RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Erremnart - 02-15-2023
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Captain Virginia Belle
Recipient: Other LFR forces
Subject: Independent Worlds
Repairs 'board the Roanoke are almost complete and we'll be fully operational again in a few hours. For now, I haven't received any news from Inverness so we will plan another reconnaissance flight.
After all, the Roanoke was originally classified as a heavy recon vessel. We'll let you know over the radio when we're ready to leave Leyte, giving all potential escort fighters and bombers time to prepare.
-Captain Virginia Belle
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 03-01-2023
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Search and Recovery
Listen up.
An Order vessel named the Sekhet Aaru is derelict in Kepler. Find it and secure it. Ensure that only our partners in the Order are able to recover the vessel. Kill anyone else that tries.
Consider this a priority.
"Liberty or death."
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Karst - 03-02-2023
I took the White Sands out for an attempt, during which we used up a month's worth of anti-rad medicine in a few hours, with no luck unfortunately. "Kepler" isn't exactly specific.
Is that really all the information we have on this derelict? The White Sands' scanners aren't bad, but it's hardly an exploration vessel.
No noteworthy contacts, just a few friendlies: The Section 8 vessel Unto Nightfall and a Xeno with the callsign Zero, there for the same reason.
I guess we'll stock up on meds and try again.
~ Stracke
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Karst - 03-02-2023
The second attempt was a success. Or a mixed success, anyway.
Again with the White Sands, we ran a search pattern and this time rather swiftly found the missing vessel, a liner as it turned out. It was in bad shape, most systems offline, and worse still, we weren't the first to come upon them.
The Eidolon Wraith, always happy to make an inconvenient appearance, had found them before. They were accompanied by a freelancer gunship, callsign Uzume. It's unclear if they arrived together, but they later cooperated against us.
Being alone initially, I obviously had no way to extract the derelict from the situation by force. I ascertained that virtually all of their systems were offline, and they would have to be towed or repaired. A short while after I arrived, I thankfully did receive backup, Phantom Zero and Section 8's Unto Nightfall arriving.
The Auxo seemingly suspected alien involvement, and it soon became clear why: The behavior of the crew, of which there were apparently only two members, was erratic and disturbing. They were apparently unaware of the Technocracy's existence, and asked for the date, upon which they revealed that their own computer listed as March 2nd, 825. Alien involvement in the situation became clear when a drone of the type seen occasionally, particularly around the Barrier border worlds appeared.
We were able to drive it away swiftly.
Eventually, we received news that Blacktail and the Roanoke would be moving in, which would mean the upper hand against the Wraith and the gunboat. Before they could arrive though, the Wraith opened fire upon the Unto Nightfall, assisted by the freelancer.
However, before we could even really adjust to the combat situation, what appeared to be a Valor-class Gallic battleship uncloaked in the midst of it!
As Section 8 later informed me, this one was a well-known infected warship - more than that it seems, as it had what appeared to be Nomad tissue growing out of it visibly.
With the situation quickly spiraling out of control, we decided to destroy the liner to avoid its capture by enemies, and bailed on the whole mess. Everyone made it out without significant damage.
I'll be honest, I'm not sure what to make of the whole thing. I'm attaching the logs below, which I'll have to go through again myself if I hope to glean anything of value from the whole encounter.
I'm also forwarding this message to Section 8, per their request.
[02.03.2023 14:47:53] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: We can provide such aid, but you must pass the data on.
[02.03.2023 14:47:58] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Consider it an exchange.
[02.03.2023 14:48:13] Uzume-[Fae: There's a Xeno ship closing in.
[02.03.2023 14:48:13] XA-White.Sands: Stracke: Hm. This is less than ideal.
[02.03.2023 14:48:40] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: In addition, please verify if you have witnessed any electromagnetic anomalies such as "moving beings of light"
[02.03.2023 14:48:44] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: I can attempt to recover the data once repairs are complete. Current access is impossible due to damage. I am locked out of
[02.03.2023 14:49:00] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: the vessel's higher priority systems
[02.03.2023 14:49:30] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Please confirm your contamination status. Did you - or did you not - come into contact with "beings of pure metaphysical l
[02.03.2023 14:49:32] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: light. "
[02.03.2023 14:49:41] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: Moving beings of light
[02.03.2023 14:49:54] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Correct. We do not refer to your average Nomad warform.
[02.03.2023 14:50:17] Death: Glassfin was put out of action by Heimer.Weiss (Gun).
[02.03.2023 14:50:41] XA-White.Sands: Stracke: Sekhet Aaru, what's your mechanical status? Are your engines operational?
[02.03.2023 14:50:44] Death: Heimer.Weiss suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[02.03.2023 14:50:45] /fi xa-
[02.03.2023 14:50:46] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: If you have come into contact with such ... entities, I would recommend that you come with us to remove your contamination
[02.03.2023 14:50:47] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: status.
[02.03.2023 14:50:57] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Your 'colleagues' might kill you instead of attempting to remove the mark.
[02.03.2023 14:50:58] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: No such data is present in the lower priority systems...this unit has not witnessed any such, though Agent Ba
[02.03.2023 14:51:01] XA-White.Sands: We have a problem.
[02.03.2023 14:51:12] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: may have. Unfortunately, Agent Ba is unable to communicate at this time
[02.03.2023 14:51:16] XA-Phantom.0: Elaborate.
[02.03.2023 14:51:28] XA-White.Sands: I found the missing Order vessel. But I wasn't the first.
[02.03.2023 14:51:31] XA-Phantom.0: Foxtrot-7, reroute Nightfall.
[02.03.2023 14:51:41] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: Establishing Link...ship's drives are currently offline. However, I surmise that
[02.03.2023 14:51:43] Unto.Nightfall|S8: We have picked up your transponder's location and are en route.
[02.03.2023 14:51:44] XA-White.Sands: The Eidolon Wraith is here, and some gunship. I'm assuming it's with them.
[02.03.2023 14:51:47] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: How many life-forms are still alive on the vessel? We're prepping an emergency response pod for medical goods.
[02.03.2023 14:51:59] Unto.Nightfall|S8: The Wraith? Fantastic.
