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Rheinland Military Message Dump - yurineova - 11-12-2007

Miles Cadre:

W00t! Congrats Dieter! Look at him; He's flying through the ranks! He'll be an Admiral in no time!:D

As for Jack, He has betrayed Rheinland, and nothing he does or says will change that. His ship will become a part of the Kanzler's collection of scrap metal from previous enemies to his reign.

Long live Der Kanzler!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - mjolnir - 11-13-2007

Lance Corporal Walter Krupinski

Mid-Patrol report

Many pirates in Rheinland today, as I write this report the ground crews are just about to find some bigger hammers to fix the bulges in the armour of my Wrath, so that it can be ready for second part of the patrol.

After scaring off some minor pirates I came across a Corsair pilot who was on his way from Hamburg jump gate to Dortmund station. He was quickly dealt with.
[Image: Fahr.jpg]

Immediately after his death I proceeded at best speed to the Dresden system where my long range sensors detected a strange activity. As I arrived to Leipzig I found a Corsair pilot chasing an Outcast group. The Corsair fled to Omega 15 after detecting my ship, so I followed the last Outcast to Vogtland where he called for help from his three companions and docked.

I decided not to run, but to fight them. The Outcast that I chased undocked again, but vent back to dock after he received considerable ammount of damage from my guns. I was now under heavy fire from 3 Outcast ships not to mention the Hessian patrols around the base. Against all odds I managed to destroy one of the Outcast ships.
[Image: Yatzn.jpg]

Then I began to have strange visions of his ghost undocking and attacking me together with a ghost of the outcast that docked two times already. I concentrated my mind and those ghost went away. Soon after I managed to focus my mind in this way I dealt a deadly blow to yet another outcast ship.
[Image: korki1.jpg]

The last of them felt shortly after.
[Image: azb1.jpg]

I headed for New Berlin to make the necessary repairs on my fighter, but the ground crews only managed to glue on my countermeasure dropper when I heard a distress call on long range communication. A trader in Munich was under pirate attack.
I jumped to my damaged Wrath and took off, to find PFC Krieger in orbit. Together we proceeded to Munich where we eliminated the pirate. Strangely it looked like he had the same ID as the corsair I killed just a short time ago, must have been some kind of hallucination again.

I need to come back on duty now. I will however visit the military doctor after todays watch, I hope he can prescribe me some pills to help with concentration and stop those strange visions. My combat skill appear however unaffected and I feel ready for duty.

Krupinski out

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Turkish - 11-14-2007

Incident Report
Filed: 11/13/07
Private First class. Wolfagang Luth.

Contact was made with now dishonoured Jack Archer in orbit over New Berlin, he initiated comms with me in the attemp to entice me into following. I responded and delayed him long enough to get a positive tracking lock on him, pursuit was made into Hamburg system.

During my pursuit Jack alternated course several times in the hope of leading me astray, I pursued diligently. Despite his many course alterations our course eventually lead us to some remote asteroid field in Hamburg system. He refused to reveal why he had led me there until I powered down my weapons sytems, I refused and again initiated pursuit. As he attempted to flee his cruise engines failed, no doubt to poor maintenance and over stress, this was my opportunity.

Final contact was made in the form of a dog fight, Jack evaded well and landed several key shots that damaged my navigational recording aparatus, which is the reason my resulting scans are of poorer quality than usual. Whether a result of his reluctance to fire on a former comrade or as a result of the company he has been keeping jack made a fatal error and clipped a larger spacial body, giving me my kill shot.

I didn't hesitate, I opened fire, my Debilitaor cannons tore through his shields leaving his hull open for my ONYX to destroy him. It was incredibly fast, so much so as to make it surreal.

I could not confirm his death or not as several more hostile contacts were in bound, my personal feelings are that if he survived the explosion he will die of starvation in the waste of the field.

Private First Class. Wolfgang Luth.

[Image: rmjackarcherwolfganglutom3.jpg]
Visual flight recorder data.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Qunitinius~Verginix - 11-14-2007

This is Captain Topf!

Congratulations Wolfgang! you have done us a great service. This Heretic has been purged from our nation, and will never again threaten our pilots with blasphemous thoughts. Stand by your faith and you guns, for the Chancellor will guide us to eternal glory and salvation.

