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Liberty Police, Inc. Applications Office - Printable Version

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RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Nick Harrison - 07-15-2015

Name: Nick Harrison
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Weight: 140lbs
Previous Jobs: Private Security
Qualifications: Hand to Hand Combat,Small Arms,Search and Rescue training,Tactical Entry and Tactical Deployments
Brief Biography: Born on Planet Manhattan New York System Attended the University Of New York
Graduated with a Degree in Law Enforcement and opened a private Security company that provided
VIP and Politicians and for large events, He Has no family left, His Family was killed during the War in 812 AS.
Reasons for Joining: I Would like to be able to provide safety for all the citizens of Liberty and to server for my Nation,
I have always been interested in becoming a Liberty Police officer since i was in High School! I am always willing to
stand up for those in need!
5-KYP3 protocol (Skype): Airace3

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Maskage - 07-16-2015

[Image: 2x_Doxd_S.png]

Cole Augustus, your application to the Liberty Police, Inc. is hereby ACCEPTED

Proceed to the Police plaza in Illinois for orientation.

You are hereby granted the rank of Recruit Officer and access to either the Liberator light fighter or Executioner Heavy Fighter.

For truth, Justice, and Liberty.

[Image: Q7i_JQg1.png]

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Brad Bowman - 08-06-2015

Brad Bowman
245 lbs
Mining, Transporting, Protecting (unofficially of course) fellow Libertonians' vessels from the many denizens that fly our airspace!
Qualified in Mining Ore, Gas, Piloting Light/Heavy/V.Heavy Fighters, Bombers, Gunboats, Freighters, and Transports.
Born and raised on Denver in Colorado. Attended school there and then got my pilot's credentials. For the past 7 years, I have been employed by IMG and GMG; performing as a Miner, Transporter and Escort services. I also am a sub-contractor for mining Premium Scrap for Tinkers Haven. For fun I like to hire on as a bouncer at some bars to "knock a few heads".
Protect Liberty Police, Liberty space, and all of our civilians from the increased occurrences of the drug smugglers, bandits, thieves and pirates.
[*]5-KYP3 protocol (Skype): bradley.e.bowman

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Maskage - 08-07-2015

[Image: 2x_Doxd_S.png]

Brad Bowman, your application is hereby ACCEPTED

You are granted the rank of Recruit Officer and access to a Liberator or Executioner fighter

Report to Ft. Bush for active duty. Welcome to the Liberty Police, Inc.

[Image: Q7i_JQg1.png]

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Neonzumi - 08-09-2015

  • Name: Jax Rogers
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 26
  • Height: 1.91m
  • Weight: 88kg
  • Previous Jobs: Transporter, Escort Pilot, Mercenary
  • Qualifications: I was a Mercenary what is there more to say? I'v done the police job more often then the Liberty police itself. No offense.
  • Brief Biography: This.
  • Reasons for Joining: To be able to do what I usually do with even more efficiency.
  • 5-KYP3 protocol (Skype): pericagangster

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Maskage - 08-10-2015

[Image: 2x_Doxd_S.png]

Jax Rogers, I have had the pleasure to fly along side you in some pretty bad situations in recent weeks. We need more pilots like you. Your application is hereby ACCEPTED

You are granted the rank of Recruit Officer and access to a Liberator or Executioner fighter

Report to Ft. Bush for active duty. Welcome to the Liberty Police, Inc.

[Image: Q7i_JQg1.png]

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Guap-Man - 08-10-2015

Name: Sarah Banks
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Height: 4'8
Weight: 112lbs
Previous Jobs: N/A
Qualifications: CAP flyable.
Brief Biography: was born on planet manhattan, father worked in the Liberty Police for quite a while but sadly passed away in battle against the rheinland military, always grew up wanting to fight them. grew up wanting to fight against the enemys, have had a hard life.
as a teenager, went through the Police cadets, and thats where i got the attention that i wanted to fly for the Police forces. and make the father proud.

5-KYP3 protocol (Skype): Already have.

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Maskage - 08-10-2015

[Image: 2x_Doxd_S.png]

Sarah Banks, your application is hereby ACCEPTED

You are granted the rank of Recruit Officer and access to a Liberator or Executioner fighter

Report to Ft. Bush for active duty. Welcome to the Liberty Police, Inc.

[Image: Q7i_JQg1.png]

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - JamesBrown - 11-12-2015

* Name: James Brown
* Age: 22
* Height: 5' 8"
* Weight: 130 lbs
* Previous Jobs: Student at Columbia University.
* Qualifications: Basic fighter training at Manhattan University, Basic bomber training from Columbia University.
* Brief Biography: James Brown, Born in planet Manhattan 800 A.S. New York system. my father owns one of the big trading companies in New York but we have some incidents, some pirates stolen our warehouses few times so my father wants me to become a police officer to protect our business from criminals.
* Reasons for Joining: To protect family business from pirates and protect Liberty from criminals.
* Skype: facebook:maadi__boi

RE: LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Error - 11-12-2015

Sender: Deputy Chief Colin Sinclair, on behalf of Liberty Police, Inc.
Location: Fort Bush, New York
Subject: Application, Mr. Brown

After returning to his Fort Bush office after some time stationed out on the Red Deer II in Alberta, Deputy Sinclair notes that something's not quite right about the state of the mess on his desk. He's reasonably sure that this feeling is in no way related to the slightly greenish tinge on the stuff that seems to be thriving in the cup of Sunbucks he forgot on his desk before he left, and concludes that it's probably the pile of unfinished paperwork that's about to collapse in on itself that's the main issue.

"Hmh. We can work with this."

In the process of grabbing the first thing he can find to work on, Colin ends up with a mug of hot and slightly less green Sunbucks and a folder titled "Pending Applications, 11.11" in his office chair, and kicks back for some light reading.

Alright. Greetings, Mr. Brown; your application has been processed, and I'll be accepting you to the force as a Recruit Officer on the recommendation of Lieutenant Harrison. You'll hopefully have 5-KYP3 contact requests for our private channel waiting in your Neural Net comms inboxes by the time you're done reading this. You may find the necessary equipment loadout lists, regulation sheets, law documents and a copy of the field manual waiting for you at your desk.

Welcome to Liberty's finest, Recruit!


- Colin Sinclair, Deputy Chief of the Liberty Police, Inc.