[02.03.2023 14:52:00] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: with a correct application of nanobots, we will be able to restore partial functionality
[02.03.2023 14:52:10] XA-Phantom.0: Engagement is authorized, prepared to act with what's available.
[02.03.2023 14:52:17] Unto.Nightfall|S8: We are not equipped to take that ship on.
[02.03.2023 14:52:29] XA-Phantom.0: I have orders to secure that vessel.
[02.03.2023 14:52:30] XA-White.Sands: Roger. We'd like to try to extract you from this....situation, but we don't have the firepower right now.
[02.03.2023 14:52:33] XA-Phantom.0: I will comply with my directive.
[02.03.2023 14:52:45] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Your dedication is appreciated.
[02.03.2023 14:53:00] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: The current number of lifeforms onboard is zero, aside from myself and Agent ba
[02.03.2023 14:53:19] XA-White.Sands: The Aaru is immobile. The White Sands could tow it, but....well, you can see the problem with that.
[02.03.2023 14:53:31] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: There are only two survivors?
[02.03.2023 14:53:34] XA-Phantom.0: We are not authorized to tow.
[02.03.2023 14:53:40] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: Medical aid will not be necessary, though the offer is appreciated
[02.03.2023 14:54:01] XA-Phantom.0: Order Vessel, we advise extending no cooperation to the Technocrat.
[02.03.2023 14:54:19] XA-Phantom.0: We are here under a directive to ensure your vessel is secured.
[02.03.2023 14:54:19] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: I must query...are we in danger? This 'Technocracy' vessel, we do not recognise it
[02.03.2023 14:54:21] XA-White.Sands: I don't know how much of a choice they'll be given...
[02.03.2023 14:54:30] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: And thus risking further contamination?
[02.03.2023 14:54:37] XA-Phantom.0: I have my directive.
[02.03.2023 14:54:41] XA-Phantom.0: You will either desist or die.
[02.03.2023 14:54:53] XA-Phantom.0: I have already alerted local patrols, your exposure window is closing.
[02.03.2023 14:54:53] XA-White.Sands: Well, the Technocracy are deathly enemies of the Order, so yes. You are definitely in danger.
[02.03.2023 14:54:59] XA-Phantom.0: Consider your options, Technocrat.
[02.03.2023 14:54:59] XA-White.Sands: Do not, whatever you do, allow them to board.
[02.03.2023 14:55:08] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: You lack the amenities to resolve this problem.
[02.03.2023 14:55:10] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Sekhet Aaru, this is the Unto Nightfall.
[02.03.2023 14:55:14] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: The radioactive damage has been great.
[02.03.2023 14:55:26] XA-Phantom.0: You will either desist or die.
[02.03.2023 14:55:32] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: But if you wish to insist on blinding yourself with politics, we can continue on that trend.
[02.03.2023 14:55:36] Uzume-[Fae: Now that's quite a threat to speak here.
[02.03.2023 14:55:46] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: This unit is having trouble...there are no logs on this faction
[02.03.2023 14:55:49] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Wait.
[02.03.2023 14:55:56] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Operator to Ka, we suggest you do not attempt to restore the vessel, you lack the resources to restore essential
[02.03.2023 14:55:56] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Confirm date.
[02.03.2023 14:55:58] XA-White.Sands: Just how long have you been missing...?
[02.03.2023 14:56:02] Death: Scorpiano was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[02.03.2023 14:56:06] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: components and lack the crew for appropriate operation.
[02.03.2023 14:56:11] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Auxesians, this is an Order matter. We will take it from here.
[02.03.2023 14:56:15] XA-White.Sands: March 2nd, 830.
[02.03.2023 14:56:42] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: It has fallen out of your jurisdiction since the involvement of extraterrestial entities.
[02.03.2023 14:56:42] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Can we hope for any reinforcements?
[02.03.2023 14:56:46] XA-Phantom.0: On route.
[02.03.2023 14:56:50] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: That does not compute. Internal chronometer reads 2nd March, 825
[02.03.2023 14:56:58] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: I fail to see how that impacts our jurisdiction.
[02.03.2023 14:56:58] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Particularly those of a hyperspatial nature.
[02.03.2023 14:57:11] XA-White.Sands: That is deeply concerning. We'll have to look into that when at a safe port.
[02.03.2023 14:57:20] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: I also fail to see how it places the matter in -your- jurisdiction.
[02.03.2023 14:57:37] XA-White.Sands: Something is very wrong with that liner. Their internal computer is apparently five years out of date.
[02.03.2023 14:57:39] XA-Phantom.0: Typical Technocrat agitprop.
[02.03.2023 14:57:45] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: We are more appropriately equipped for such responses and have studied it far longer than you have.
[02.03.2023 14:57:49] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Repeating transmission to Ka.
[02.03.2023 14:58:00] XA-Phantom.0: Belay those instructions Order vessel.
[02.03.2023 14:58:07] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: I advise you head for the pods and seek extraction via your "allies"
[02.03.2023 14:58:08] XA-Phantom.0: You are to comply with the allied force presence.
[02.03.2023 14:58:11] XA-Phantom.0: Confirm.
[02.03.2023 14:58:11] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: The Sekhet Aaru is property of the Order and will be reclaimed by the Order accordingly.
[02.03.2023 14:58:18] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Property, aer
[02.03.2023 14:58:22] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: are they?
[02.03.2023 14:58:36] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Sekhet Aaru, disregard any instructions received by the Auxesians.
[02.03.2023 14:58:41] XA-Phantom.0: Nightfall, draw fire from the Wraith and maintain range, we will dispatch the gunship and refocus to target the warship.
[02.03.2023 14:59:07] Unto.Nightfall|S8: We will avoid hostilities unless absolutely necessary.
[02.03.2023 14:59:09] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: Messages are acknowledged...we are having some trouble processing. The array is showing as damaged and the signal
[02.03.2023 14:59:11] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: is weak
[02.03.2023 14:59:22] XA-White.Sands: I do not favor our chances with current forces.
[02.03.2023 14:59:30] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Agreed.