Ein Volk, Ein Kanzler, Ein Rheinland!

Axel Topf.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Unit-sk855 - 11-16-2007

\\Transmission Inbound\\

From: Katharina Guntram
To: Rheinland Command
Subject: Nov 16th action report.

\\Message playback\\

I... *Katharina coughs once to clear her throat*............. Earlier today, on the 16th of November, I and other members of the Rheinland Military were... patrolling our space when we came across a few ships of note. The first encounter was with a Chase Malone. It was known at the time that he has been a past smuggler of the drug cardimine. We moved to intercept, and in the process it was determined that he again was hauling the narcotic. He docked at Kruezberg and sold his cargo before we could confiscate and destroy. He did however halt after the fact, and cooperate and pay a fine of 8 million credits. 4 for past offenses, and 4 for this new one.

He was then instructed that a repeat offense no fine opportunity would be given.

The.... The.... Im sorry.... *sniffles loudly then continues* The next situation was with a ship designated.. SU Yanagi Temptress.. A behemoth flagged for the slavers union.. We moved to intercept, and attempted to get the vessel to halt. He refused... Repeatedly.

I was trying to convince the pilot to stop... to cooperate... To let us help him.. He refused. He did say that if he were to comply, that his employer would kill him, so it was best if he ran from us even though we would destroy his ship. I tried to tell him that we could help him, but he....

After refusing to halt again, he was intercepted and cruise disrupted. Unfortunately, there was ... an...... *muffled sniffles can be heard for a moment again* .... There was an accident.. One of our ships missfired its weapon groups. The behemoths hull was cracked, and the ships engines went critical....

We were able to salvage its cargo mostly..

After that, another slavers union ship came onto scanners. The utopia. It was also ordered to halt, and to report for scans and questioning. The response was the same, to refuse and flee the system... A solar storm occurred, and the ship was lost as of my submitting this.. We will resume tracking once the storm has passed..

Guntram... Guntram out.

\\Playback End\\

\\End of Transmission\\

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Gamazson - 11-16-2007


SEND TO: Corporal Kathrina Guntram

SOURCE: Unknown


Well it seems I have offended you Mrs. Katharina Guntram. Breaking Rhienland / Liberty borders to come hunt me in my own home, Texas. I must say that I am flattered, but what do your superiors think? I do not doubt those SA / LSF pilots will report your presence in their space. Still regardless of the 'official' trouble you have gotten yourself in, having balls like that on figure like yours is dangerous. Tread Carefully Mrs. Guntram. You have gotten my attention.

-Seth Driskill


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Razr - 11-17-2007

Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Gunther Rall

To: Rheinland Military High Command

transmission begins.....

Today as I started patrol Corporal Katharina Guntram confided a mishap to me while she was in command. Not long before Slaver's Union vessels had been caught on scans, I left things in her hands thinking everything would be fine. Obviously I was wrong, it seems that she thought with her heart and not her head while in the line of duty.

From what I hear, after one of the vessels was shot down reports came in that a little girl had been aboard and died. This upset Guntram quite a bit, but when I confronted her about it I asked her if they had any proof, which she admitted there was none. I conclude the story about the girl was a lie to lure our Corporal. We've had many hardships lately. I believe this is another test of our might, but well thought out I admit.

Guntram ended up chasing one of the Slaver's Union vessels all the way into Liberty territory, with Krieger hot on her tail, I have no idea if Krieger went past Bering. It seems this was their goal all along, Katharina also still seems a bit shaken up and is recovering on New Berlin.

As I said before this is merely a plot to distract us, punishing her would only accentuate their point. We must stand close and trust one another as we have many times before and show these smugglers they're like anyone else who has been crushed by the might of Rheinland.

I believe our Corporal has suffered enough as is, although it was foolish of her to act with emotion other than wit, she has proven to be an asset to this military and proven her worth. I know something like this doesn't happen often in our military, but I believe Corporal Katharina Guntram should be given a second chance, or we can simply play into the hands of our adversaries and be the ignorant beings bent to the will of their ill-gotten gains.

