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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Neonzumi - 06-21-2015

[Image: t9bhci.jpg]


I managed to crawl out of bed today to do some work! I escorted Captain Matt of the OSI-Algarve who was running some supplies for Nichols. Issac Nemo escorted the two of us out of the system before heading off to do some paperwork. Me and Captain Matt had quite a nice chat while doing this, he seems like a pretty nice guy. We talked about various stuff, including his encouter with a "squid". We ran into OSI-Mechanicus too after returning from the second run, damn the captain of that ship is just asking for trouble from me.


-Escort 2.

Anyway i escorted a total of around 9900 Units of Deuterium and 9900 Units of Industrial Hardware. Andrew Frost out to bed.

[Image: 4g5afa.jpg]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Neonzumi - 06-22-2015

[Image: t9bhci.jpg]


Escorted a small OSI Convoy today, along with the head of Security. The two transport pilots were Captain Issac and Captain Matt. Hauled some supplies for the current builds on Nichols. Had the usual chatter along the way. Also, what is this i hear? We maybe going squid fishing, since we are running out of remains for the builds. That would be most fun.


-Escort 3.

Safely escorted a total of 19840 Units of Deuterium and 29760 Units of Industrial Hardware, along with a small batch of 800 High Performance Alloys. Frost out.

[Image: 4g5afa.jpg]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Omicron Supply Industries - 06-24-2015

[Image: glra.png]


Vessels OSI-Sovereign, and OSI-Aquila, your flight status has been revoked until such time that you contact the board of directors regarding these two transmissions Should you fail to contact the board within 24 hours your return to full flight status will come into question.

[Image: qDFBbvU.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Neonzumi - 06-24-2015

[Image: t9bhci.jpg]


Escorted that stoner Henry of the Mechanicus. You really need to stop putting me with that guy, he pisses me off too much.


-Escort 4.

Anyway 5000 units of Deuterium and the same amount of High Performance Alloy was escorted by me. Andrew signing off.

[Image: 4g5afa.jpg]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stoner_Steve - 06-25-2015

[Image: RRvg2De.png]

Afternoon Gang,

Earlier this afternoon myself and the OSI-Mechanicus went on a joint trade run to Freeport 11. Leaving the trade center we had about 9,900 units of Deuterium. After arriving on Freeport 11 we traded the Deuterium for a load of Iridium and undocked again. I also managed to get a nice shot of our station on the way by.

Isaac Nemo
Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stoner_Steve - 06-25-2015

[Image: RRvg2De.png]

Afternoon Gang,

After getting approval from the Gas Miners Guild for a Garanchou Freighter I traveled to the Honshu System to visit Aomori Station.

While on the station I signed the final contract and transferred the necessary funds to complete the purchase. From there I traveled to Freeport 15 to have the vessel outfitted. After I traveled back to Nichols. I'll be around for the next few days catching up on some paperwork before returning to the Omicrons.

Isaac Nemo
Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Omicron Supply Industries - 06-29-2015

[Image: glra.png]

Attention Current Employees,

Bonus payments for the month of June have been calculated in the amount of 584,610,400 credits.

Payment distribution is as follows
Mr. Nemo (Captain_Nemo) - 272,654,330
Mr. Brown (Shubi) - 207,246,410
Mr. Smithson (Techpriest) - 58,534,000
Mr. Tunicle (Tunicle) - 30,800,060
Mr. Frost (SwagBunny) - 2,016,000 + escort bonus payment of 13,359,600 - 15,375,600

Please send your account information to our S.K.Y.P.3 communicator for payment distribution.

[Image: qDFBbvU.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sylvie557 - 07-19-2015

[Image: tJhFF23.png]