[02.03.2023 14:59:37] XA-Phantom.0: I repeat, Order Vessel readback instructions.
[02.03.2023 14:59:37] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Ka, you must extract soon. You do not have the resources to repair and maintain that vessel.
[02.03.2023 14:59:58] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: <:: Attuning system output... ::>
[02.03.2023 15:00:07] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Sekhet Aaru, please transmit a status report.
[02.03.2023 15:00:08] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: Unfortunately this unit cannot extract, nor can Agent Ba
[02.03.2023 15:00:17] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: You do not have access to any escape pods?
[02.03.2023 15:00:33] XA-White.Sands: Stracke: Aaru, can you ping Ames? Try to sync your systems to their standard.
[02.03.2023 15:01:00] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: Transmitting damage report. Weapons Offline. Shields Offline. Sensors Offline. Drives Offline.
[02.03.2023 15:01:13] XA-Phantom.0: I urge the Commander's directive.
[02.03.2023 15:01:21] XA-Phantom.0: This situation is too volatile to contain.
[02.03.2023 15:01:25] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: mean Ames research station? Processing...we are in the kepler system.
[02.03.2023 15:01:35] XA-Phantom.0: We must enforce quarantine.
[02.03.2023 15:01:43] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Engaging in combat will put the Sekhet Aaru at risk.
[02.03.2023 15:01:52] XA-Phantom.0: The Sekhet Aaru must be destroyed.
[02.03.2023 15:01:55] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Ka, verify, when you fell out of the breach, did any other object fall out with you?
[02.03.2023 15:02:10] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: The escape pods are not suitable. Myself and Agent Ba are...physically integrated into the ship
[02.03.2023 15:02:12] Unto.Nightfall|S8: I have authority over this situation, Phantom 0.
[02.03.2023 15:02:17] XA-Phantom.0: [...]
[02.03.2023 15:02:23] Uzume-[Fae: I've got a contact, ten clicks away from us.
[02.03.2023 15:02:35] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Confirmed.
[02.03.2023 15:02:37] XA-Phantom.0: I reiterate.
[02.03.2023 15:02:46] XA-Phantom.0: We will be unable to repel the enemy force.
[02.03.2023 15:02:46] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Wild! Gunnery, prepare to fire.
[02.03.2023 15:02:49] XA-White.Sands: Stracke: Hostile reading, unrecognized signature.
[02.03.2023 15:02:56] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: White Sands, Phantom 0, prepare to engage.
[02.03.2023 15:02:59] XA-Phantom.0: Fire in defense of allied force.
[02.03.2023 15:02:59] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: I can access video feeds. One moment.
[02.03.2023 15:03:03] XA-Phantom.0 has set Tkliar as group target.
[02.03.2023 15:03:08] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Protect the Sekhet Aaru at all costs.
[02.03.2023 15:03:09] XA-White.Sands: Stracke: Copy that.
[02.03.2023 15:03:09] XA-Phantom.0: Weapons are free.
[02.03.2023 15:03:16] XA-'Blacktail': Some timing.
[02.03.2023 15:03:33] Tkliar: Your threat to the Light is not well timed. We sense the Light amongst you.
[02.03.2023 15:03:42] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Auxesians, will you assist?
[02.03.2023 15:03:49] Tkliar: Why this humans are shooting at us?
[02.03.2023 15:03:53] XA-'Blacktail': Taking the signal. Moving in.
[02.03.2023 15:04:03] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: If you find yourself incapable of dealing with one mere Gunboat, with a Cruiser class, then you truly are ill-fit.
[02.03.2023 15:04:09] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: Attempting to activate weapons...attempt #1 failed. Attempt #2 failed.
[02.03.2023 15:04:23] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Hesitant. No surprise there.
[02.03.2023 15:04:27] Tkliar: This occurance will be investigated.
[02.03.2023 15:04:42] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Sekhet Aaru, we are coming alongside you.
[02.03.2023 15:04:54] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Likewise, you showed restraint. How curious you let the Xenos go first.
[02.03.2023 15:05:00] Tkliar: Chaos will be sought onto Xenos.
[02.03.2023 15:05:08] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: As sensors are offline, I cannot confirm
[02.03.2023 15:05:40] 2023-03-02 15:05:40 SMT Traffic control alert: Tkliar has requested to dock
[02.03.2023 15:05:50] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Report on the status of your crew.
[02.03.2023 15:05:55] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: They are deceased.
[02.03.2023 15:06:08] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: I did not ask from a report from you, Auxesian.
[02.03.2023 15:06:16] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: Accessing of jumphole transit is corrupted, but
[02.03.2023 15:06:17] XA-Phantom.0: Capital-class asset on route.
[02.03.2023 15:06:32] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: You failed to listen.
[02.03.2023 15:06:34] Tip: Are you new to our server? Introduce yourself on our forums in the Welcome Section at
[02.03.2023 15:06:38] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Once it arrives, prepare to engage the Wraith and its freelance escort.
[02.03.2023 15:06:41] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: gravimetric anomalies accounted for, unknown contact in slipstream detected.
[02.03.2023 15:06:45] Unto.Nightfall|S8: We will attempt to tow the Sekhet Aaru.
[02.03.2023 15:06:53] XA-White.Sands: Roger.
[02.03.2023 15:06:56] XA-Phantom.0: It would be helpful if you coordinated fire first.
[02.03.2023 15:07:05] XA-Phantom.0: You will be too exposed to tow.
[02.03.2023 15:07:08] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: To Unto Nightfall, crew compliment is at full
[02.03.2023 15:07:12] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Ka, where is your central unit located?
[02.03.2023 15:07:14] FRS-Roanoke: RO: ETA 5 minutes.
[02.03.2023 15:07:26] XA-Phantom.0: Make it 3, Roanoke actual.
[02.03.2023 15:07:31] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: How many crew, Sekhet Aaru?
[02.03.2023 15:07:55] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: Two crew. Myself and Agent Ba.
[02.03.2023 15:08:17] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Evacuation of the vessel is not currently possible, correct?
[02.03.2023 15:08:31] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: Confirmed.
