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Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 11-20-2007

Sender: Lance Corporal Hans Krieger
Destination: Rheinland Military command offices


While on patrol today, me and Gefreiter Fuhrmann were informed by long range sensor stations that a Liberty vessel with LSF signature was identified in Rheinland space, more precisely in the Hamburg system. We went to investigate.

[Image: screen10_483734.jpg]

As we entered the system we demanded that the vessel explained it's presence in Rheinland space and reported to Planet Hamburg for inspection. The captain of the vessel claimed to be a trading in Rheinland. As ordered by command he was ordered to leave Rheinland space. He tried to intimidate us stating that he was an Admiral in the LSF, but that was promptly dismissed by us stating we didn't recognize such authority from an uninvited Liberty admiral in Rheinland space.

[Image: screen11_483735.jpg] [Image: screen12_483736.jpg] [Image: screen13_483737.jpg]
[Image: screen14_483738.jpg]

He made another attempt of pulling ranks on us, but gave up and proceeded to the trade lanes.

[Image: screen15_483739.jpg]

As we were escorting him out of Rheinland he suddenly disengaged the trade lane sequence and engaged his cruise engines back to Planet Hamburg. Gefreiter Fuhrmann followed suit as I took the TLs back to the planet to intercept. I once again opened frequencies and ordered him to explain his actions. He then started with such an absurd account that I feel unable to reproduce or explain it, so I'll just copy the registries as they figure in my ship's logs.

[Image: screen16_483740.jpg] [Image: screen17_483741.jpg] [Image: screen19_483742.jpg]
[Image: screen22_483743.jpg] [Image: screen24_483838.jpg] [Image: screen26_483839.jpg]

By that time, Hauptgefreiter Krupinski had joined us in pursuit, but as we all converged to the escaping vessel it suddenly disappeared from our sights.

[Image: screen28_483840.jpg]

This left us startled as the ship completely vanished from both our short and long range sensors.

Liberty must be secretly working on some sort of cloaking device or some strange new weapon or reactor able to completely consume a ship that size in a matter of instants.

As such I advise we act with extreme prejudice in future such encounters.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Virus - 11-20-2007

Transmission to: Hans Krieger
Comm. ID: Command Officer Friedman

Most disturbing, pilot. Your report has been forwarded to the highest authorities.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Turkish - 11-20-2007

[Begin communication]

Transmission to: Krieger, Hans
Comm. ID: Luth, Wolfgang

Most interesting comrade, claiming to be a Kusari Admiral while clearly an LSF operative? That is pure lunacy.
I am still laughing to myself over the poor quality of his guise, good work comrade, good work.

[End communication]

Rheinland Military Message Dump - tfmachad - 11-21-2007

Sender: Lance Corporal Krieger, Hans
Destination: All RM personnel
Subject: Jack Archer destroyed


We were on a flight wing of four Wraths led by Korvettenkapitan Rall. We had dual contacts, a junker that had been fighting Gefreiter Fuhrmann for a prolonged time and an Outcast destroyer that had just entered New Berlin from Sigma-13. Vizeadmiral Freelamen's help was requested and as he arrived to aid me and Guntram in the battle against the destroyer. Korvettenkapitan Rall then moved to assist Gefreiter Fuhrmann in the fight against the Junker. After destroying the outcast and dealing with the persistent Junker (who ended up fleeing) our long range stations personnel informed us that the traitor Jack Archer had been spotted in Dresden. The Vizeadmiral deployed us to intercept.

As we entered Dresden the commander of the Schwerin reported sighting him. We proceeded to the battleship in Omega-15 and waited. As we entered the system we heard Archer's chatter in open frequencies. From what we heard it seems he is already very comfortable amongst the scum. We sat still within range of the Schwerin while we overheard the frequencies and tried to get a lock on his position. It seems the distance from the military life has got him sloppy since we were there for almost two minutes and he seemed to have not noticed us until the Vizeadmiral broke radio silence. A few seconds later, Jack Archer and the Junker who had earlier fled from New Berlin showed up on our sensors.

Under the Vizeadmiral's inspiring leadership, me, Hauptgefreiter Guntram, Obergefreiter Luth and Gefreiter Soporiv moved into battle. Not only the enthusiasm and courage of our pilots was motivating, but also their preciseness and ferocity. Within seconds Jack had his shields down and was already taking hull damage, he then tried to evade us to no avail, then engaged his cruise engines. Our fighter disrupted him, I was lucky to score three Razor hits directly to his hull. He was running out of nanobots fast. He tried to escape another two times, two times disrupted. We then converged to him and his ship was blown to pieces.