Something to think about,

Lieutenant Commander Gunther Rall

Transmission ends.......

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Unit-sk855 - 11-17-2007

\\Transmission Inbound\\
To: Rheinland Command
From: Katharina Guntram
Subject: Nov 16, After thoughts.

\\Playback begins\\

Katharina Guntram, Amending initial report..

The report the Lieutenant Commander left is correct. I speak not in my defense, but in my... My admittance. I fell terrible about the accident earlier. There... There had to of been... No.. Thats not important now.. That incident had me distraught already. Shortly after that, a different slavers union ship sent me a private commune to inform me that because of the "failure" of the slaver we shot down, the pilots sister was murdered by his "boss". I was able to get a name of this boss, as a Seth Driskill. This was done in the process of my... Miss placed actions and feelings while i was focused on the girls death, rather than my duties..

The only proof that i have of this, was the initial pilot of the yanagi's unwillingness to comply. He.. he kept saying that he couldn't comply, and that it wouldn't work. Now i know why. He must have been worrying about this sister.... At least.. It seems that way. Also, the other slaver that i acquired the bosses name from added to this Seth Driskill's ruthless story. He told me that if he gave up this bosses location, that the boss would "do things worth than death" and worse than what "Richard's sister" got, to the slaver i was after.

I personally went as far as New York to confront these... i don't have the words.... They.....

I stopped with Kreigers help, and that of the SA and LSF. I explained the situation to them, and apologized for intruding on their space. Upon leaving, there seemed to be an understanding, and trust of no ill intent either way.

Other.... other than my intent towards those slaver ships... I have also managed to retrieve some communication logs of important details. If those are needed, i will submit them.

Nothing like this has happened to me before... not when i could do something about it. I.. I listened to the wrong part of me to fulfill my duty, and instead went on a personal crusade to ease the burden i now have. I... I understand my mistakes. Now i know how real this universe is.. My past... My past was blurred.. it didn't seem to be there.. But... now...

I'll spare the memories..

I acted with poor judgment... No, i acted with no judgment. I tried to dispense judgment instead. That is not my job unless it is part of my duty.

It wont happen again. I now know what to expect when i pull a trigger, or... or give an order while left in charge. If its alright, i would like to resume my patrols at my normal time.

I however accept any and all retribution... I knew before hand what i could have caused, i forgot while i was acting, and i realized again afterwards..

That is all i have to add.

Again, this is not in my defense, but in my admittance.

Katharina Guntram. Reporting out.

\\End of Playback\\

\\End of Transmission\\

Rheinland Military Message Dump - caylith - 11-17-2007

Message to: Corporal Katrina Guntram
Comm ID: Admiral Hiltraud

I see you're recovering from your little 'excursion' into Liberty space. While you're recuperating, mull over the fact that you will not travel outside of Rheinland territory. Ever. Under no circumstances will you venture outside of your jurisdiction. Remember that because this is your first and only warning.

----message ends----

Message to: Lance Corporal Wolfgang Luth
Comm ID: Admiral Hiltraud

News of the destruction of scum's ship was heartening. I have not, however, heard of any recovery of his body. Is he or is he not dead? We will not cease our hunt of the traitorous bastard until every single piece of his body hangs from the steel plated walls of the Westphalia.

----message ends----

*The Rheinland officer, dressed with a lighter version of the Black Legion armor. The figure had a rather imposing looking mask, jutting out with a beak, hooked and cruel. He had a thick belt, made of what appeared to be snake-skin, wrapped around his waist*

It'ssss all yourssss, Admiral... *The masked voice hissed, backing away from the computer terminal, where the command-line from the comm-hack sat, blinking. The only insignia of the masked man was a pyramid emblazioned with the eagle of rheinland, a single reptilian eye over it, unblinking*

//Run Tracing Command//

//Scan All Active Ports//


//Active Port Detected//

//Run Command "Decryption"//


//Decryption Succsesful//

//Receiving Data - Transmission Detected//


//Opening Message//

Message to: Seth Driskill
Comm ID: Admiral Hiltraud Kaiser, Rheinland Military

Funny how you thought our intelligience officers couldn't trace your message. I believe you're biting off a bit more than you can chew, smuggler. Your threats are empty. I suggest you take them elsewhere.