[02.03.2023 15:08:54] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Stand by, Sekhet Aaru.
[02.03.2023 15:09:01] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: <:: Parameters accepted. Directive: Extract unit Ba and Ka. ::>
[02.03.2023 15:09:06] XA-Phantom.0 has set A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith as group target.
[02.03.2023 15:09:09] Uzume-[Fae: So. Who's ready for escort duty?
[02.03.2023 15:09:17] XA-Phantom.0 has set A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith as group target.
[02.03.2023 15:09:19] XA-White.Sands: Stracke: Oh, we're starting.
[02.03.2023 15:09:23] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Finish them.
[02.03.2023 15:09:24] XA-Phantom.0: Fire in defense.
[02.03.2023 15:09:28] XA-'Blacktail': Roger.
[02.03.2023 15:09:29] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: What is going on?
[02.03.2023 15:09:32] XA-'Blacktail': Locked.
[02.03.2023 15:09:42] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Sekhet Aaru, the Auxesians have opened fire.
[02.03.2023 15:09:52] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "And so we are here."
[02.03.2023 15:09:54] Uzume-[Fae: I need some cash. Who can hire me?
[02.03.2023 15:10:06] FRS-Roanoke: RO: We are in the system, what is your coordinates?
[02.03.2023 15:10:06] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: We shall.
[02.03.2023 15:10:16] Uzume-[Fae: Very well. I'll take up your offer, Eidolon Wraith.
[02.03.2023 15:10:16] XA-White.Sands: F6
[02.03.2023 15:10:23] OAV-Sekhet.Aaru: Ka: Warning, detecting additional breaches in the hull. Are we being fired upon?
[02.03.2023 15:10:31] Uzume-[Fae: Preparing weapons! Protecting the Auxo vessel!
[02.03.2023 15:10:37] XA-Phantom.0: We cannot repel this force.
[02.03.2023 15:10:45] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Agreed.
[02.03.2023 15:10:47] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Ka, export your central unit to a remote databank unit for extraction. Is your system capable of such?
[02.03.2023 15:10:50] XA-Phantom.0: Blacktail.
[02.03.2023 15:10:54] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Destroy the Sekhet Aaru and disengage.
[02.03.2023 15:11:01] XA-White.Sands: Stracke: What in the world is that....?
[02.03.2023 15:11:03] FRS-Roanoke: E: How many targets?
[02.03.2023 15:11:03] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: Unfortunately, we are all surrounded by a hostile entity, your time is ... exceptionally limited.
[02.03.2023 15:11:03] XA-Phantom.0: Retarget.
[02.03.2023 15:11:07] XA-Phantom.0: Refocus targets.
[02.03.2023 15:11:13] XA-'Blacktail': Affirmative, new lock coming in.
[02.03.2023 15:11:21] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "Stay away."
[02.03.2023 15:11:22] XA-'Blacktail': Got it. Launch.
[02.03.2023 15:11:29] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Roanoke, targets are a Core battlecruiser and an infected Valor-class battleship.
[02.03.2023 15:11:29] Death: OAV-Sekhet.Aaru was put out of action by XA-'Blacktail' (Missile/Torpedo).
[02.03.2023 15:11:33] K'Hara|Ki'Shar: "Or suffer your consequences."
[02.03.2023 15:11:38] XA-Phantom.0: Bug out.
[02.03.2023 15:11:47] FRS-Roanoke: E: A fucking Valor?
[02.03.2023 15:11:56] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: O: That resolves that. Sweep for remains, get away from that abomination.
[02.03.2023 15:12:22] XA-Phantom.0: Return to base.
[02.03.2023 15:12:23] Unto.Nightfall|S8: The Unto Nightfall is en route to Ramsey. We took damage to our engines and require repairs.
[02.03.2023 15:12:43] XA-Phantom.0: You are pre-authorized to do so.
[02.03.2023 15:12:55] Unto.Nightfall|S8: We will inform Overwatch of what happened here. If you have any guncam footage, transfer it. Please.
[02.03.2023 15:13:06] XA-Phantom.0: Negative, blackbox only.
[02.03.2023 15:13:21] XA-White.Sands: I have some images from the early stages of the encounter.
[02.03.2023 15:13:32] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Anything you have.
[02.03.2023 15:13:35] Irony: ?: ooh..that`s a crowd...
[02.03.2023 15:13:56] XA-'Blacktail': Got target confirmations, can't promise any more with the background we're rolled up in here.
[02.03.2023 15:14:16] XA-Phantom.0: I would recommend the Commander's initiatives take priority in any further deployment.
[02.03.2023 15:14:24] XA-Phantom.0: This was a needless risk to personnel and assets.
[02.03.2023 15:14:31] XA-Phantom.0: Roanoke, confirm safe departure.
[02.03.2023 15:14:41] FRS-Roanoke: E: Safe and sound.
[02.03.2023 15:14:53] Unto.Nightfall|S8: This operation will be discussed with the Commander.
[02.03.2023 15:15:13] XA-White.Sands: This will be one confusing report to write...
[02.03.2023 15:15:15] XA-Phantom.0: I do not endorse politics, only strategic sense.
[02.03.2023 15:15:28] XA-Phantom.0: And the Commander's saw us prevail in containing Alberta.
[02.03.2023 15:16:39] FRS-Roanoke: E: I have so many questions.
[02.03.2023 15:17:00] FRS-Roanoke: E: Why was an infected Valor in there, a gallic warship?
[02.03.2023 15:17:23] Unto.Nightfall|S8: The Ki'shar is a known infected vessel. Extremely dangerous.
[02.03.2023 15:17:43] FRS-Roanoke: E: And what about the Core warship?
[02.03.2023 15:17:46] XA-White.Sands: At least everyone except our actual target made it out alright.
[02.03.2023 15:18:08] Unto.Nightfall|S8: The Eidolon Wraith is one of the Technocracy's primary capital assets.
[02.03.2023 15:18:25] FRS-Roanoke: E: Ah, the Technofreaks and infected ships. Makes sense.
[02.03.2023 15:18:30] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Indeed.