[Image: screen33_485854.jpg]

I had the honour of scoring the decisive hit, but it would be unfair not to praise all that have engaged for the sheer swiftness of the battle. I must also thank the Vizeadmiral for his leadership that led us to this victory. I'm honored to fly amongst such fine pilots.

Fur den Kanzler! Fur Rheinland!


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Razr - 11-21-2007

Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Gunther Rall
To: Rheinland Military High Command

Begin transmission..........

Today was a bit too eventful for my taste, it seems mercenaries have stepped up to the plate to collect that bounty on our very own Katharina Guntram. As I was about to begin patrol I saw everything was clear, so I left Guntram in the hands of Silth Fuhrmann.

After my coffee I began to remotely fly my Wrath from head quarters back to New Berlin. I sent transmissions to both Guntram and Fuhrmann, and became worried when I received no reply. I undocked to find a mercenary gunboat trying to take out Guntram, luckily I had refitted my bomber and was ready to test her.

The contact was "CareTaker" after a few supernova shots to his hull and shield, Elyots appeared and helped Katharina keep the gunboat's shield off for the continual nova runs. It didn't take long for the gunboat to realize his mistake as he already was trying to cruise, but it was far too late. The chase ended with his loss of a valuable piece of machinery.

Just as I was off to dump the report off, a Unioner attacked I was forced to turn around and engage. As it was a four on one he was getting pounded pretty hard, but I was continually distracted by a junker by the name of Van. After the Unioner ran for his life we went back to secure the planet.

Now I have reason to believe the junker Van is taking orders from the Slavers Union as he attacked one of our loan bombers (Silth Fuhrmann) while Katharina, Elyots and myself engaged an outcast destroyer at the sigma-13 jump hole. Fuhrmann reported that he was taking heavy damages, I reluctantly called in bomber support in the form of Vice Admiral Freelamen.

When the Vice Admiral arrived on the scene I pulled to Fuhrmann's location once there I ordered him to retreat while I engaged the junker. After putting a few holes in his hull the vice admiral showed up. He seemed to be having even less luck on the bomber that had come to back me up and jumped to Dresden.

Due to all the attacks and suspicions I propose that all mercenaries be denied access in to Rheinland ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS. I also propose that all junkers be labeled kill on sight.

Lieutenant Commander Gunther Rall out.

Transmission ends.....

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Turkish - 11-21-2007

Incident Report
Filed: 11/20/07
Lance Corporal. Wolfagang Luth.

While in stationary orbit over planet New Berlin contact was made over open comms with target Sgt_Dice. He was attempting to 'tax' a local trader, both myself and Korvettenkapitan Rall engaged cruise engines to investigate the scene. Upon arrival target had disappeared off sensors most curiously. Unpon return flight to New Berlin contact was again made. Combat was initiated by "Gunther" before I joined the fray.

A two on one dog fight ensued, I performed to the best of my abilities to disable the targets shields and maintian that state. For the better part of the combat Sgt_Dice kept his lock on the Lieutenant Commander, though approximately three quarters of the way through he began targeting myself. I succesfully landed a hit with my mini razor, taking the targets hull down to one third of of its original state, forcing him to waste many of his nano bots.

With sensors indicating an on coming ion storm that would render sensors useless I began to push myself to eliminate the target with due haste. As a result I began taking more hits, though nothing too devastating.

With all nano bots and shield batteries depleted target charged me with full engine burn and full forward weapons fire, his shields were promptly removed by our weapons fire and a final shot from my mini razor ended this conflict just moments before the storm hit.

Suggest KoS for the malice shown by this target, as well as his stupiditiy for attempting to pirate within our halowed borders while we were present, pure arrogance.

Target Details:
Name: Sgt_Dice
Ship Class: VHF
Ship: Raven's Talon
Tag: Junker
/ID: Corsair

[Image: sgtdicedeadrw3.jpg]
Primary sensor readings indicating the death of subject Sgt_Dice.

//End report

Lance Corporal. Wolfgang Luth.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 11-21-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to The Rheinland Military
CommID: Vice Admiral Meric Freelamen

To all, I'd advise you to watch a recent news report from Chancellor Reinhardt. Consider his words an order and follow them. I'm forwarding the channel now.