Admiral Kaiser

//Transmission Terminated//

Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 11-17-2007

Sender: Obergefreiter Hans Krieger
Destination: Admiral Hiltraud


Ma'am, I'm sending you this because I've heard that there are certain blank spots in yesterday's report when it concerns my part in the incident. I owe you so much as to give you nothing but exactly every information I have. I rather admit my guilt while informing you than leave you without knowledge of such an important matter. I kept quiet until now because I didn't want to report before my superiors did. Now that the Lt. Cmdr. and the Corporal already gave their testimony, let me add my account to that

After the events that triggered the incident, me and Gefreiter Fuhrmann went to Dresden after one trader that refused to stop for inspection at New Berlin. After we instructed him as how to behave in Rheinland I contacted Corporal Guntram requesting permission to cease pursuit of the trader and return to New Berlin. She seemed quite distressed and said she needed to take a break, she cut communications with us and at that time I was under the impression she had landed her craft.

As me and Fuhrmann approached Planet New Berlin I checked in with the long range sensor stations and, much to my dismay, noticed Corporal Guntram's ship signature already at Bering. I contacted her and asked what was happening, but something in her voice seemed distant and vague as if she was barely paying attention to me. I asked her to return, but that wasn't working. I was still in New Berlin with Fuhrmann when she entered the Texas system. My reading at that moment was that I wouldn't be able to talk her out of it unless I went all the way to Liberty to escort her back myself. I then instructed Fuhrmann to maintain position while I went after Corporal Guntram. As I moved out I asked Fuhrmann to contact any Liberty officials and request permission for me to enter their space, but there wasn't any to be found at that moment.

I've gone all the way to the Bering->Texas jumpgate and then stopped. I tried once again to contact Corporal Guntram to no avail. I then picked up one SA pilot through long range scanners. Even though I was eager to find Corporal Guntram and was already picking up her signal from the New York system, I kept my position outside of Texas while I waited for the SA's pilot response. As he replied I asked him permission to enter Liberty and tried the best I could to explain the situation. He then granted me permission and only then I did cross the jumpgate. He instructed me to meet him at planet Huston and so I did. Even though I was attacked by the local pirates as I entered the system, my weapons systems were dead mute. I proceeded to Planet Huston as instructed and waited, always keeping track of Corporal Guntram's ship signal. As an LSF pilot approached I requested again permission to proceed through Liberty. With both pilot's permission I proceeded through Texas as far as the jumpgate to New York, after crossing it I met Corporal Guntram. A slaver ship crossed the jumpgate back to Texas, and she followed suit. I went after her. At the other side I found both Liberty officers, Corporal Guntram and the slaver ship.

Another slaver ship then entered the area, the SubmissiveMistress. The way I saw it, it was the captain of that ship the one responsible for the Corporal's distress as I witnessed his taunts towards her, but he kept at verbal challenges as the Liberty officials were present. As I realized Corporal Guntram's focus was solely her quarrel with the slaver I did my best to explain and apologize to the officials in Liberty while I tried to calm her down and have her agree to come back to Rheinland with me. After a few minutes she agreed to leave Liberty and we returned together to Rheinland space. I kept the Liberty authorities informed of our position and our status as we left their territory. As we started the jump gate sequence I apologized once again to the officers present at Texas.

My ship's computer has the whole incident recorded and if you need a copy of those files I'll send it to you with haste. My going to Liberty after Corporal Guntram wasn't by any means her request. I did it on my own account of what I understood to be the best action to prevent anything worse from happening. I do understand, however, that was an infraction on my part and I stand ready to receive any punishment the admiralty sees fit.

I present here the registered accounts of my interaction with the Liberty officers. I threaded through their territory with the utmost respect for their authority and I sincerely hope their interpretation of the incident was precisely as such:

[Image: screen112_476209.jpg] [Image: screen113_476210.jpg] [Image: screen114_476211.jpg] [Image: screen115_476212.jpg]

[Image: screen116_476213.jpg] [Image: screen118_476236.jpg] [Image: screen120_476237.jpg] [Image: screen121_476238.jpg]