[02.03.2023 15:18:47] Unto.Nightfall|S8: It seems they are no longer afraid of showing their allegiance off in public.
[02.03.2023 15:19:11] FRS-Roanoke: E: So... Boss was right.
[02.03.2023 15:19:23] XA-Phantom.0: The Commander has seldom been wrong strategically.
[02.03.2023 15:19:39] FRS-Roanoke: E: No need to brush his ego, he ain't here.
[02.03.2023 15:19:49] XA-White.Sands: It's not entirely clear what the Auxesians' intent towards the lost liner was.
[02.03.2023 15:19:52] XA-Phantom.0: Not an accolade, fact.
[02.03.2023 15:19:55] XA-White.Sands: I'll have to review the logs in full.
[02.03.2023 15:20:04] XA-Phantom.0: Technocrat intent is clear.
[02.03.2023 15:20:13] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Anything you can parse from your logs will be of great interest to us, White Sands.
[02.03.2023 15:20:21] XA-Phantom.0: Perpetuate agitprop, or subvert allied assets.
[02.03.2023 15:20:42] FRS-Roanoke: E: Just murder those assholes.
[02.03.2023 15:20:43] XA-White.Sands: I will forward my report to you.
[02.03.2023 15:20:50] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Very good.
[02.03.2023 15:21:07] XA-Phantom.0: Offensive action against Technocrat vessels is not only authorized but encouraged.
[02.03.2023 15:21:16] XA-Phantom.0: But the instant engagement was not containable.
[02.03.2023 15:21:39] FRS-Roanoke: E: Yeah, no point of commiting suicide.
[02.03.2023 15:21:41] Unto.Nightfall|S8: We will advise Overwatch to deploy assets to Kepler and the surrounding region.
[02.03.2023 15:22:06] Unto.Nightfall|S8: It is likely that the Auxesians will be able to recover valuable data from the Sekhet Aaru's remains.
[02.03.2023 15:22:12] XA-Phantom.0: Overwatch attitude not favorable to proper containment.
[02.03.2023 15:22:18] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Perhaps a joint operation will succeed in recovering such data.
[02.03.2023 15:22:22] XA-Phantom.0: The Commander petitioned their equipment in blockading Inverness.
[02.03.2023 15:22:34] XA-Phantom.0: They acknowledged his request. No further.
[02.03.2023 15:23:01] FRS-Roanoke: E: Well, perhaps your local friendly agents will have more luck.
[02.03.2023 15:23:09] XA-White.Sands: Blockades are virtually never worth the expenditure in resources.
[02.03.2023 15:23:32] XA-Phantom.0: Persistent blockading crippled Legion effectiveness and strike distance.
[02.03.2023 15:23:36] FRS-Roanoke: E: Depends on the circumstances.
[02.03.2023 15:24:32] XA-Phantom.0: Denial of support from foreign corporation, designator ALG and various external interests ensured an unstable Insurgency.
[02.03.2023 15:24:51] XA-Phantom.0: And an unstable Insurgency proved unable to mount proper resistance.
[02.03.2023 15:25:06] FRS-Roanoke: E: Luckily, we don't have to worry about Inverness. There are plenty of tin soldiers in Coronado to clean it instead.
[02.03.2023 15:25:13] XA-White.Sands: Well, the Insurgency didn't really have a sustainable economy to begin with. But that's another story.
[02.03.2023 15:25:31] XA-Phantom.0: Coronado is a viable equalizer.
[02.03.2023 15:25:46] FRS-Roanoke: E: I never heard about a profitable navy. Soldiers are always a money sink.
[02.03.2023 15:26:13] XA-White.Sands: Which will become a problem if you're trying to run a nation that's really just a military.
[02.03.2023 15:26:39] XA-Phantom.0: Topic merits no further conversation.
[02.03.2023 15:27:09] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Phantom 0, I would request that Phantom Wing redoubles its patrols of Kepler.
[02.03.2023 15:27:21] XA-Phantom.0: Unable.
[02.03.2023 15:27:30] XA-Phantom.0: Wing is deployed at capacity.
[02.03.2023 15:27:55] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Then I will petition the Commander to deploy additional units to assist you with your assignment.
[02.03.2023 15:28:08] FRS-Roanoke: E: Oh, if it isn't Nathan himself. Good morning sunshine.
[02.03.2023 15:28:09] XA-Phantom.0: Further untenable due to external committments.
[02.03.2023 15:28:30] XA-Phantom.0: The Commander has partitioned forces to theatres of interest to the LFR.
[02.03.2023 15:28:41] XA-Phantom.0: Reallocation would compromise those interests.
[02.03.2023 15:28:58] FRS-Roanoke: E: They have been trying to save an Order vessel.
[02.03.2023 15:29:09] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Unsuccessfully.
[02.03.2023 15:29:17] FRS-Roanoke: E: They had to scuttle it because of the Technocrats and infected vessel nearby.
[02.03.2023 15:29:21] XA-Phantom.0: Sanitation directive was executed successfully.
[02.03.2023 15:29:37] XA-Phantom.0: Ironic, previously cited waste processing coroporation..
[02.03.2023 15:29:48] XA-White.Sands: It's the best we could make of the situation, I suppose.
[02.03.2023 15:29:53] XA-White.Sands: Being what it was.
[02.03.2023 15:29:55] Unto.Nightfall|S8: So it would seem.
[02.03.2023 15:30:03] XA-Nathan.Stillwater: I see.
[02.03.2023 15:30:21] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Section 8 appreciates the Alliance's assistance in the matter.
[02.03.2023 15:30:25] XA-White.Sands: Alright, I've reached my office. I have some writing to do.
[02.03.2023 15:30:49] 2023-03-02 15:30:49 SMT Traffic control alert: XA-White.Sands has requested to dock
[02.03.2023 15:30:53] XA-White.Sands: Take care.
[02.03.2023 15:30:59] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Likewise.
~ Stracke
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 05-02-2023
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Adjutant J. Royce
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: AAR-1/830
After Action Report.
Recent skirmish in the Texas Penitentiary System. I had been monitoring the engagement through comm-link with the Commander, so I'll go ahead and document this for posterity.