Freelamen out

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Unit-sk855 - 11-21-2007

\\Incoming Transmission\\
To: Rheinland Command
From: Katharina Guntram
Subject: Imaging Logs
\\Body of Message\\

[Image: nexttq4.jpg]

\\Begin Message Playback\\

As.... As can be seen in.. the photograph, the mercenary attempted to collect the... rather large bounty that.. Well that I have acquired. He charged at me guns blazing without warning, unfortunately for him his guns hit more of my shields than my ship, and his surprise attack ended in his ships destruction...

I know this has been logged already, but I would like to add to it. I am on my toes, but if this is the likes that is hunting me, I am not worried.

We patrol in groups, and two of us or more can protect the others that are flying. I am just saddened that you all... have to protect me now... If... If I... no, its done.. I'm just glad its me thats targeted, and not one of my brothers and sisters within the military..

Kat out..

Oh,I.. I mean Guntram out.

\\End of Playback\\
\\End of Message\\

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 11-21-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to The Rheinland Military
CommID: Vice Admiral Meric Freelamen

Damn these blasted pirates! A count of 5 hostiles today in New Berlin. While on patrol with Lt. Commander Gunther Rall, an Outcast Dreadnought flew past the planet. I engage, and soon later to find out I was fighting alone. Rall's comm system malfunctioned and the Outcast was moving away from radars range, though I wouldn't let him go. With luck, Lance Corporal Wolfgang Luth came on call and proceeded to our location. And then more support came, a RepEx Security Gunboat under the comm signature "Eclipse" engaged the Dreadnought as well.

His shields were dropped and his hull brought down to a sliver from life, his attempts to run were unsuccessful and resulted in the destruction of his ship. But, our patrol doesn't end there. A 'Ghost' Hessian Fighter jumped out of the Tradelane infront of the Planet, I don't think he expected to have this much fire power on his tail as all forces fired. And then another RHA pilot joined in our little skirmish, but not without support of our own as PFC Furmann and Lt. Commander Rall came on to call. The RHA Bomber was destroyed after trying to take the Gunboat, doesn't seem the Hessians craft is up to speed with our own. And 'Ghost' fighter was removed soon afterwards.

Once we could of sworn all was clear, another 'Ghost' pilot came on to scanners. Though, a mistake on his part attempting a maneuver that he could not accomplish. He was removed from Rheinland space in an instance. And last but not least, a Freelancer identified pilot came in flying Corsair craft. After giving the order to fire, Rall finished off the last of that pathetic Titan.

My ship is damaged, I've docked on the Planet and my Bomber is currently undergoing repairs. Log files of the battle are being forwarded shortly. Excellent work Rheinland! Freelamen out.

Run Command "Download"
Download Target: Combat Log Files

[Image: Freelamen-Fusion.jpg]
[color=#FFFFFF][RHA]Nathan was killed by RepEx-Security|Eclipse
[color=#FFFFFF][Ghost]NightbladeCH was killed by [RM]Meric.Freelamen.
[Image: Freelamen-DanDare.jpg]
[color=#FFFFFF]Kasper.Chiggums was killed by [RM]-Gunther_Rall

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Razr - 11-22-2007

Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Gunther Rall
To: The Rheinland Military

begin transmission............

Today's patrol was left under my control by Vice Admiral Freelamen. Although it was quieter than yesterday's by very little, everything was a smashing success. While investigating with PFC Silth Fuhrmann and Lance Coporal Wolfgang, in Hamburg on a tip we received about the Slavers Union.

The investigation was cut short when Corporal Krupinski radioed me for assistance in New Berlin at the Hamburg gate. I arrived first with Fuhrmann and Wolfgang close behind, we engaged Rogue63 and DCKilla. Both pirates were flying Raven's Talons.

In the midst of the battle I noticed Dckilla had a particular interest in me, so I led him a distance from the others and we fought one on one. Now rogue63 was fighting Krupinski, Fuhrmann and Wolfgang, alone and it didn't take long for the nova on Fuhrmann's bomber to find it's mark. The pirate engaging me soon realized his mistake, but was hit with Fuhrmann's nova as well before his cruise engines ever activated.

After the encounter we were attacked a Dortmund Station by a Helgast gunboat I was told. I didn't even get to read his signature before Fuhrmann's novas once again claimed another kill. At this rate the Vice Admiral's record in a bomber may be in danger.

Lieutenant Commander Rall out!

Transmission ends......