the unique position of being asked as a guest lecturer at many flight schools. Something which I enjoy doing for the future transport captains rely on their technology too much and it's good to share years of experience with the new generation. If only they stopped calling me "Boomer" all the time.

As I said, I have the experience and not just on the flight deck. At my age you don't get to fly around for years without having developed certain diplomacy skills but in my book good work as a captain is to get your hands dirty with the rest of the crew. This is what I do and how I work and I certainly believe I can be a good asset to OSI after many years as a freelance captain.

Now I know it's mandatory people talk about their background a lot during applications such as these but suffice to say that I am a free man and an uncle to a brilliant niece and nephew. Even though they have their own lives my current schedule does permit me to drop in from time to time to see how they are doing.

I hope my resume combined with this written application agrees with you in such way that you can offer me a position at OSI. Should you have any questions regarding my application you are most welcome to ask them.

Have a great day,

Bartholomew Kelsomagus

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - pulha - 07-04-2020

[Image: eINRvUJ.png]

Mr. Kelso

Welcome to the Omicron Supply Industries recruitment center

Impressive resume

A form as been sent to your neural inbox, please do respond.

Thank you

Paul Mendes

Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: 0fRxNG2.png]

RE: OSI Recruitment (iRP) - chetocheater - 07-10-2020

my name is Felix_Gram. I would like to apply for your trade division. I have been trading around Sirius for quite some time now as a regular Zoner. OSI is the logical next step. I have been quite successfull trader so I bought ZBT-1002 Zoner Deep Space Transport. I am looking forward to here from you.