Liberty Navy Squadron:
1st|Lewis.Williams - Avenger class superiority fighter - SHOT DOWN
1st|Aurelius Howard - Defender class superiority fighter - SHOT DOWN
1st|Sunrider - Sunrider class strike fighter - SHOT DOWN
1st|Raptor-1-PC - Vulture class fighter/bomber - SHOT DOWN
1st|Raptor-94 - Patriot class interceptor - SHOT DOWN
Xeno Alliance Patrol Unit:
XA-Kelly.With - Prosecutor class superiority fighter - RETURNED
XA-Cobra - Rebel class superiority fighter - RETURNED
REPORT: Engagement commenced in the vicinity of the New York gate. Navy squadron jumped through with intent to engage friendly patrol unit. Freelancer research vessel operating under the codename "Wedge" likely informed the Navy squadron of the patrol unit's presence in the system but this finding is inconclusive. Commander issued the order to engage once more than two vessels were on scene and the other fighters quickly jumped through and joined in. Cobra had been their primary target during the opening minutes of the fight, before the squadron shifted focus to With for the remainder. Her Prosecutor suffered significant damage and returned to an affiliated hangar on Fontana post-engagement. The Avenger was shot down first, having suffered lengthy bursts of particle cannon fire. The Defender went down second, on account of a mine dropper malfunction that tore the ship open. The Sunrider was shot down third, once again by particle cannon blasts. The Vulture and Patriot were shot down in similar fashion. The Commander has formally issued Volunteer With.. with the Warrior, and Indomitable award. Volunteer With, please report to my office to receive ribbons for the same.
Battle result: VICTORY
"Fear the White Star."
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Virginia Belle - 05-11-2023
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Captain Virginia Belle
Recipient: Commander "Cobra"
Subject: Status Report
Repairs to the Roanoke's shield generator have been completed as you wanted, Bossman. In the short term, it will work; but in the medium term, we'll need to get real replacement parts somewhere or preferably a completely new and shiny shield generator. For now, we've used civilian shield emitters to replace the burned out military ones, but even those will have a short lifespan thanks to the wattage we're pumpin' through.
The Roanoke is fully operational (within reason), but we all know she's long gone from being a regular warship. I've brought this up to LFR officials who looked at me like I was an idiot, but in the end, my ship passed inspection for now.
Nice battle report, by the way. You really stole their lunch money badly.
-Captain Virginia Belle
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Goliath - 05-16-2023
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Transmission Type: Data Transfer
☠ Signal source: undefined_relay
☠ Opening video feed... [ERROR: DEVICE NOT FOUND]
Sender: Knight "Taipan"
Subject: ? ?
. . .data.transfer.initialized. . .set.proxy.IP: . .securing.connection. . .
. . .assign.transfer.priority:<HIGH>. . .
. . .registering.password.key:"FTWS1sdaSduB". . .
. . .file.formatting:<TEXT>. . .
. . .{cmd}>add.prompt.//if_correct:"Access granted, welcome user <BLANK>"
. . .set."<BLANK>".user(//example:"Taipan"). . .
. . .set.priority.users:<COBRA>. . .
. . .opening.file. . .
[The file contains a report of today's events, especially the incursion with Navy Forces and the LPI within the New York System. Most of the writing is done with little cohesion, yet it gets its point across with several audio recordings of the hostiles' last words, followed by a quick edit to include the explosion of their ships in the background. Intentional static was added for dramatic effect. The writing becomes more erratic as it describes the presence of a blue, otherworldly entity looming over New York. Overall the Xenos have won the day with minimal casualties, among them the new rookie, "Bevan Harrison".]
[An extra file has been attached under all recordings, likely unrelated yet still present.]
[17.05.2023 05:37:14] Death: 1st|Raptor-111-PC was put out of action by XA-Diadem (Mine). [17.05.2023 05:59:10] Death: 1st|Nutcracker was put out of action by XA-Taipan (Mine). [Otherworldly noises as the entity's body implodes upon itself.]
[17.05.2023 06:05:52] Death: Vagrant.Polyphemus was put out of action by XA-Diadem (Gun). [17.05.2023 06:17:33] Death: 1st|LNS-Augusta was put out of action by Red.Snake (Gun). [17.05.2023 05:47:50] Death: 5th|Nazawo.Ayato suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine). (Diadem) [17.05.2023 05:24:50] Death: LP-Evan.Stone was put out of action by XA-Taipan (Gun).[/align]
![[Image: ttGKXsz.png]](
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Old Abe Crawholme - 06-17-2023
Ol’ Abe here with another chapter of my spoke-book.
[Rustling of clothing; unknown objects]
[A loud thud, followed by a clink]
“A’right. Ah’ve got my whiskey, Ah’ve got my thread, an’ Ah’ve got my needle.”
[An unceremonious belch]
“Ah started my day off runnin’ the old stomping grounds, Coloradey. Silverton, Copperton – Durango – the works.”
[Unclinking of a bottle]
“I mosied my way down to Gunnison to pay my respects and found myself with three of them Free Republicans – that Snakey fella, a battlecruiser an’ some fella going by the sobriquet of Phantom.”
[Pouring of liquid; grunting]
“While we made our way on the trail to Ouray, that Snakey fella inquired as to my character, an’ the lady in the fancy battlecruiser started jawing about some kinda bad jerky. I’ll admit I may have chosen to arm a mine at this point – Big Jones always told me never t’ answer questions from a man with an unknown constitution.”
“Then all of a sudden, they started talkin’ ‘bout bras. And vanity. Th’ captain with a weak stomach is a bit of a Denver spitfire, but I’m fairly sure she called me a pretty boy. Much obliged.”
[Slow, rhythmic stitching]
“While I was ‘bout to evangelize the synthetics – I prefer the synthetic corduroys m’self – a bunch of Federales showed up fer a scrap. Unfortunately, the lady of the Roanoke sure ain’t lady luck, and I got dusted after Phantom, then Snakey.”
“Tha’s all fer now. Time t’ get jingled.”