Was stopped by two ladies sporting the IFF of the Golden Chrysanthemums in New Tokyo earlier today. Knowing that the organization has a reputation of piracy and various acts of terrorism I tried my best to play it cool. To my surprise they actually seemed quite reasonable and let me go with a condition. They told me to bring 10000 units of Superconductors to a battleship of theirs currently residing in Okinawa. I know that can be a very sensitive route but if I am stopped in Kusari I can just claim I am bringing the superconductors to Planet Muira... it should be a fairly simple route all things considered. As an added benefit they promised that any OSI vessel travelling through Kusari will not be harassed by their group for the next two months.
ID Scan One
ID Scan Two
Communications Log
[19.07.2015 11:53:30] ~*~Ran.Takahashi: Konnichiwa~
[19.07.2015 11:53:42] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki:Um... Howdy, how is it going?
[19.07.2015 11:53:49] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2: Nishi: *grins* Hold up outlander. *smiles without teeth*
[19.07.2015 11:54:12] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: Sure, anything I can do for you?
[19.07.2015 11:54:42] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2: *nods affably* Yeah, you can. You can tell me where you're taking that cookin' gas you're haulin'
[19.07.2015 11:55:24] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: Well was gonna bring it down to Bretonia, they need quite a lot of the stuff these days
[19.07.2015 11:55:40] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2: *is suddenly suspicious* Uh-huh...
[19.07.2015 11:56:08] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  *conversationally to Ran* ...So, since when did the Zoners start consorting with the Bretonians?
[19.07.2015 11:56:32] ~*~Ran.Takahashi: All I've heard is that they keep to themselves.. out in wherever.
[19.07.2015 11:56:37] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: I wouldn't say consorting really...
[19.07.2015 11:57:02] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2: Nishi: *Squints* Uh-huh. So what would you call it?
[19.07.2015 11:57:29] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  ...Helium Three is a fusion catalyst - you can make all sortsa' stuff out of that, reactors, bombs... you name it.
[19.07.2015 11:57:40] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: I was on my way back down to Gran Canaria in Omega-49 and I sometimes help GMG
[19.07.2015 11:57:56] OSI-Loki's.Pride: with their shipments if I am on this side of Sirius
[19.07.2015 11:58:09] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  *grins, thinking back over the last fourty eight hours* Uh-huh, and you work for who, exactly@?
[19.07.2015 11:58:17] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  -exactly?-
[19.07.2015 11:58:49] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: OSI
[19.07.2015 11:58:54] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  Ma' apologies my man, but it's not like you're IFF codes are all that renowned up here, y'know, in the core systems.
[19.07.2015 12:00:58] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2: *on an open channel* Uh-huh, yeah, you're story checks out - say, brother - who mined you that helium three?
[19.07.2015 12:01:24] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  ...I don't suppose it just materialised in your cargo bay, pre-packed and compressed, huh?
[19.07.2015 12:01:40] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: The Gas Miner's Guild I would assume, bought it on Shuri Base.
[19.07.2015 12:02:53] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2: *on an open channel* uh-huh. Do you have any documentation
[19.07.2015 12:03:06] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  ...for your purchase, Pride?
[19.07.2015 12:03:25] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  ...Photographic evidence would do swell. *grins*
[19.07.2015 12:03:56] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: Honestly no, never had need to provide proof of purchase before so didn't think to get any
[19.07.2015 12:04:10] ~*~Ran.Takahashi: How about something that would prove you're truly heading to Bretonia?
[19.07.2015 12:05:00] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: Umm, not sure how to prove it till after the fact unless you wanted to follow me or something...
[19.07.2015 12:06:41] ~*~Ran.Takahashi: Now then..
[19.07.2015 12:06:58] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  *grins*
[19.07.2015 12:07:07] ~*~Ran.Takahashi: If we ever find out that you're lying.. in any way here.
[19.07.2015 12:07:09] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  *to Ran* ah' don't like his credentials, sis.
[19.07.2015 12:07:35] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  ...*nonecommitally* Yesterday Munen and mah'self stopped another zoner with a cloaking device.
[19.07.2015 12:07:37] ~*~Ran.Takahashi: *secure* There's no way to confirm that he's not actually being truthfull.
[19.07.2015 12:07:58] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  ...some sort of diffactor shield - completely invisible to EM.
[19.07.2015 12:09:01] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  *to the Zoner* so, Zoner - why come through here specifically?
[19.07.2015 12:09:26] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  ...Why infiltrate house space if your destination lies in the edge worlds?
[19.07.2015 12:10:11] [FL]-Drayman-001: to all ships, hostile ships located near Honshu jump gate, recommend alternate route
[19.07.2015 12:10:22] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: Just cause prefer to live outside of house space doesn't mean we don't mind using it as a shortcut
[19.07.2015 12:10:39] ~*~Ran.Takahashi: Alright Zoner, here's something we will offer.
[19.07.2015 12:10:46] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: I actually fly through house space quite a bit
[19.07.2015 12:10:53] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: I am listening
[19.07.2015 12:10:56] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2: Nishi: *grins* to all Kusari collaborating A-hats in the system, ignore public broadcast scammers, kay'?
[19.07.2015 12:11:34] ~*~Ran.Takahashi: We will let you go, but only if you prove that you truly don't mean any ill will to us, or good will to our enemies.
[19.07.2015 12:11:49] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  *nods* Fact is Zoner, we can't prove if your story is true, or false.
[19.07.2015 12:11:59] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  ...There's no evidence in your favour, or out of it.
[19.07.2015 12:12:32] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: How can I help ease your concerns?  Anything you perhaps need shipped to one of your stations?
[19.07.2015 12:12:44] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  *smiles*
[19.07.2015 12:13:22] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  Ten thousand units of superconductors delivered to a certain Crysanthenum occupied battleship...
[19.07.2015 12:13:56] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: What coordinates can this Battleship be found?
[19.07.2015 12:14:13] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  ...and OSI gains a certain, ah, freedom of liscence to operate in Kusari for the next two months.
[19.07.2015 12:14:50] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  Wiring coordinates*
[19.07.2015 12:15:57] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: Ok got it, how can I get ahold of you all when it is done?
[19.07.2015 12:16:36] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  *grins* Just send a message addressed to "A certain Sister"
[19.07.2015 12:17:02] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  ...With proof of the delivery, and OSI will hear no more from us for the next eight weeks.
[19.07.2015 12:17:08] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  You have our vow, Zoner. *grins*
[19.07.2015 12:17:23] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Ok, I will try to get the shipments done soon.  I guess that is all?  
[19.07.2015 12:17:45] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2: *Nods* confirmed. Enjoy yourself, Zoner.
[19.07.2015 12:17:54] ~*~Ran.Takahashi: Sayonara, Zoner!
[19.07.2015 12:18:04] OSI-Loki's.Pride: Loki: It's been a pleasure, safe flights
[19.07.2015 12:18:07] ~*~Nishi.A.Darche2:  Safe travels and I sincerely hope your cargo reaches its intended port of call. *grins*

[Image: yWAIM6U.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Omicron Supply Industries - 07-19-2015

[Image: glra.png]

Mr. Valmir

The board has agreed that you should fulfill the contract for the Golden Chrysanthemums.

Don't get caught

[Image: qDFBbvU.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stoner_Steve - 07-24-2015

[Image: RRvg2De.png]

*To All OSI- Personnel*

We've got a contract with the Liberty Navy for 60,000 units of Iridium from Freeport 11. The Iridium is to be taken to Long Island Station, in Orbit of Planet Manhattan, in the New York System.

For those employees who wish to take on this contract, make sure to take flight logs (//screen shots) of the deliveries to the station. Report them on this channel and a bonus of 3 million credits per completed run will be applied.

Isaac Nemo
Omicron Supply Industries

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]