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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Ursus - 11-26-2012

Your name: Festus Hagen

Where the money is going: BHG|Festus

Kills: 2 indy pirates and 1 gallic junker pirate

Circumstances: Yesterday I got some complaints about a guy named Agetneor pirating around Kepler so I went to investigate and tracked him to Ames. An LNS showed up and ordered him to leave the area, as per the Bethlehem Treaty. The pirate refused to comply so I engaged and killed him. Since the LNS ordered him to evacuate, its your bounty.

  • [Image: th_Agetneor-ID-0.png] [Image: th_Agetneor-Ames-0.png] [Image: th_Agetneor-Kill-0.png]

Circumstances: Earlier today I was chasing some bad guys areound NY, and had my sights on an Outcast near Norfolk. I moved to engage when an unknown indy pirate named Lightning.Mcqueen showed up and started shooting at my gunship for no reason. About that time, an LSF bomber and another freelance hunter showed up, so the pirate didnt really get to enjoy the fruits of his effort.

  • [Image: th_LightningMcqueen-ID-0.png] [Image: th_LightningMcqueen-kill-0.png]

Circumstances: Later today, still chasing some bad guys, I switched to a bomber for a Scylla that ran to Pennsylvania, when I was shot out of the lane by a Gallic Junker pirate named Donson. Boy was he surprised!

  • [Image: th_GJ-Donsan-ID-0.png] [Image: th_GJ-Donsan-kill-0.png]

Payment owed: I believe this is simply 1.5m for 3 unaligned pirates, for 4.5m total

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Ursus - 11-27-2012

Your name: Festus Hagen

Where the money is going: BHG|Festus

Kills: 1 rogue bomber

Circumstances: I heard a call on the emergency channel about bombers over Manhattan so I went looking. All I found was the one CFH Richard Price fellow near the lane to Bush, and an ID scan showed he didnt have any armor. I thought he might just be passing the area so I decided to talk him up while he ran off, but instead he started talking about getting some money from me and took a shot at me. So we tussled for a couple of seconds instead. I dont know if he was trying to stall for backup or what, but pretty dumb to stay and pick a fight with a bottlenose when you dont even have armor.

  • [Image: th_CFH-RichardPrice-ID-1.png] [Image: th_CFH-RichardPrice-kill-1.png] [Image: th_CFH-RichardPrice-chat-1.png]
Payment owed: 1 rogue, 1.5m

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Ursus - 12-01-2012

Your name: Festus Hagen

Where the money is going: BHG|Festus

Kills: 2 outcast bombers

Circumstances: I heard about a pair of Outcast bombers named ~Maverick~ and A.Lot.Like.FozBuoy causing trouble around Liberty so I went looking for them. I met an LSF bomber pilot named Pain.Bringer who told me that he had already shot them down in New York but they were still pirating in the area. After a few minutes of looking I found them over Planet Erie harrassing some of the young pilots, so I intercepted and commenced to shooting. The first one went down pretty quick, the other ran and tried to use Philly Station for cover, but didnt last too much longer, in fact the station defenses got the kill shot on him.

  • [Image: th_ALotLikeFozBueoy-ID-0.png] [Image: th_ALotLikeFozBueoy-Kill-0.png]
    [Image: th_Maverick-ID-0.png] [Image: th_Maverick-Kill-0.png]
Payment owed: 2 outcast bombers: 1.5m x2; 3m total

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Flash™ - 12-02-2012

Your name: Ronny " Flash " Johnson

Where is the money going: Ronny."Flash".Johnson

Kills: 2 OC Falcatas

Circumstances: Caught them at a lane, had to take care of that, dont want to see civilians get hurt or pirated

Falcata1 ID Pop
Falcata2 ID Pop

Payment Owed: 3.000.000

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Lonely Werewolf - 12-05-2012

Your name: Drake Hansen

Where the money is going: Jango.Fett

Kills: 1 Rogue Bomber

Circumstances: Got word of some Rogues causing trouble in Alberta. Went to check it out and popped one of em.


Payment owed: 1,500,000

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - kikatsu - 12-07-2012

Your name: Toledo Diaz

Where the money is going: BHG|Toledo.Diaz

Kills: Black.Greed, Rogue Werewolf

Circumstances: After failing to find targets in the California system I moved to New York. I encountered a Rogue Werewolf, Black.Greed, near West Point. A fight started, and he fled out to Bering before he was finally destroyed


Payment owed: 1,500,000

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Flash™ - 12-07-2012

Your name: Ronny " Flash " Johnson

Where is the money going: Ronny."Flash".Johnson

Rogue Werewolf
Rogue Gunboat
Rogue Transport
Lane Hacker Transport

Circumstances: The Rogue Werewolf I found by Alcatraz when I was going from Texas, and the transports were found in California and Cortez.

Werewolf: ID Pop
Rogue GB: ID Pop
Rogue Transport: ID Pop Cargo
Lane Hacker Transport: ID Pop

Payment Owed: 8.000.000

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - monmarfori - 12-08-2012

Your name: Steven Howard

Where the money is going: Steven_Howard

Kills: XA-Python, a Xeno Waran

Circumstances: Easy target. Blew by a Nova.


Payment owed: 1,500,000 + 500,000 = 2,000,000 credits

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Flash™ - 12-08-2012

Your name: Ronny " Flash " Johnson

Where is the money going: Ronny."Flash".Johnson

Rogue Destroyer

Circumstances: Found him by Manhattan and had help from a good friend Kai Dressel.

Rogue Destroyer ID Pop

Payment Owed: 5.500.000

RE: LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Flash™ - 12-08-2012

Your Name: Ronny " Flash " Johnson

Where is the money going: Ronny."Flash".Johnson

Rogue Destroyer
Rogue Bomber

Circumstances: They were caught killed Navy Battleship and alot helped and I got these 2.

Rogue Destroyer ID Pop
Rogue Bomber ID Pop

Payment Owed: 7.000.000