[17.06.2023 17:31:35] XA-Cobra: The new old guy.
[17.06.2023 17:31:44] XA-Old.Abe: What?
[17.06.2023 17:31:57] XA-Cobra: You know your enlistment application said you were from a lifeless solar body.
[17.06.2023 17:32:03] XA-Cobra: How's that work?
[17.06.2023 17:32:17] XA-Old.Abe: What, do you younguns really not have the constitution fer dome living?
[17.06.2023 17:32:29] XA-Old.Abe: Ye live in caves.
[17.06.2023 17:32:35] FRS-Roanoke: E: Ugh, I'm so stuffed.
[17.06.2023 17:32:44] XA-Phantom.67: What?
[17.06.2023 17:32:47] XA-Cobra: Went from living on one big and blue rock, to living in rocks.
[17.06.2023 17:32:56] XA-Cobra: So no, I've not lived in an unmarked hab dome.
[17.06.2023 17:33:13] FRS-Roanoke: E: You poked my XO when I was having a dinner.
[17.06.2023 17:33:45] XA-Phantom.67: Must be nice.
[17.06.2023 17:34:18] FRS-Roanoke: E: I had an actual meat roll. Not bad.
[17.06.2023 17:34:42] FRS-Roanoke: E: But now I don't wanna move from my chair.
[17.06.2023 17:35:04] XA-Old.Abe: Are you lot really them Free Republicans?
[17.06.2023 17:35:15] XA-Old.Abe: Somehow I imagined ye to be more, ah...
[17.06.2023 17:35:18] XA-Cobra: I am, can't speak for the other one.
[17.06.2023 17:35:20] XA-Old.Abe: 'Sturdy'.
[17.06.2023 17:36:38] XA-Cobra: Don't be so quick to judge though.
[17.06.2023 17:36:45] XA-Old.Abe: I ain't.
[17.06.2023 17:36:56] XA-Old.Abe: I just wasn't expectin a meat roll to be the enemy of the day.
[17.06.2023 17:37:10] XA-Cobra: Yeah, well, warship captains are vain like that.
[17.06.2023 17:37:17] FRS-Roanoke: E: It can kill you, tho.
[17.06.2023 17:37:27] XA-Old.Abe: I'll take yer word for it.
[17.06.2023 17:37:34] XA-Cobra: Only if you get greedy and try to swallow more than you can handle.
[17.06.2023 17:37:43] XA-Cobra: At which point, that says more about you than the food.
[17.06.2023 17:38:01] FRS-Roanoke: E: That'd be a really stupid way to go.
[17.06.2023 17:38:08] Tedison.Rent: 'Evening.
[17.06.2023 17:38:22] FRS-Roanoke: E: Hey.
[17.06.2023 17:38:37] XA-Cobra: Hail.
[17.06.2023 17:38:51] Tedison.Rent: That has to be the biggest vessel with that Identification I have ever seen.
[17.06.2023 17:39:08] XA-Cobra: A sign of the times.
[17.06.2023 17:39:15] Tedison.Rent: It would appear so.
[17.06.2023 17:40:16] FRS-Roanoke: E: Also, I'm not vain.
[17.06.2023 17:40:23] XA-Cobra: You sound the part sometimes.
[17.06.2023 17:40:28] FRS-Roanoke: E: Oh, the Overwatch.
[17.06.2023 17:40:34] XA-Old.Abe: The what now?
[17.06.2023 17:40:40] XA-Cobra: A spook.
[17.06.2023 17:40:41] Order|Ramses.: Aguillar: The Order bids you well.
[17.06.2023 17:40:44] XA-Old.Abe: I think the captain has food poisinin'.
[17.06.2023 17:41:04] FRS-Roanoke: E: Can't be. I cooked it myself.
[17.06.2023 17:41:42] FRS-Roanoke: E: The Order taking tradelanes? Now THAT'S lazy.
[17.06.2023 17:42:04] XA-Cobra: So, Abe.
[17.06.2023 17:42:14] XA-Cobra: Any combat experience to speak of?
[17.06.2023 17:42:23] XA-Old.Abe: Well, there was this one time...
[17.06.2023 17:42:35] XA-Old.Abe: But we don't speak ill of the maimed.
[17.06.2023 17:42:53] XA-Old.Abe: Or the horribly disfigured.
[17.06.2023 17:42:59] XA-Cobra: Why not?
[17.06.2023 17:43:08] XA-Old.Abe: 's impolite.
[17.06.2023 17:43:19] FRS-Roanoke: E: Who cares?
[17.06.2023 17:43:37] XA-Old.Abe: No table manners, no people manners...
[17.06.2023 17:43:40] XA-Old.Abe: You really are vain.
[17.06.2023 17:43:58] XA-Cobra: He's got you there, Captain.
[17.06.2023 17:44:35] FRS-Roanoke: E: No one complained so far.
[17.06.2023 17:44:59] XA-Old.Abe: Yea, well, the airlock might have some'n to do with that.
[17.06.2023 17:45:19] XA-Cobra: The mine or their inability to speak out?
[17.06.2023 17:45:38] XA-Old.Abe: Both, I s'pose.
[17.06.2023 17:45:43] FRS-Roanoke: E: Hey, my crew loves me.
[17.06.2023 17:45:53] XA-Old.Abe: An' I love payin' taxes.
[17.06.2023 17:46:04] XA-Old.Abe: Makes me feel all warm an' cuddly.
[17.06.2023 17:46:14] FRS-Roanoke: E: I doubt I ever paid taxes.
[17.06.2023 17:47:28] FRS-Roanoke: E: Contact.
[17.06.2023 17:47:36] XA-Cobra: Overlord-class.
[17.06.2023 17:47:44] XA-Old.Abe: Federales?
[17.06.2023 17:47:45] FRS-Roanoke: E: Too fat for us.
[17.06.2023 17:47:58] XA-Cobra: So engage from a distance.
[17.06.2023 17:48:36] FRS-Roanoke: E: I ain't going to dodge battleship guns if I don't have to.
[17.06.2023 17:48:53] XA-Old.Abe: Vain.
[17.06.2023 17:49:35] FRS-Roanoke: E: Whatever.
[17.06.2023 17:49:41] FRS-Roanoke: E: I don't care.
[17.06.2023 17:49:47] XA-Old.Abe: See?
[17.06.2023 17:49:56] XA-Cobra: Some real mean girl from college vibes, Captain.
[17.06.2023 17:50:07] XA-Cobra: All you need is the push-up bra stuffed full of fabric to go with it.
[17.06.2023 17:50:26] XA-Old.Abe: Or one of 'em fancy battlecruisers.
[17.06.2023 17:50:35] XA-Cobra: About as fitting, yes.
[17.06.2023 17:50:50] FRS-Roanoke: E: Large bras are impractical.
[17.06.2023 17:51:05] XA-Cobra: I'm not getting into this debate.
[17.06.2023 17:51:17] XA-Phantom,1: Right. Wonderful conversation to have. I'll get back to patrol.
[17.06.2023 17:51:22] FRS-Roanoke: E: Then shut up.
[17.06.2023 17:51:24] XA-Old.Abe: I will. I prefer a synthetic one m'self.
[17.06.2023 17:51:29] FRS-Roanoke: E: Another contact.
[17.06.2023 17:52:28] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Lot of Xenos around lately.
[17.06.2023 17:52:29] Tedison.Rent: Might wanna be careful 'round there, Navy.
[17.06.2023 17:52:36] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: It'll be fine.
[17.06.2023 17:52:41] FRS-Roanoke: E: We're always many.
[17.06.2023 17:52:43] Tedison.Rent: If you say so!
[17.06.2023 17:53:03] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Guess I'm not the only quiet one.
[17.06.2023 17:53:09] XA-Cobra: Correct.
[17.06.2023 17:53:23] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Alpha-33, let's get ready.
[17.06.2023 17:53:31] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: More of them than us, we'll need to be careful.
[17.06.2023 17:53:31] 46th|Alpha-33: I'm always ready, Sir.
[17.06.2023 17:53:36] XA-Old.Abe: should i get in on this?
[17.06.2023 17:53:38] XA-Old.Abe: or leave 2v2?
[17.06.2023 17:53:44] XA-Phantom,1: :|
[17.06.2023 17:53:45] XA-Cobra: 2v2 would be stacked against us hard
[17.06.2023 17:53:47] XA-Cobra: so get in on it
[17.06.2023 17:53:49] XA-Old.Abe: kk
[17.06.2023 17:53:54] XA-Cobra: All ships, spin up weapons.
[17.06.2023 17:53:57] XA-Old.Abe: Ah'm ready for a dust-up.
[17.06.2023 17:53:58] XA-Phantom,1: You got it.
[17.06.2023 17:54:00] 46th|Mahina.Kamealoha.: Alright, power up your weapons. Focus one target down.
[17.06.2023 17:54:06] 46th|Alpha-33: Roger that.
[17.06.2023 17:54:06] XA-Cobra: Standard.
[17.06.2023 17:54:12] XA-Old.Abe: Let's start this scrap!
[17.06.2023 17:54:20] FRS-Roanoke: E: Gunners, blast anything that's get too close.
[17.06.2023 17:54:23] XA-Phantom,1: Targets marked. Fangs out.
[17.06.2023 17:54:28] XA-Cobra has set 46th|Alpha-33 as group target.
[17.06.2023 17:56:29] XA-Black.Rock: Holy shit what's going on here?
[17.06.2023 17:57:08] XA-Cobra: 2 more
[17.06.2023 17:57:10] 46th|Alpha-23: Hostiles in scanner range, moving in to assist.
[17.06.2023 17:57:12] XA-Black.Rock: Hold on boys.
[17.06.2023 17:57:14] XA-Black.Rock: Turrets are live.
[17.06.2023 17:57:16] 46th|Alpha-44: 44 here, assisting our flyboys.
[17.06.2023 17:57:19] XA-Cobra has set 46th|Alpha-33 as group target.
[17.06.2023 17:57:26] 46th|Alpha-23: Weapons are ready, I see my target.
[17.06.2023 17:57:29] FRS-Roanoke: E: Two more hostiles incoming.
[17.06.2023 17:57:30] 46th|Alpha-23: Moving in to engage.
[17.06.2023 17:57:30] 46th|Alpha-44: Engaging! Weapons hot!
[17.06.2023 17:57:37] Tedison.Rent: A transport? You really utilize everything!
Thinkin’ On It: I’m wonderin’ what kinda bra the snakey fella uses. Snakeskin?
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Karst - 10-13-2023
To Ramsey Engineering;
Milk here. I'm bringing the Retribution in for her scheduled maintenance, and I'm also looking into upgrade options.
As I'm sure you'll recall, the Sky Lance Defiant-classes are normally equipped with has always been absent from ours. Something of a disadvantage we've always had to live with, but with Ramsey's capabilities quickly expanding, we might now be able to do something about without relying on the kindness of organizations with greater heavy weapons know-how.
I'm not really an expert by any means, but I've been looking into the options and believe an "Annihilator"-type rocket launcher might be a good fit for Retribution. Is that something you could manufacture within a reasonable timeframe?
Also, there's a strange wobbling the ship experiences at around 322-328 cruise. I don't know what's going on there, but I'd like a thorough engine check, too.
Keep up the good work,
~ Stracke
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 10-13-2023
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Re: Ramsey Engingeering
I've requested Ramsey's representative to sit down and talk this over, Stracke.
He'll be available in a day's time, currently on Gore, presumably hazing greenhorns in the militia. This will require a renegotiation of our current production allocation at the workshop. Since our previous understanding was that we would be producing snubcraft with one of the assembly lines, and converting captured or otherwise "procured" gunboats using the drydock. I don't much fancy telling our engineers on the current assembly line to retool everything, because that would be absurd, so I'll have to haggle for another.
I realize I could just seek a temporary arrangement but that feels shortsighted. Odds are we'll need consistent gunboat production down the road if we're going to wage any kind of war in earnest. So consider your requisition approved pending negotiation.
"Liberty or death."
☠ Transmission signal lost.